Event #2016113901 (Friday) Rally Event #2016113902

Premium List



Obedience TrialRally Trial

AKC Licensed - Unbenched

Indoor Trial

Friday, February 5, 2016

Fresno District Fairgrounds

The Big Fresno Fairgrounds

1121 Chance Ave., Fresno, CA93702

Trial Hours: 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.

Mail All Entries with Fees to:

Fresno DTC, C/O Joyce V. Ladd, Trial Secretary
563 North Locan, Fresno, CA93737-9749

(559) 255-2960 or

Open to All American Dogs, listed with AKC Canine Partners

Entries Close 6:00 P.M., Wednesday, Jan.20, 2016

AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB CERTIFICATION--Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of these events under the AmericanKennel Club Rules and Regulations.

James P. Crowley, Secretary



Website: fresnodogtrainingclub.org

Rebecca Janzen(559)790-7067 President

Marlene Frank(559)438-7107 Vice-President

Joyce Ladd Res: (559)255-2960 Cell: (559) 284-3520 TreasurerBetty Fisher PO Box 93, Raymond, CA93653 Secretary


Board of Directors

Joan Pope Gail Budde Karl MacEachron


Joyce V. Ladd, Trial Secretary, 563 N. Locan, Fresno, CA93737-9749

(559) 255-2960 e-mail: djladd @ jps.net


Dorin J. Ladd, Chairman

563 North Locan, Fresno, CA93737-9749

(559) 255-2960

And Officers & Board of Directors of the Club


Veterinary Emergency Service

1639 N. Fresno Street, Fresno, CA (559) 486-0520


Chief Ring Steward…………………………………………………………………..Gail Budde

Equipment & Grounds...... MBF, Inc. & FDTC

Score Keeper...... Joyce Ladd & Lyn Mac Eachron

Trophies.………..……………………………………………...... ….Rachel Mc Dougall-Smith

Ribbons…………………………………………………...…Betty Fisher, Joyce & Dorin Ladd

Emergency Response Coordinator……………...…………...... Peg T. Watson

Morning Hospitality…………………………….……………………….……....………....FDTC

NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS: "An Event Service Fee of $3.00 per entry and a Recording Fee of 50 cents will be required for each dog entered at any Licensed or Member Club Show, Obedience Trial. These Fees are to be collected by the Show-giving Club and paid to the American Kennel Club. If a dog is entered in more than one class in the show, the Recording Fee is to be collected on the first entry only. (American Kennel Club Rule, Chapter 11, Section 2)".

2) A RALLY Event Service Fee of $3.00 per entry will be required to be collected by the show-giving club and paid to AKC.


Obedience Classes: (Unlimited)

Novice A Novice B Open A Open B

Utility A Utility B Versatility Graduate Novice BeginnerNovice A & B Preferred Novice Preferred Open Preferred Utility

Rally Classes: (Unlimited)

Ring Size:40' x 60'

Rally Novice A & B Rally Advanced A & B

Rally Excellent A & B


Height of Dog at Withers Height to be Jumped

Less than 10” 4”

10” to less than15” 8”

15” and under 20” 12”

20” and over 16”

Friday, February 5, 2016


OBEDIENCE OPEN & UTILITY, Preferred Open, Preferred Utility,Graduate Novice, Versatility

Ms.Cathy Dutra 36638 Darvon Ct., Newark, CA 94560

OBEDIENCE NOVICE A & B, Preferred Novice, Beginner Novice A & B

Mrs. Mary Lou Just 5240 Pondorex Rd., Auburn, CA 95602-9667


Highest Scoring Dog in the Obedience Classes------Blue & Gold Rosette

Highest Combined Score in Open B and Utility ----- Blue & Green Rosette

First in each class ------Blue Ribbon

Second in each class ------RedRibbon

Third in each class ------Yellow Ribbon

Fourth in each class ------White Ribbon

Qualifying Score------Dark GreenRibbon

Friday–February 5, 2016- Trophy List

Unless otherwise stated, all awards are for the regular classes

A Club Medallion will be awarded to dogs completing a title at our trials
Must have a qualifying score to receive a trophy

High Scoring Dog in Obedience –$75 Amazon Gift Card

JustUs Shelties, Joyce and Dorin Ladd

High Combined - Open B and Utility–$75 Amazon Gift Card

Riverbend Dobermans,Joan Pope

High Scoring Dog in Preferred Classes-$75 Amazon

Gift Card

JustUs Shelties, Joyce and Dorin Ladd

High Combined Preferred Open and Preferred Utility

$75 Amazon Gift Card

Clan Spitz Perormance Dogs, Rachel McDougal Smith

& Brandan Smith

Obedience, Preferred & RallyClass Awards

1st Place –Tote Bag & Toy

2nd - 4th Place- Toy

Novice A (1st thru4th) –Chuck & Gail Budde

Novice B (1st thru4th) –Bill & Marlene Frank
Open A (1st thru 4th) - Riverbend Dobermans, Joan Pope

Open B (1st thru 4th) –Bill & Marlene Frank

Utility A (1st thru 4th)–Charlene Stromberg

Utility B (1st thru4th)–Bill & Marlene Frank

Preferred Novice (1st thru 4th)- Clan Spitz Perormance Dogs, Rachel McDougal Smith & Brandan Smith

Preferred Open (1st thru 4th) -FDTC

Preferred Utility (1st thru 4th)- FDTC

Optional Titling Classes

- 1st Place - Tote Bag & Toy

2nd thru 4th - Toys

Graduate Novice (1st thru 4th) - White Fang Bulldogs, Betty Fisher

Versatility - FDTC

Beginning Novice A (1st thru 4th) - Karl & Lyn MacEachron in memory of Spring and Samantha

Beginning Novice B (1st thru 4th) - Bill Marlene Frank


High Combined - Advanced B & Excellent B

$75 Amazon Gift Card - Desert Sky Kennel, Rebecca Janzen

Rally Class Awards

1st Place - Tote Bag & Toy

2nd - 4th Place - Toy

Rally Novice A (1st thru4th) –Harriet Forbes

Rally Novice B (lst thru 4th)– FDTC

Rally Advanced A (1st thru 4th) –FDTC

Rally Advanced B (1st thru 4th) – Betty Fisher - White Fang Bulldogs

Rally Excellent A (1st thru 4th) – FDTC

Rally Excellent B (1st thru4th) – FDTC

Obedience Group Awards

L.L. Bean Travel Toiletry Bag

High Sporting–Chuck & Gail Budde

High Hound –Hounds of Aoxomoxoa - Eileen Brooks, in memory of Afghans Trouble & Stella Blue, Borzoi - Dupree

High Working –Cherokee Giants, Peg Watson, remembering Tori, Web, Cookie, and Sir

High Terrier – Karl & Lyn MacEachron in Memory of Sunshine & Shadow

High Toy – FDTC

High Non-Sporting -Desert Sky Kennel, Rebecca Janzen

High Herding – FDTC

High ILP or PAL - Desert Sky Kennel, Rebecca Janzen

Obedience Special Awards

Starbucks Gift Cards and Travel Mugs

  1. High Scoring Local Dog in (FresnoCounty or FDTC Member) – Karl & Lyn MacEachron
  2. High Scoring Dog in (KernCounty)--Bakersfield O.T.C.
  3. High Scoring Agility Dog–Touch Down Agility-Tammy Domico

4.High Scoring Chihuahua - Desert Sky Kennel, in memory of Bandit,

Rebecca Janzen

5. High Scoring Sight Hound - Hounds of Aoxomoxoa, Eileen Brooks,

in memoryof Afghans Trouble & Stella Blue, Borzoi Dupree



1. FEMALES IN SEASON:The Club will allow an exhibitor whose femalecomes in season to withdraw from the trial, provided the owner presents

the request in writing to the Trial Secretary, at least 30 minutes before the trial begins (documentation needed- your word) No processing fee.

2.Consult judging program for time of judging - DOGS MUST BE READY FOR JUDGING. Owners or their agents alone are responsible for the timely presence of their dogs in the judging ring.

3.Dogs need be present only for scheduled judging. Dogs will be permitted to leave the Trial when no longer needed for judging.

4. In case of a tie score, any dog not present for the run-off forfeits its rightto any prize.

5. Trophy winners must be present to accept their award or have someoneappointed to accept for them. No trophies will be mailed or delivered.

6. Entry fees will not be refunded in the event a dog is absent,disqualified, sick, lame, excused by the judge or veterinarian, barred from competition by action of the Trial Committee or because it is ineligible to compete due to being incorrectly entered.

7. The club will exercise every precaution for the safety of dogs exhibited, but neither the Management nor the Club will be responsible for any injury or loss.

8. Dogs will be judged in catalog order. Any deviation from this rule requires

prior clearance from the judge.

9. There will be no admission fee to spectators.

10. Catalogs are free to exhibitors.

11. Please keep your dogs on leash except when in the judging ring.


HOURS: Thursday (Elkhounds Only) 4:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.; Friday - 3:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.; Saturday - 6:00 A.M. - 7:00 A.M. & afterBIS - 10:00 P.M.; Sunday - 6:00 A.M. - 7:00 A.M.; All vehicles must be off the grounds by 8:00 P.M. Sunday.

Overnight & Day of Show Parking are privileges of frenso county fairgrounds & Sun Maid Kennel Club.

These parties reserve the right to withdraw privileges, without return of rv overnight parking fee

or entry fees, from any person who cannot abides by, or abuses these privileges, or uses abusive

language . Violations may be subject to event committee charges. There will be no moving from assignedspaces or trading spaces without approval of parking coordinator.

All Parking is at your own risk. Fresno County Fairgrounds & Sun Maid Kennel Club assumes NO responsibility or liabilityfor damage or loss to vehicles contents or dogs.

Parking Spaces Will Be Pre-Assigned. People wishing to park together must send in their reservationstogether in the same envelope. However there is no guarantee that we can accommodate all request.

COST: $40.00 per space/per night. Spaces are 22' x 40'. Vehicles over 40' total length (that will not fit in 22' x 40' space after unhooking)or vehicles with a slide out that will not fit in 22' x 40' space will need to buy 2 spaces. Trailers & tow units may be required to unhitch.Vehicles over 40' in length will be accommodated only where possible. Tow/Tag vehicles $15.00 extra - flat fee, must fit in assigned

space(s), if not, will be accommodated where possible. Thursday night (Elkhounds Only) additional $40.00 per space.

LIMITED HANDICAPPED PARKING is available; it may not be close to the rings. A suitable access will be provided. Please provideproof of your valid handicapped license with your RV Overnight reservation form. NO NON-RESERVED RV HANDICAPPED WILLBE AVAILABLE.

NO ONE is guaranteed that your parking space will have access to electricity. Electric cannot be reserved , assigned,requested , saved &/or guaranteed . Please be prepared if you do not have electricity. There will be NO "Piggy Backing"into another rig who is plugged into the Fairgrounds electricity. No CORDs across any sidewalks, walkaways, roadways, or fire lanes.

Any violation will be disconnected immediately, & MAY be subject to an Events Committee Charges. Please remember electricity,IF available, is extremely limited, everyone WILL NOT have, get, find, be guaranteed or should expect electricity, no matterwhat time you arrive or where you are parked. There is no guarantee that your parking space will have access to electricity.

Payment of RV overnight parking fees does not guarantee electricity.

Only those PAID OVERNIGHT PARKING will be allowed to park in the reserved overnight parking area.

The club takes NO responsibility for vehicles towed in violation of parking laws or regulations and subject to actions of regulatoryofficers or agents.

The fire department has forbidden any vehicles in fire lanes or any unauthorized area. Vehicles illegally parked will be towed atowner's expenses.

All RVs Must have working fire extinguishers.

All vehicles must be completely self-contained. NO discharge of gray water or sanitary tanks allowed.

All RVs using a generator must have a proper exhaust pipe venting away from the dogs & people. Quite time: 11:00 P.M. - 6:00 A.M.

No more that 2 vehicles with a total length of 40' per space.

All vehicles will park in the same direction in the rows.


There will be a $25.00 service charge on all returned checks.

**************************************reserved rv overnight parking reservation form**************************************

Make Checks or Money Orders payable to: Sun Maid Kennel Club of Fresno, Inc. (no cash)

include a self addressed, stamped enveloped, and mail to:

Bruce Rettick - P.O. Box 750446 - Petaluma, CA94975-0446 - (707) 763-9745

RV Parking must be received by: January 20, 2016 - No refunds after that date

reserved parking fees $40.00 - per space /per night - spaces are 22' x 40'

Thursday Friday Saturday (Circle which nights) # of spaces required _____ x $40.00 per night/per spaces + $_____

Tagalongs vehicles $15.00 flat fee (must fit in your space) $15.00 = _____ Total Enclosed: $______

Non-Reserved parking will be $45.00 per night/per space (will be parked where available) - cash only

Name: ______License Plate # / State:______



Vehicle type/length - total length - the whole entire package - including your vehicle you tow the trailer with

Motorhome: _____ft.; Truck & 5th Wheel: _____ft.; Truck/Van & Trailer: _____ft.; Box Van: _____ft.; Van: _____ Slide out?: _____ft. wide - Right / Left / Both (circle)

Primary Breed(s)______

22 - Sun Maid Kennel Club of Fresno, Inc. - February 6 & 7, 2016


Please verify with hotels that they accept dogs when making your reservation!!!

LaQuinta Inn Motel 6

2926 Tulare St, Fresno 4080 N. Blackstone, Fresno

1-800-531-5900 (559)222-2431


Special Obedience Award Form

If elgible for a Special Award; or if your dog may complete a title at this trial, please complete this form and return the form with your entry.

Owner of Dog______Class(es)______

Dog’s Name______

Might be completing a title?______
