Senior Aviation Officer
3 Wing Australian Air Force Cadets
Bid Pack – Pilot Experience Activities
Financial Year 2014/2015
Version 1.0
Compiled By:SQNLDR(AAFC) Bill Gleeson-Barker
Amended By: FLGOFF(AAFC) Bradley Hayward
Senior Aviation Officer 3 Wing
Lot 2 Rentell Street, TamworthRegionalAirport, Tamworth NSW 2340
3WG 75/17/Air Pt 2
Potential & Current Providers
Powered Pilot Experience activities
Glider Pilot Experience activities
For Info:
- Each Financial Year the Commonwealth, via the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC), provides funding for the conduct of instructional flights in both gliders and powered aircraft for cadets and staff of the AAFC by way of the Pilot Experience (P-EX) initiative. Commonwealth funding allows for each cadet and staff member to undertake a flight in either a powered aircraft or glider. Support and delivery of this program is provided by a number of localised service providers. The following “Bid Pack” has been created to provide current and potential service providers with the opportunity to submit a compliant proposal and quote for the provision of those aviation related services to Headquarters 3 Wing.
- By completing and submitting this Bid Pack, you can submit a bid, in such a way as to assist the AAFC and the RAAF to fulfil legislative requirements to ensure the appropriate governance of the expenditure of public funds, to provide the aviation training services in your area for the 2014/2015 financial year. The Bid Pack also allows you to tell the AAFC how you do business, allowing us to do business together effectively. Finally, the Bid Pack also allows the AAFC to ensure public funds are expended to receive the most value for money.
- Should your organisation be interested in participating in this Request for Quotation opportunity, please complete the Bid Pack attached at Annexes A to C and return by COB 05 July 14. Email return is required and the document is to be populated electronically in word (not hand written and scanned). Additionally, a copy will need to be faxed to capture signatures, ensuring the fax has a cover page displaying the club or business letterhead. The electronic copy should indicate “Original Signed” in those areas requiring signature. Once completed, the pack should be returned to the Administration Officer – Aviation HQ, 3 Wing AAFC, at the details below:
Flying Officer (AAFC) Bradley Hayward
Fax: 02 5701 5132
- Please note that tenderers who fail to provide the required information by the closing date may render their tender submission non-conforming, which may result in their submission being ineligible for further consideration for 2014/15 Financial Year.
- Headquarters 3 Wing AAFC’s principal objective in evaluating service providers for partnership in the P-EX initiative is to ensure best value for money, whilst maintaining our reputation as a provider of safe and professional aviation activities. In evaluating potential external service providers we will review the following areas:
- Safety Management;
- Provision of the required service, as specified below;
- Capability and compliance;
- Value for money; and
- Your organisational goals and ideals aligning with those of the AAFC.
- Should your organisation be successful in being selected as a service provider, you will be contacted and asked to complete further documentation on items such as, but not limited to, insurance, aircrew details, safety management, aircraft, facilities and operational history. This information will be collected in the Aviation Service Provider Information Form (ASPIF) and must be kept up to date at all times for activity approval purposes. An example of the ASPIF is attached. Any staff that will have contact with Cadets will also be required to comply with the Defence Child Protection Policy, which may involve submission to a police records check.
- The P-EX activities bring considerable value and benefit to the AAFC and our aims. Although the majority of benefit to our external providers is financial, I’m sure you will agree that introducing youth to aviation is exciting and proactive for the industry. I look forward to your response and hope that the AAFC/RAAF can forge a proactive partnership in the delivery of flying training to our youth.
Any questions on this package can be directed to me at the undersigned details.
Best regards
Bill Gleeson-Barker
Squadron Leader (AAFC)
Senior Aviation Officer
Mobile: 0408 443 009
- Quotation – Pilot Experience Flights
- Certificate of Compliance – Power
- Certificate of Compliance – Gliding
Annex A
Quotation – Pilot Experience Flights
1. Organisation / Business Details;
ABN (If applicable)
2. Owner / Director / President Details;
3. Alternative Point of Contact;
4. Your Quote is to include the provision of the following services;
a. 1 x Mass Group Briefing
b. 1 x Aeroplane pre-flight inspection with a QFI (can be done as a group);
c. 1 x Tarmac/Airfield safety briefing;
d. 1 x Individual passenger safety briefing to be conducted by the QFI;
e. 1 x P-EX Flight (TIF at the controls not an AIREXP, AIRFAM or joyflight, no aerobatics) must remain within the approved training area, note below criteria; and
f. 1 x Post flight quiz (can be done as a group).
Powered Flight: 30minduration, from start-up to shut down.
Gliding Flight:Aero-tow launchtoeither2000AGL, 2500AGL or 3000AGL, weather and time permitting.Launches to 2500AGL and 3000AGL are preferred.Winch launches are to whatever is achievable. (Winch quotes are to be priced competitively due to the low operating costs and potential flight time, even if market competition is notapplicable)
Note: Your quote is not to include GFA Membership, as this is covered under an agreement with the AAFC and GFA. SAO 3 Wing will liaise directly with gliding clubs with relation to GFA Membership.
5. Quotation Financial Year 14/15:
Business/Club NameQuotation Number
Powered Providers. (Pricing to include GST)
P-EX Flight Price / 30 Min P-EX Sortie (Wet rate) / 30 Min P-EX Sortie (Dry rate) / 60 Min Normal Sortie (Dry rate) / 60 Min Normal Sortie (Wet rate)$ / $ / $ / $
Note: 60 Min sorties can be provided for std flight training opportunities
Estimated amount 30 minute that could be conducted per day: ……………
Gliding Providers. (Pricing to include GST)
P-EX Flight Price / 2000AGL Launch / 2500AGL Launch / 3000AGL Launch$ / $ / $
Winch Launch
$ / $ / $
Estimated amount of 2000AGL launches that could be conducted per day ………
Estimated amount of 2500AGL launches that could be conducted per day ………
Estimated amount of 3000AGL launches that could be conducted per day ………
Estimated amount of winch launches that could be conducted per day ……...
Continued over…
6. Narrative: Please provide a brief narrative that addresses the evaluation criteria in Paragraph5 of Page 2.
Safety ManagementProvision of Required Services
Forwarded for and on behalf of ………………………………………………(Business /Club)
Signature: ……………………..………Date: ……………..…
Name: …………….…………………… Position: ………………………..
SAO Use Only
Endorsed by SAO: □ YES □ NO Date: ……………………..
Signature: ………………………….
Endorsed by AFLOOM: □ YES □ NO Date: ……………………..
Signature: ………………………….
Approved by DAFLO or AFLO: □ YES □ NO Date: ……………………..
Signature: ………………………….
Annex B
1. General Requirements: ……………………………………….(Business/Club)has a current Air Operators Certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority which allows the conduct of training operations with the proposed aircraft type and at the proposed locations.
2. Company SAR: ……………………………………….(Business/Club) maintain a system which monitors the departure time, route of flight and expected arrival time of aircraft conducting AAFC operations. This procedure is to allow emergency services to be alerted in the event of a missing or late aircraft.
3. Insurance Requirements: ……………………………………….(Business/Club)will maintain and supply evidence of insurance, including the following:
a. Aviation Liability Insurance subject to a minimum of AUD5,000,000 Third Party Liability/Passenger Legal Liability – Combined Single Limit;
b. name the Commonwealth of Australia its servants and officers as a joint insured;
d. include a waiver by the Insurer of all express or implied rights of subrogation in favour of the Commonwealth of Australia its servants and officers;
e. include a cross liability clause noting that each insured party shall be considered a separate entity and that the insurance shall apply as if a separate policy has been issued to each insured party;
f. include a clause that provides that non-disclosure, misrepresentation or breach of a conditional term of the insurance by any insured will not adversely affect the cover provided under the policy to another insurer.
g. The insurances required under this Section must be taken out with a reputable insurer with a security rating from ‘Standard &Poors’ of not less than ‘A’ and on terms consistent with prudent risk management practice.
4.Pilot Requirements: ……………………………………….(Business/Club) pilots hold a Flying Instructor Rating issued by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority and the following additional qualifications:
a. current Class 1 Aviation medical;
b. endorsement on aircraft type;
c. all pilots must conform to CAR 5.124 / 5.125 biennial flight review;
d. have undergone regular pilot proficiency training;
e. recent experience requirements are met;
f. 300 hours total time (Minimum Requirement);
g. 30 hours on aircraft type
5. Aircraft Requirements: Aircraft used for AAFC training operations should be aircraft with fewer than five seats capacity
6. Statement of Compliance: ……………………………………….(Business/Club)are in agreement and fully understand and will comply with all caveats referred to within this certificate. This compliance certificate supersedes other prior agreements, promises, representations, undertakings or implications (whether oral or in writing) in relation to the subject matter of this Certificate and any other agreements and documents. ……………………………………….(Business/Club)hereby comply with AAFC requirements.
Signature: …………………………………………Date: ……………………………………
Name: ……………………………………………… Position: ………………………………..
Annex C
1. General Requirements: ………………………………………………….. (Business/Club) conducting Gliding operations for or on behalf of the AAFC will ensure all aircrew are members of the Gliding Federation of Australia.
2. Company SAR: ……………………………………………………...(Business/Club) maintain a system which monitors the departure time, route of flight and expected arrival time of aircraft conducting AAFC operations. This procedure is to allow emergency services to be alerted in the event of a missing or late aircraft.
3. Insurance Requirements: All gliders used have appropriate levels of insurance to cover flying training, hull and third party liability
4. The insurances required under this Section must be taken out with a reputable insurer with a security rating from ‘Standard & Poors’ of not less than ‘A’.
5. Pilot Requirements: Pilots are to hold the following qualifications:
a. GFA level 1, 2, or 3 Instructor Rating:
b. Endorsement on glider type;
c. Recent flying experience requirements met IAW the GFA;
d. Aero-Tow Pilots meet CASA and GFA requirements and are current in towing operations IAW GFA policy
6. Statement of Compliance: …………………………………...(Business/Club) are in agreement and fully understand and will comply with all caveats referred to within this certificate. This compliance certificate supersedes other prior agreements, promises, representations, undertakings or implications (whether oral or in writing) in relation to the subject matter of this Certificate and any other agreements and documents.………………………………………………..(Business/Club)hereby comply with AAFC requirements.
Signature: …………………………………Date: ……………..…………
Name: …………………………..………,…Position: ……………………..