August 28, 2008

Dear Students,

I am so excited to get to know you and work with you this year. Being on 7AA together will be a great experience for us; I hope we will get to know each other well. I am especially looking forward to our time in writing class. In this class you will get to experience many different types of writing including narratives in which you will discuss events in your life. Expository writing will teach you to compare and contrast different items and write reviews of your favorite movies or books. You will also have the chance to try your hand at persuasive writing like advertising and research papers. Finally, we will explore descriptive writing where you will create poetry, fiction, and maybe even screenplays. What are you most looking forward to in this writing class?

I want to tell you a little bit about me. I love teaching! This is my third year teaching at WJHS. Before coming to Wilmette, I taught French and History in Flushing, Michigan. When I was in school, however, my favorite subject was Language Arts. What is your favorite subject? A little more about me, I was married this summer and went on a fantastic honeymoon to Alaska. My husband’s name is Nate. I have two beautiful orange and white cats named Zeke and Julius. Zeke loves to play with a toy fish that makes bird noises. He often wakes me up meowing at his fish during the night. I also have a seven-year-old niece named Eliana or Ellie. Ellie lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan, so I go home often to visit her. Do you have any pets or family members that are important to you?

This summer was a busy summer for me. As I mentioned, I got married and traveled to Alaska! While there, I rode in a helicopter and landed on a glacier, went hiking, and saw many wild animals. I spent a lot of my summer organizing my condo in Chicago. (Sounds exciting, huh!?) I also read a ton of young adult fantasy novels. What did you do this summer?

As you might have guessed from my trip to Alaska, I love to hike and backpack and see nature. I also play the cello and I am hoping to start playing again in an orchestra. When I was a student at The University of Michigan, I performed in several musical theater productions. What are your hobbies and interests? I am looking forward to hearing back from you and learning about you!


Mrs. Campbell