Meeting Type: Regular Board Invitees: All Reps, Alternates & Executive Committee Members Facilitated by: Board President
Board Meeting Minutes Metro Parks Conference Room 7:00 PM
April 16 , 2013
1.Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by PresidentTom Feeney. A roll call of the schools was taken by circulating a sign-up sheet. A quorum was present.
2.Roll call
Executive CommitteePresident / Tom Feeney / P / Past President / Tom Miller / P
Vice President / SueFalls / P / Scheduler / Loretta Kimble / P
Treasurer / Sandi Chadwick / P / Registrar / Sandy Corns / P
Secretary / John Allyn / P / Commissioner / John Holmes / P
Blackman / Mark Meshotto
Danny Corns / P
A / Hume Fogg/Page / Scott Sullivant
Laura Thomas / P
Brentwood / Ed Callaway
JimFalls / P
A / Independence/Summit / Norm Jenks
Pete Young / P
Centennial / Christy Elrod
Doug Jones / P
A / MBA / Hugh McSherry / A
Ensworth/GCS / Rob Harris
Bruce Crosby / P
A / Mt. Juliet/Rossview / Rick Walsh
Tim Haller / P
Father Ryan / Hugh Diver / P / JPII / Mike Honious / A
Franklin/Oakland / Heidi Shinbaum / P / Ravenwood / Davis Lamb
Rob Biancheri / P
FRA/USN / Chris Jones
Steve Schwartz / P
A / Station Camp/Beech / Kelly Gettings / P
Hendersonville / Roger Rettke
Mike Longe / P
A / Wilson Central/BA / Leming/Wallace
Lori Mofield / A
Visitors: Tom Spychalski
3.Approval of meeting agenda. Ed Callaway moved that the agenda be approved. Norm Jenks seconded. The agenda was unanimously approved.
4.Approval of last month’s minutes. Hugh Diver moved that last month’s minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by John Holmes. The motion unanimously passed.
5.Regular Reports.
A.Secretary’s Report. (John Allyn). None. President Tom Feeney acknowledgedthe many years of service that John has given, him and his overall knowledge of many and all aspects will be missed. He has been a positive part of the GNASH organization.
B. President and Vice President Report (SueFalls).
- Elections.
Election of Representatives and Alternates:
Motion to approve below slated Representatives and Alternates was made by John Holmes. The motion was seconded by Sandy Corns.
Motion passed unanimously.
School / Representative / AlternateBlackman / Mark Meshotto / Danny Corns
Brentwood / Ed Callaway / JimFalls
Centennial / Christy Elrod / Doug Jones
Ensworth/Goodpasture / Rob Harris / Bruce Crosby
Father Ryan / Hugh Diver / TBA
Franklin/Oakland / Heidi Shinbaum / Dave Mutchnik
FRA/USN / Chris Jones / Steve Schwartz
Hendersonville / Roger Rettke / Mike Longe
Hume Fogg/Page / Scott Sullivant / Laura Thomas
Independence/Summit / Norm Jenks / Pete Young
MBA / Hugh McSharry / TBA
Mt. Juliet/Rossview / Rick Walsh / Tim Haller
JPII / Mike Honious / Brian Smith
Ravenwood / Davis Lamb / Rob Biancheri
Station Camp/Beech / Kelly Gettings / TBA
Wilson Central/BA / Marilyn Wallace / Lori Mofield
- Election of Secretary, Scheduler and Registrar:
Motion to approve below slated positions was made by John Holmes.
The motion was seconded by Rob Harris.
Motion passed unanimously.
Secretary: Lori Mofield, Wilson Central/BA
Scheduler: Kelli Olin, Franklin/Oakland
Registrar:Sandy Corns, Blackman
President: As required by GNASH Handbook, the Vice Present automatically becomes President for one year and then he/she serves as Past President for one year.
The new active President is SueFalls.
Past President: The Past President is a non-voting ex officio member of the Executive Committee.
Tom Feeney will step into the Past President role.
Vice President:
Three candidates expressed their desire to be considered:
1. Ken Premo.
2. Steve Schwartz
3. Hugh Diver
Motion made by John Holmes for a blind vote. This motion was seconded by Norm Jenks. Each candidate presented a short summary of goals, objectives and then took questions.
Discussion was held amongst the voting sector and all were given blind ballots and verified by John Allyn to be an official voting member. All participants handwrote their incumbent choice, turned in to John Allyn who with the help of Lori Mofield, tallied said ballots.
Winner of the Vice President position was Ken Premo.
D.Registrar’s Report (Sandy Corns). New software in place.
E.Scheduler’s Report (Loretta Kimble). Nothing new to report. Tom Feeney took this opportunity to commend all the efforts and time that Loretta has given to the scheduling process of the GNASH program. She will be missed.
F.Treasurer’s Report (Sandi Chadwick: Over $5,000.00 in account. First deposit due from high school teams is due on June 1st for $1,000.00
G.Commissioner’s Report (John Holmes). Nothing new to report.
H.Coaching Report (Mark Layne. Congratulations to Centennial for their hard fought finish at the National Championship. Certification process must start now for all coaching staff.
7.New Business.
A.The secretary will manage the website updates for representative and school contact information as well as a contact and email listing for said representatives. The secretary will also meet with Sandi Chadwick regarding input to the website and other needs.
B.Secretary will contact John Holmes about scheduling GNASH meetings, possibly using the MetroParksPlazaCenter over the upcoming year.
C.Secretary will update and maintain a valid and accurate contact list as needed and directed by board.
D. SueFalls to coordinate the Handbook Committee as early as within the next two weeks. She will request attendees/volunteers after receive of email addresses from Secretary, Lori Mofield.
E.Email any and all suggestions to SueFalls for handbook consideration.
8.Old Business. No old business brought forth for discussion.
9.Adjournment. There being no further business, John Holmes moved to adjourn, seconded by Ed Callaway.
Motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:43PM.
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