2014 ACT Training Excellence Awards

Call for nominations

John Scott Memorial Award

The John Scott Memorial Award is presented in memory of John Scott’s contribution to the vocational education and training system in the ACT.

Mr Scott had a long and distinguished career in the Royal Australian Navy. After his retirement he moved into the private sector. As the Chair of the Business Training Advisory Board (ACT), he reinvigorated the relationship between industry, their advisers and the ACT Government.

Mr Scott’s also contributed to the Rotary Club of Canberra South, the Young Achievers of Australia program and the Adopt-A-School program.

The John Scott Memorial Award was introduced in 1999 and is presented in recognition of outstanding commitment to vocational education and training in the ACT business sector.

Nominations close on Friday 25 July 2014. For further information, contact the Training Awards coordinator on 0262057037.

2014 ACT Training Excellence Awards

John Scott Memorial Award

How to nominate

  • No self nominations will be accepted.
  • Nominations mustaddress the selection criteria.
  • Nominations must be no longer than 5 A4 pages in total (excluding nomination cover sheet).
  • Three copies of the complete nomination pack must be submitted.
  • The nomination form must be signed by both the nominator and the nominee.
  • Nominations must be received by close of business 25 July 2014.

Selection Criteria

The John Scott Memorial Award will be presented in recognition of outstanding commitment to vocational education and training in the ACT business sector.

Criteria 1: Dedicated service to vocational education and training in the ACT business sector.

Criteria 2: Work to improve the quality and responsiveness of vocational education and training in the ACT.

Criteria 3:Commitment to excellence in the design and delivery of vocational education and training in the ACT.

Submission of Nominations

Mail to:

Training Awards Coordinator

Media and Communications

Education and Training Directorate

GPO Box 158

Canberra ACT 2601

Delivered to:

Cathy Atkins

Media and Communications

Level 6

220 Northbourne Avenue

Braddon ACT 2612

For enquiries please phone 0262057037.


2014 ACT Training Excellence Awards

John Scott Award

Nomination form

To be submitted with your supporting documentation

Details of nominee

Title Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss: ......

Given name: ...... Surname: ......

Address: ......



Telephone (work): ...... Mobile: ......

Email: ...... Fax: ......

Details of nominator:

Title Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss: ......

Given name: ...... Surname: ......

Address: ......


Telephone (work): ...... Mobile: ......

Email: ......

Signature of nominator: ...... Date: ......

Signature of nominee: ...... Date: ......