Final review questions: ch 16-18

  1. Which scientist formulated the theory of evolution through natural selection?

  1. Lamarck's ideas about evolution were wrong because he proposed that

  1. species change over time.

  1. species descended from other species.

  1. acquired characteristics can be inherited.

  1. species are adapted to their environments

  1. Lyell's Principles of Geology influenced Darwin because it explained how

A / organisms change over time.
B / adaptations occur.
C / the surface of Earth changes over time.
D / the Galápagos Islands formed.
  1. A farmer's use of the best livestock for breeding is an example of

A / natural selection.
B / artificial selection.
C / extinction.
D / adaptation.
  1. The ability of an individual organism to survive and reproduce in its natural environment is called

A / natural selection.
B / evolution.
C / descent with modification.
D / fitness.
  1. Which of the following is an important concept in Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection?

A / descent with modification
B / homologous molecules
C / processes that change the surface of Earth
D / the tendency toward perfection
  1. Which of the following does NOT provide evidence for evolution?

A / fossil record
B / natural variation within a species
C / geographical distribution of living things
D / homologous structures of living organisms
  1. DNA and RNA provide evidence of evolution because

A / all organisms have nearly identical DNA and RNA.
B / no two organisms have exactly the same DNA.
C / each RNA codon specifies just one amino acid.
D / in most organisms, the same codons specify the same amino acids.
  1. A bird's wings are homologous to a(n)

A / fish's tailfin.
B / alligator's claws.
C / dog's front legs.
D / mosquito's wings.
  1. The birds shown below are 2 of the species of finches Darwin found on the Galápagos Islands.
What process produced the two different types of beaks shown?
A / artificial selection
B / natural selection
C / geographical distribution
D / disuse of the beak
  1. The large ground finch obtains food by cracking seeds. Its short, strong beak is an example of

A / the struggle for existence.
B / the tendency toward perfection.
C / an adaptation.
D / a vestigial organ.

Chapter 17

  1. Which of the following conditions is MOST likely to result in changes in allele frequencies in a population?

A / random mating
B / small population size
C / no migrations into or out of a population
D / absence of natural selection
  1. Mutations and the genetic recombination that occurs during sexual reproduction are both sources of

A / genetic variation.
B / stabilizing selection.
C / genetic equilibrium.
D / genetic drift.
  1. In a population of lizards, the smallest and largest lizards are more easily preyed upon than medium-size lizards. What kind of natural selection is MOST likely to occur in this situation?

A / genetic drift
B / sexual selection
C / stabilizing selection
D / directional selection
  1. Populations of antibiotic-resistant bacteria are the result of the process of

A / natural selection.
B / temporal isolation.
C / genetic drift.
D / artificial selection.
  1. If species A and B have very similar genes and proteins, what is probably true?

A / Species A and B share a relatively recent common ancestor.
B / Species A evolved independently of species B for a long period.
C / Species A is younger than species B.
D / Species A is older than species B.
  1. When two species reproduce at different times, the situation is called

  1. The length of time that two taxa have been evolving separately can be estimated using

  1. The graphs below show the changes in crab color at one beach.

What process occurred over the 40-year period?
A / artificial selection
B / directional selection
C / stabilizing selection
D / disruptive selection
  1. Which of the following is MOST likely to have caused the change in the distribution?

A / A new predator arrived that preferred dark-tan crabs.
B / A new predator arrived that preferred light-tan crabs.
C / A change in beach color made medium-tan crabs the least visible to predators.
D / A change in beach color made medium-tan crabs the most visible to predators.

Chapter 18

  1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Linnaeus's system for naming organisms?

A / two-part name
B / multipart name describing several traits
C / name that identifies the organism's genus
D / name that includes the organism's species identifier
  1. In which of the following are the Linnaean ranks in correct order?

A / phylum, kingdom, species
B / genus, order, family
C / kingdom, phylum, class
D / order, class, family
  1. In the six-kingdom system of classifying living things, which kingdoms contain unicellular organisms?

A / Eubacteria only
B / Eubacteria and "Protista" only
C / Archaebacteria only
D / Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Plantae, and "Protista"
  1. The taxon called Eukarya is a(n)

A / order.
B / phylum.
C / kingdom.
D / domain.
  1. Members of the kingdom "Protista" are classified into

A / two domains.
B / three domains.
C / three species.
D / three kingdoms.
  1. The cladogram below shows the evolutionary relationships among four groups of plants.
Which of the following groups share the most recent common ancestor?
A / cone-bearing plants and flowering plants
B / mosses and ferns
C / mosses and cone-bearing plants
D / ferns and flowering plants
  1. Which derived character appeared first during the course of the plants' evolution?

A / seeds
B / flowers
C / embryo
D / vascular tissues
  1. Which of the following groups, taken by themselves, do NOT form a clade?

A / cone-bearing plants and flowering plants
B / ferns, cone-bearing plants, and flowering plants
C / mosses and ferns
D / mosses, ferns, cone-bearing plants, and flowering plants