J.H.He , et al. Manuscript Preparation Instructions of International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

Manuscript Preparation Instructions of International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (16pt, space 24pt below)

Ji-Huan He, Wan-Lin Zhang(14pt., space 6pt below)

Institute of Physics of Fibrous Soft Matter, Modern Textile Institute

Donghua University, 1882 Yan'an Xilu Road, Shanghai 200051, China
Email: (12pt., italic type)

Robert S. Mackay(space 6pt above and below)

Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, UK, Email:

Abstract (12pt, space 12pt. below)

In this instruction, we illustrate how to prepare a camera-ready manuscript when it is accepted for publication in the journal. In order to speed up the publishing procedure, and to ensure high quality of the manuscript, all authors are requested to adhere to these instructions, in order to avoid delays in the typesetting phase, once the paper is accepted for publication. This short document can be viewed as a sample paper, and will assist the authors in manuscript-preparation. Tex file is asked to convert into word file (http://www.tex2word.com)(10.5pt.)

Keywords: Manuscript, preparation, typeset, format (10.5pt, space 12pt above and 24pt. below)

J.H.He , et al. Manuscript Preparation Instructions of International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

1 Introduction (12pt. , space 12pt. below)

Please use the standard A4(210x297mm) paper size. Allow 2.5 cm left and right margins and 3.5 cm top and bottom margins, i.e. use the typing area of 16x22.7 cm, each column 7.5x22.7 cm. If use 21.59x27.94, allow 2.8cm left and right margins, and 2.62cm top and bottom margins. Page numbers must not be typed on the sheets.

2. Font Size (12pt., space 18pt above and below)

Times Roman fonts of 11 point size should be used throughout all the paper with single spacing between lines of text. Title and headings should be in bold upright type. The size and space for title and headings are illustrated behind them

Don’t leave any headings at the bottom of each column. If a heading is at top, no space above the headings should be left.

Figure 1 A vortex ring in flow simulation.

2.1. Sub-headings (10pt. space 12pt. above )

If sub-headings are used, the font size should be 11 point size with bold upright type, leave space 12pt. above.

3. Equations (12pt., space 18pt above and below)

Symbols for physical quantities should be in italic (sloping) type. Mathematical operators and constants and symbols for units should be in roman (upright) type. Vectors should be in bold italic type and matrices in bold upright type. For example, we consider the following equation:

, (1)

where where F and Gi are unknowns to be further determined , As is the unknown boundary on hydrofoil.

. (2)

Don’t forget “,” and “.” at the end of each equation if necessary. Sufficient space (at least 6pt) should be left above and below the equation. In the equation, the normal size is 10pt, and the size of subscribes is 7pt.

In text the equations should be typed in the form .

4. Diskette(12pt.,space 18pt above and below)

Authors are requested to submit electronic versions of their manuscripts in order to facilitate an accurate typesetting, once the papers are accepted for publication. Manuscripts which are typeset using either LaTex, or Microsoft Word, are acceptable. If the file is suitable, proofs will be produced without rekeying the text.

J.H.He , et al. Manuscript Preparation Instructions of International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

Fig.2 computation domain

J.H.He , et al. Manuscript Preparation Instructions of International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

5.Copyright and Page Charge

Articles submitted to the journal should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty. For ease of dissemination and to ensure proper policing of use, papers and contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher unless otherwise agreed.

When submitting a manuscript to International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, the author(s) agree that:

1)  All authors have agreed to be so listed and have seen and approved the manuscript, its content, and its submission to International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation. Any further change in authorship must be approved in writing by all authors.

2)  No component of the manuscript has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere and the main findings of a paper have not been reported in the mass media.

If your paper is accepted for publication, the author(s) must agree:

1)  to provide the camera-ready electronic version of the accepted manuscript in WORD file only (*.doc ).

2)  to pay the mandatory charge fee according to the publisher’s policy, i.e. US$ 90 per page within 6 printed pages; US$ 50 per page for additional pages, payable to the Freund Publishing House Ltd.

3)  to grant the publisher an exclusive publishing license (authors retain copyright of their paper).

4)  any reasonable request for materials, methods, or data necessary to verify the conclusions of the experiments reported must be honored.

Figure 3. Computer generated fractal graphics at three levels of hierarchic iterations.

Figure 4. Relationship between N and L

6. Conclusion(12pt.,space 12pt above and below)

Hereby we illustrate how to format a camera-ready manuscript, the main advantage can be listed as follows

1)  The author’s manuscript can be fast published and distributed;

2)  No author’s proof is required, and so on.

Acknowledgments (12pt. space 12 above and below)

The work is supported by National Key Basic Research Special Fund .

References (12pt. space 12pt. above and below)

[1]  Driver RD. Ordinary and delay differential equations, Springer-Verlag, New York 1977 (book: name, title of the book, publisher, pulisher place, publication year )

[2]  He JH. Some asymptotic methods for strongly nonlinear equations, Int J Mod Phys B, 20 (10): 1141-1199 (2006) (journal paper: name. title, journal, Vol(No): pages (year)

[3]  El Naschie MS. Cantorian E-infinity space-time as a holographic principle: Applications in high-energy physics, cosmology and brain research, in J.H. He Editor, Proceedings of 2005 International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics, December, 2005, Shanghai China, Donghua University Publisher, Shanghai , pp.33-50 ( conference paper: name. title, in Editor(s), proceeding name, conference date, place, publisher, publication place, pages).

[4]  He JH, Zhang J. Semi-inverse method for establishment of variational theory for incremental thermoelasticity with voids, in S. Sieniutycz and H. Farkas editors: Variational and Extremum Principles in Macroscopic Systems, Elsevier, New York, 2005, pages 100-200. ( Chapter in a book: name. title of the chapter, in editor(s), book name, publisher, publication place, publication year, pages)

[5]  He JH. Variational approach for nonlinear oscillators, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, In Press,doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2006.10.026( paper in press: DOI number should be provided