Course Syllabus
School Year 2011-2012
ART I: Art Foundations 9120
This curriculum follows the Virginia Standards of Learning for Visual Arts. There is no end-of course SOL test with this class, however, a B or better grade must be achieved to be eligible to enroll in the next level of art.
Teacher: Thelma Blake – Room 221
Planning Period:8th (2:25-3:12)
Contact telephone: (276) 642-5300
E-mail address:
Web address:
Textbooks/Resources used:ARTTALK Textbook
Themes & Foundations Textbook
Library Resources
Artists Videos
Videos pertinent to topic being studied
Art Slides & Art Posters
Art related Internet Sites
Art I is a foundations course with no prerequisite and is open to all students in grades 9-12. This course emphasizes the development of abilities to recognize visual art content, concepts, and skills to create, discuss, and understand original works of art. The Virginia Visual Arts Standards of Learning (revised April 2006) and the Region Seven Visual Arts Sample Curriculum are the basis for this course and represent a thematic approach to visual communication and production, cultural context and art history, judgment and criticism, and aesthetics through which students will develop understanding and appreciation for the visual arts. Students will maintain a sketchbook/journal of ideas and writings to use as a resource and a planning tool. Students will also maintain a portfolio documenting their accomplishments, which will be taken to the next level of study. Emphasis will be placed on the building blocks of art –The Elements of Art and The Principles of Design. These building blocks will be studied and applied to activities in drawing, painting and sculpture through the use of varied media. Pertinent art vocabulary will enhance topics of study.
Assigned projects are graded using a rubric scaled to the concepts being studied and is based on a 14 point system that corresponds with the 100 point system used by the county school system. Tests/written assignments count as approximately 1/3rd (33 points) and projects constitute approximately 2/3rds (67 points) of the nine-week grade. Twonine-week grades are averaged with the exam grade to determine the semester grade for the course. Semester exams will cover knowledge gained during the previous 2 nine-week periods and will require students to analyze and evaluate concepts learned through a variety of question formats, a written communication section, and a practical component consisting of studio practices. Semester examinations will be two hours unless student qualifies for exemption by grade, attendance, and behavior.
Specific vocabulary pertinent to each topic and Visual Arts Standards of Learning are addressed at the beginning of each new concept. Written assignments and tests are given periodically and will be announced ahead of time.
Introduction: “What is Art?” (SOL AI. 1, 4, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32)
Safety in the Studio
Ethical Procedures and Copyright (SOL AI.9)
Portfolio Construction (SOL AI.2, 7, 8))
Elements of Art – line, shape, space, form, color, and texture (SOL AI.1)
Principles of Art –balance, proportion, rhythm, movement, variety, emphasis, harmony, and unity (SOL AI.1)
Drawing Projects (SOL AI.2, 3, 6, 8, 9)
1 and 2 point perspective
Class Critique (SOL AI. 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23)
Color Theory (SOL AI.1, 3, 6, 7)
Color pencil drawing
Construct a color wheel by mixing colors
Examination is required unless obtaining exempt status.
Painting (SOL AI. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 19, 24, 25)
Class Critique
Three-dimensional Art Work (SOL AI. 1, 3, 6, 16, 14, 10, 5)
Crafts (SOL AI. 6, 12, 13, 15, 19, 24, 26)
Jewelry (if time allows)
Paper, Polymer Clay, Yarn
Examination is required unless obtaining exempt status.
Spiral bound Sketchbook (8 ½” x 11”) for sketching and note taking
No. 2 pencils (several)
Eraser: White (no pink erasers)
1 box colored pencils
1 box markers
Poster board – 1 large sheet, white for portfolio
12” ruler
Small container (shoe box size or smaller, but large enough to hold ruler) for storing items above (no black containers)
Students who are absent will have two days from the day missed to complete make-up work and turn it in; otherwise a reduced grade will be recorded. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for work missed. Make-up tests and quizzes shall be done before school unless otherwise agreed upon.
Homework is usually not assigned unless work is not completed in the classroom.
These will be gone over and discussed in class on the first day and an Agreement initiated upon understanding of these procedures.
DISCIPLINARY REFERRAL PROCEDURES (behavior, attendance, tardies):
Follows school procedures.