Deed: John Shafer from Daniel Y. Kessler & Elizabeth Kessler
10 March, 1835
Botetourt County, Virginia
Deed book 21, pg. 126
[Image 1]
This Indenture made this tenth day of March in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty five between Daniel Y. Kessler and Elizabeth his wife of Botetourt County of the one part and John Shafer of said county and state of Virginia of the other part witnesseth that said Daniel Y. Kessler and his wife for and in consideration of fifteen hundred dollars to them in hand paid by said John Shafer the receipt whereof he doth by these presents acknowledge hath granted bargain & sold & by these presents doth grand bargain sell bind & confirmed unto said John Shafer a certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred & seventy nine acres be the same more or less and is bounded as follows to wit Beginning at a large white oak & hickory sapling corner to John Kesslers 521 acres thence with the lines of panters and S17 3/5 degrees W 62 poles To a white oak on a hill 56 degrees W 20 poles to to three white oaks S 19 degrees E 34 poles to a black and white oak thence with Jacob Kessler deceased land S47 degrees E 83 poles crossing a branch to three white oaks on a hill N 80 & one quarter degrees E 146 poles to between two black oaks thence with Housinens? land N 17 & one half W 119 poles to a black oak N 55 W 52 poles with Henry Heplars land crossing the branch to persinnor? Then near the foot of a hill N 85 degrees W 19 poles to a black oak on a hill N 58 W 57 poles to a spanish oak on a line of John Kessler 521 acres and with the same 561 ½ W 60 poles to the Beginning said 179 acres of land is part of 182 acres twas conveyed by
[Image 2]
Daniel Howsey & Magdaline his wife to John Kessler who conveyed the same to his son Daniel Y. Kessler to have and to hold the said tract of land & premises together with all & singluar the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said John Shafer & to the sole use & behalf of him the said John Shafer & his heirs & forever & the said Daniel Kessler & Elizabeth his wife for themselves their heirs & the said tract of land 179 acres be the same more or less with every advantage & priviledge thereunto belonging from themselves their heirs & the claim of all persons whatsoever unto the said John Shafer and his heirs & shall and will forever warrant and defend by these presents In testimony whereof the said Daniel Y. Kessler & Elizabeth his wife hath hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first written:
Signed sealed & delivered[signed] Daniel Y. Kessler [seal]
In presents of[signed] Elizabeth Kessler [seal]
Botetourt County to wit
[Image 3]
We John Gray and James S. Waldron Justices of the peace in and for said county do hereby certify that Elizabeth Kessler wife of Daniel Y. Kessler parties to a certain deed hereto conveyed bearing date the 10th day of March, 1835 personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid & being examined by us privately and apart from her said husband and having the deed aforesaid fully explained to her she the said Elizabeth Kessler acknowledged the same to be her ? and deed and declared that she had willingly signed sealed & delivered the same and that she wished not to retract it given under our hands and seals this 30th day of March, 1835.
[signed] John Gray [seal]
[signed] James S. Waldron [seal]
Botetourt County Clerks office 30th March, 1835. This deed was this day exhibited in said office together with the certificate of acknowledgement thereon written and acknowledged by Daniel Y. Kessler a party thereto and admitted to record
Teste [signed] F Wolby?, ?
Notes about document:
1)It has not been verified this is definitely MY John Shafer, but there is a very good possibility.
2)There are probably many mistakes in spelling – document was typed pretty much
word for word but when abbreviations and such were made, I have spelled them out.
3)I am the 5th great grandson of John Shafer.
2005 John Joshua Jenkins