Honiton Town Council


Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held at the Council Offices, New Street, Honiton on Tuesday 19th March 2013

Members present

St Michael’s Ward St Paul’s Ward

Cllr Gary Elliot Cllr Les Bayliss

Cllr Sharon Pavey Cllr Roy Coombs

Cllr Peter Corke

Cllr Vera Howard

Cllr John Zarczynski (Chairman)

In Attendance

Deputy Town Clerk

13/30 To accept apologies for absence

Cllr Foster (P); Cllr Halse (P); Cllr Tirard (P)

13/31 To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda and receipt of requests for new DPI dispensations on the agenda

None received.

13/32 To confirm the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 5th March 2013

The minutes of the above meeting had been circulated and were approved and signed as a true record.

13/33 To consider the following applications were considered, based on the information available.

The following applications were considered, based on the information available. Participation of those Councillors who are also Members of the District Council in both the debate and subsequent vote is on the basis that the views expressed are preliminary views taking account of the information presently made available to the Town Council. The District Councillors reserve their final views on the application until they are in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against.

The Town Council noted and supported the comments of the Devon County Archaeologist and of Natural England. The Town Council also noted the comments of the owners of a neighbouring property.
The Town Council unanimously supports this application / Mr W Gale
Hospiscare / Kings Park House, King Street, Honiton EX14 1AB
Demolition of Kings Park House and curtilage buildings to north; construction of replacement single storey building and conversion and extension of existing buildings to provide palliative care outreach centre including parking and external amenity area
The Town Council unanimously supports this application
Signed Chair / Mr W Gale
Hospiscare / Kings Park House, King Street, Honiton EX14 1AB
Demolition of Kings Park House and curtilage buildings to north and construction of replacement single storey building and conversion and extension of existing buildings to provide palliative care outreach centre including parking and external amenity
9th April 2013
The Town Council noted the comments of the Environmental Health Officer and supported the need for the correct acoustic screening.
The Town Council unanimously supported this application / 382
J D Wetherspoon / The Star Inn, New Street, Honiton EX14 1BS
Formation of first floor mechanical plant area (including air conditioning units and associated works) following approval of 12/0042/FUL
The Town Council unanimously supported this application / Mr A Spence
AS Builders / 153 High Street, Honiton EX14 1LJ
Insertion of internal partition walls to form bathroom and install extractor fan
The Town Council approved this application (For: 6, Abstain: 1) / Aldi Stores Ltd / Aldi Ltd, Exeter Road, Honiton
EX14 1AZ
3no illuminated hanging signs, 2no illuminated double faced post mounted signs

13/34 To note planning decisions, copy letters and correspondence received and to resolve any matters arising

EDDC Decision Notices

1. 12/2118/FUL – Land to the rear of 160 High Street, Honiton EX14 1JX – granted


2. Devon County Council – Public Notice – proposed relocation of Mill Water School

With regard to item 1. above Cllr Coombs reported that he had looked into the matter and confirmed that a Birch tree had been removed prior to approval of the planning application by the Development Management Committee. The Deputy Town Clerk advised that the issue has been raised with EDDC and that the Enforcement Officer is monitoring the site.

Item 2. above was noted.

Late correspondence was tabled at the meeting

East Devon District Council

Decision Notices

a. 13/0126/ADV – Lloyds TSB plc, 82 High Street, Honiton EX14 1JJ – Display of non illuminated built up letters, internally illuminated suspended heritage roundel, 2 off non illuminated built up letters, 2 off non illuminated projecting sign, illuminated ATM surround, non illuminated nameplate, reverse applied vinyl, non illuminated letter box sign, non illuminated entrance panel – granted

b. 13/0291/TEL – Outside of 130 High Street, Honiton EX14 1JR – installation of telecommunications equipment cabinet – granted


c. Tree at rear of Bank Flat, King Street, Honiton EX14 1AB – correspondence from Enforcement Officer

d. 08/2435/FUL – 1 Joslin Road, Honiton EX14 1RH – copy letter from Enforcement Officer

With regard to item c. above, Cllr Coombs questioned whether the work had been undertaken by a qualified tree surgeon who would be aware of Conservation Area constraints. It was noted that with careful management the tree may recover.

Signed Chair 9th April 2013


With regard to item d. above, it was agreed to request that Cllr Taylor look into whether work has been carried out on the Hornbeam tree.

13/35 Close of meeting

The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.50pm.

Signed Chair 9th April 2013