To:Instructional Faculty
From: Research & Scholarship Advisory Committee (RSAC)
RE:“Conversations in the Disciplines” Funding Proposals
DUE DATE:Submit by Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Given past success, the “Conversations in the Disciplines” program is being re-opened for the 2017-2018 academic year as described below:
Purpose: SCSU will provide financial support for meetings that host discussion and interaction among faculty within and across our departments and/or the ConnSCU system. Funds are provided by the Office of the Provost to meet and discuss academic issues that are interdisciplinary. The “Conversations in the Disciplines” program encourages discussion of critical academic issues among university faculty with shared interests. Special consideration will be given to proposals addressing topics that can facilitate conversations leading to the development of new Research, Scholarship, or Creative Activity within and across disciplines.
General Description: Faculty who share interests come together for focused conversations about a common topic. Proposals could be designed to assemble faculty from different disciplines who share similar interests either from across the ConnSCU system or from SCSU. Meetings will be held on campus or in nearby locations available at little or no cost. The program should promote the sharing of ideas among faculty. Applications that facilitate the discussion of topics that could lead to collaborative research or publications, or that might lead to the development of projects seeking extramural funding, are especially encouraged. The use of video conferencing to join people at multiple locations is also encouraged.
Up to two grants of up to $500 each are available to defray the cost of the meetings. Funds should be used for light refreshments, materials, etc. Funds may not be used to pay faculty. Monies must be used within the fiscal year of the project and must therefore be expended before June 30, 2018.Events can be held during the Fall and/or Spring semesters of the upcoming academic year. Individuals receiving awards will be notified by the week of May 2nd.
Reporting: A report addressing the results of the conversations will be due to the Provost and the Academic Dean by no later than Monday, June 26, 2018.
Proposal Submission: Proposals must be submitted by email to Jennifer Hudson at , at the Office of Faculty Development by Tuesday, April 18, 2017. Proposals must include:
1)The topic or issue of the meeting/discussions.
2)A rationale for the discussion in the current context of the academic area(s) or department(s). Limit to 500 words.
3)A budget request for up to $500 with brief justification of expenses.
4)Universities or departments that will be invited.
5)Proposed date and location of the meeting(s).
Please contact RSAC Chairperson C. Michele Thompson at , if you have any questions. We look forward to your proposals.