1. Purpose of Report and Policy Context

1.1 To present proposals for car park charges for 2007/08.

1.2. Car park charges have a significant influence on a number of Council strategies, namely:

i.  Supporting the vibrancy of the town and districts.

ii. Encouraging sensible use of the car.

iii.  Improving utilisation of Council owned assets.

iv.  The Council’s financial strategy for 2007/08.

v.  Tourism Strategy

2. Recommendations

It is recommended that the Cabinet or Portfolio Holder be requested to approve:

2.1 The charging structure for car parking based on the proposals detailed in Appendix B.

3. Background

3.1. The Council’s 2007/08 budget strategy requires an additional 2% income from parking charges above the current budget, which equates to a further £116,000 per annum.

3.2 This target has been set in the context of the funding required to deliver the Council’s services and key priorities at a level of Council Tax increase which is acceptable to Council taxpayers. Efficiency savings required both locally and nationally, together with an anticipated overall poor Government settlement, will also have an influence on the finances of the Authority.

3.3 Current charges for 2006/07 are shown on Appendix A. These were developed

following increases last year in the areas of 3 hour parking in Town Centre,

District Charges, Beaches shoulder season and Civic Centre CPZ.

3.4 Current overall income from parking charges at the present time is slightly less than budget, following lower than expected income from Town Centre and District charges but greater income from beaches due to the exceptionally good summer weather.

4. Proposed Charges for 2007/08

4.1 Options for increases for 2007/08 are shown as Appendix B. These have been developed in the light of:

·  Increases to charges implemented as part of last year’s budget strategy.

·  Commercial viability of Town Centre, District and Beach sectors upon which parking charges have an impact.

·  The continuing drive for simplification of the charges and structure.

·  Supporting Transportation strategies.

4.2 Proposals put forward would raise approximately £180,619 with the £64,619 above the budget strategy being used within the Economy Portfolio towards supported bus services. This budget is currently facing a £202,000 in 2007/08 pressure due to measures put in place earlier this year to retain original levels of bus services following reductions announced by bus operators

4.3 Preliminary consultation was undertaken with key stakeholders during last month, consisting of:

·  Chairman Tourism Panel

·  Town Centre Management

·  Dolphin Shopping Centre

·  Grosvenor

·  Head of Communications and Tourism

·  Head of Leisure Services

Their comments on these proposals are listed as Appendix C.

4.4 Income next year is likely to be affected by:

·  Increased number of journeys to the Town Centre being made by bus, using the recently improved ‘More’ services and also over 60s taking advantage of free Concessionary Fare Travel.

·  Increased parking events due to Primark and Dolphin Quays Shopping Centre.

·  Additional season ticket income if Old Orchard residential development proceeds as planned.

4.5 Members of TAG have been invited to this Group to participate in the consideration of these charges.

4.6 New charges approved will be advertised in January 2007 to be in place for 1 April 2007.


Acting Service Unit Head

Appendix A - Current Charges

Appendix B - Proposed revisions to car parking charges 2007/08

Appendix C - Comments from Stakeholders

Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact:

Steve Tite (10202 262100)




Options for Car Parking Charges 07/08

Permit Charges


/ Current Cost And no of events / Proposed change / Additional income generated
(after VAT) / Additional Income assuming a drop in use of 20% / Draft Recommendations
1. Annual Residents Beach Permits / £55
1495 / £65 / 12723 / 10179 / Increase cost of Annual Residents Beach permit. (currently equivalent to 5.5 peak days, will be equivalent to current 6.5 peak days)
2. Annual Non-Residents Beach Permits / £150
50 / £165 / 638 / 511 / Increase cost of Annual Non-Residents Beach permit. (currently equivalent to 15 peak days, will be equivalent to current 16.5 peak days)
3.Increase Town Centre season tickets / 5 day Quarterly
177 / £190 / 1506 / 1205 / Increase by £10 to £190
Equivalent to £3.16 per day
5 Day Annual
118 / £690 / 4017 / 3214 / Increase by £40 to £690
Equivalent to £2.87 per day
6/7 day Quarterly
206 / £200 / 1753 / 1402 / Increase by £10 to £200
Equivalent to £2.78 per day
6/7 Day Annual
42 / £740 / 1430 / 1144 / Increase by £40 to £740
Equivalent to £2.57 per day

Total £17,655

Car Parking Charges


/ Current Cost And no of events / Proposed change / Additional income generated
(after VAT) / Additional Income assuming a drop in use due to increased cost of 20% / Recommendations
Bought forward from previous table / 17,655
4. Increase Sunday and Charges in All Town Centre car parks except for where Sunday charges already apply / Sun, 60p
113570 / Sun, £1 / 38,661 / 30,929 / Increase Sunday (8am-6pm) charge by 40p in all surface and MSCP’s where Sunday charge is currently 60p
5. Increase evening charge in all Town Centre Car Parks / Eve, 60p
103587 / Eve, 70p / 8,815 / 7,052 / Increase eve (6pm to 8am) charge to 70p in all surface and MSCP where evening charge to be in line with hourly rate (see item 6A)
6. Increase, 1, 2 and 3 hour charge in Town Centre Car Parks / A 1hr, 60p
B 2 hrs, £1.20
C 3 hrs, £2.00
315563 / 1hr, 70p
2 hrs, £1.30
3 hrs, £2.10 / 64,202
26,856 / 51,361
21,485 / Increase 1hr, 2hr and 3 hr tariffs in Town Centre car parks by 10p pr hour

Total Income £180,619

Note: Town Centre includes Harbourside Park where appropriate

Responses from Stakeholders

(Comments relate to original proposals, some of which have subsequently been amended as a result. This applies particularly to increases in beaches charges which have now been deleted)

Dolphin Centre Management: / Would prefer the increase in the 1hr tariff to the proposed increase in 2hr and 3hr tariffs.
Grosvenor: / Think it is important to ensure that shoppers car parks are geared to shoppers and parking for between 0 - 3 hours, should be at reasonable hourly rates to encourage people to come to Poole and shop. Average dwell times in the Centre are between 1 and 2 hours. This needs to be encouraged to be longer to allow time to shop at additional shops and spend more money in Poole rather than elsewhere.
The proposals do not cover charges in excess of 3 hours, and to stay 3 hours as opposed to 2 hours is an increased cost of 90p. More costly than 1 hour - not sure this encourages staying and spending. Parking longer than 3 hours is where the costs should be higher in shoppers car parks.
Not keen on the second proposal for 1 hour parking. This is effectively a 16% increase, and the first proposal increases costs for 2 and 3 hours beyond the level for 1 hour. Realise that the Council need to look at the charges, but are marginally concerned by the assumptions that there will be a drop in usage of 20%. Is it not better longer term for the Council to look at encouraging usage to improve revenue streams if this is possible and therefore the viability and vitality of the Poole Town Centre.
TC Manager: / Suggests promoting non-residents beach permits further.
Item 3 – TC season tickets – seems fine, although users might not be happy.
Items 4 and 5 Sunday and Evening charge: 80p is difficult in terms of change, better going for 90p or £1. Doesn’t think visitors coming to Poole would think these charges are extortionate.
Item 6 – Keeping 60p per hour does not encourage trading to Dolphin Centre – should be encouraging longer stay. Hence suggest 70p for 1 hour, £1.30 for 2 hours and £2.10 for 3 hours.
Tourism Manager / Comments not applicable as increases in beach charges for September/October no longer proposed.