The Healing Codes

Thursday Night Q&A


Tom Costello

Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of Alex Loyd Services, LLC and the entire Healing Codes family we welcome you to this call. Tonight in the United States it is May 17, 2007. Everything on this call is being recorded. This recording is available as a free download from our website: This question and answer call is one of the several ways we support our clients in your use of The Healing Codes to produce the results that you want in your life.

Another form of our support is our recording of these calls. Additionally we have a Clients Only area on our website where you can ask questions, read other people’s questions and the responses. We have a moderator who monitors this support area. There’s a User Name and Password required. I’m about to give those to you.

User Name: healingcodes Password: 12days That will get you started into the Clients Only Area.

Tonight we ask that any of you who are uncertain about any part of The Healing Codes to ask questions. We think that uncertainty slows down your progress. It’s the natural reaction to go slower if you’re uncertain about doing something you tend to put the brake on. Not only will your question benefit you, but it’s liable to benefit somebody else on this call. In the future, if somebody were to listen to this recording, chances are somebody there could benefit as well. So you’re helping all the way around.

We like these calls as a place to validate people who’d want to tell us of their successes using the Codes.

Finally we want to encourage you to do The Healing Codes work. When you hear from peers who are succeeding, struggling, bumping their heads into walls, the regular challenges of life, that sort of thing can encourage you to do the same thing… This is not like stepping on an escalator that’s going to take you right to the top with no stops in between. This can be a couple steps forward, one back, start, stop, start, etc., that sort of thing.

Ultimately if you tune in to what it is you’re trying to accomplish and allow your body to deliver it if it’s a physical issue, allow the creative force or source in the universe to support you in your efforts. If it’s something above and beyond the physical, we think your chances of achieving that are extremely good.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or the symptoms. The Healing Codes deals with issues of the heart. It is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention.

I’ve been saying this week, “We are in the business of belief healing.” Beliefs are those invisible, below the surface, conscious or subconscious beliefs from which all the conditions in all of our lives spring. We’re into belief healing.

That and other things that I’m going to say tonight are my opinions. I express those. If they serve you I’m pleased. If they don’t just let them go flying by. If they trigger something that needs healing, good. If they just annoy you, let them go flying by.

Typically on these calls, every couple of calls I go through some fundamentals. Tonight I’m going to skip those for a while and maybe address them during lulls or not at all. If you have any questions, please feel free to get into the queue. I’m going to ask Shane to explain how to get into the queue and how to knock yourself out of the queue.

Shane: Gives technical directions.

Tom Costello: I’m going to do what I call “priming the pump”. I’m just going to deal with some of those fundamentals that are important for everybody to know, people who are new to The Healing Codes as well as people who have been around for a while. Point number one is: Don’t try so hard to do the Codes perfectly. You can almost hear it as I read that sentence, “don’t try so hard”. Trying hard, thinking that there’s a penalty if you do it wrong starts to create the saber toothed tiger of stress. “Uh oh, uh oh!”

This is not exactly like traditional education in which there’s only one right answer. The Healing Codes, if you consider the process, is a wide boulevard. Your intention and actually doing it, that is pointing your fingertips at the healing centers and relaxing, that is doing those in a comfortable position, you’re doing it right. You get 100%. You get an A. Just relax. There is a tendency in the western world to think that more is better. More effort is better. Harder work is better. In this case that is not true. Less hard work; making it easy and relaxing into it. Allowing the results to come rather than you forcing them to come, you making them, you creating… you’re allowing them.

Your body, the same unbelievable wisdom that knows how to digest a sandwich, which none of us on this call knows how to do on a conscious level, intellectually…. If we had to write out the list of those things, we’d be writing a very long time. That’s an amazing process. The body knows how to do it. It knows how to heal a scratch, knows how to grow hair, knows how to heal a belief. As you do The Healing Codes you are delivering additional energy, re-circulated, I say recycled, back into the healing centers. The body will use that as it sees fit provided you give it the message that peace has been declared.

When you try so hard, so hard, so hard, so perfectly, got to do it perfectly! You’re delivering the message that, “Uh-oh, we’re under stress. We’re being threatened. We’re seeking to deal with this issue of perfection.” That’s a great thing to heal, folks. That is a good target for The Healing Codes.

Participant: (Susan) I have two questions. I just started. I’m on day 5. Does it matter, what I see in the manual there’s the resting position and the other position for each healing center. Is it better to do the one that’s more effort, or can you always do the resting position?

Tom Costello: It is better to do the regular one versus the resting. The resting is designed for people who are incapacitated, bed ridden or very, very ill where the least bit of effort would be challenging for them. However, because I put such an emphasis on doing this in the relaxed fashion, this is my recommendation. Be very generous in your use of pillows. If you’re going to do this in a recliner, take a couple of pillows and put them on your lap and rest your elbows on the pillows. Now you’re not using any shoulder and arm muscles to hold your arms up. They’re totally relaxed.

I’m sitting at a desk right now. I can do the same thing, and I frankly do oftentimes. I just prop my elbows up on the desk so I’m not holding them, then I just move my head and fingers around to aim in the correct places. If you were going to do this lying in bed first thing in the morning which is also our recommendation, take another pillow under each your left and right elbows. Scrunch them around so that you can be totally relaxed in your arm and shoulder muscles. If you’re going to lie on the floor you can use pillows. If you’re going to sit on the couch or a regular chair use a couple of pillows on your lap. That will make it easier.

However, there is no real down side to doing the resting position. You can see the Adam’s apple is basically a resting position. That’s the only one for the Adam’s apple.

Participant: The one on the video, it showed different ones. Is the video older than the manual or something?

Tom Costello: The positions are not, but some of the wording. When we find typo’s and spelling errors and other things of that sort we adjust the print material. We don’t redo the videos. What, specifically, are you referring to?

Participant: For the Adam’s apple position it looked like the hands were curled and so on. In the picture in the book it looks like just flat. Hands flat on the chest.

Tom Costello: I’m sitting up. I have my two hands knuckles to knuckles pressed against one another so my palms are facing outward, pointing at my Adam’s apple. You can have them, palms now facing toward my chest, my two little fingers are touching one another and my fingertips are pointing at my Adam’s apple. That really makes no difference, which ever of those is most comfortable. Knuckles back to back, frankly, for me is most comfortable and that’s the way I do it.

Participant: Okay. The second question is, I’m a psychotherapist. I’m working with all these people who are in a lot of pain or extremely depressed or whatever. I’ve got a dilemma between. I realize I can’t really share it too much because there’s a copyright and so forth, there are integrity issues. On the other hand, these people really need this. These people don’t have any money. I have one basically on welfare and so forth. Is it a problem if I show her a couple Codes and tell her to do them at home? Is that ….

Tom Costello: This is a good question. This is a dilemma for us. We are faced with the challenge of wanting to get this out to everybody. The other challenge of wanting to get it out in a specific form that is delivered the same way every time. There’s a challenge of wanting to protect our brand, our name, The Healing Codes. Then finally the business thing, protect the business aspect of it so we can continue to do this.

Now we have means where people can become practitioners and create Custom Codes and use the Codes for their clients. People who want to make a career, create a business doing this sort of coaching that’s the path. In your scenario, when you’re dealing with people who financially are never going to be customers of ours and are really strapped and have to deal with this, there lies the challenge.

Do you tell them how to relax? Do you tell them the issue really is not (these are my words, not yours) this issue is not depression. The issue is beliefs. They are processing information, they are processing environmental signals. You know all this stuff. I’m speaking for the wider audience that they are translating these environmental signals into a vibration of hopelessness. “I can’t do anything. It’ll never work.” That really is the challenge. For you to explain to them what you are personally doing and to show them a Code or two, there’s got to be no problem there.

Participant: Okay.

Tom Costello: There are other challenges from a psychological standpoint. It’s unfortunate but it’s true. You say to somebody, “I want to give you something for free.” You can almost hear the clicking in their heads, “And it will be worth exactly what you’re charging me, nothing!” You go, “no, no, no, this is unbelievably valuable.”

Years ago, this is a personal story, I’m having dinner on Long Island where I’m personally from. I’m meeting a guy who is an inventor. He invented an unbelievable machine that could husk sesame seeds. When I heard this, I went, “Uh, okay.” He said, “You don’t understand, in many parts of the world sesame seed is the staple. It is what keeps people alive. To be able to husk that is really huge. You don’t have to use chemicals and you don’t waste most of the seed.” These little guys are very small. He said, “I tried to give this invention away in Latin America and in Africa. In both places they went, if it was worth anything you’d use it and become a millionaire.” And he said, “I couldn’t give it away. Now I’m becoming a millionaire so I can give it away. I am proving its value. People say if it was worth anything you’d have made gazillions at it.”

This giving things for free, people are very quick to depreciate the value of it. You’ll need to deliver it somehow in the context of how you conduct your practice, too.

Participant: Either they are paying or their insurance. Somebody’s paying for the therapy, obviously. I don’t know. I’m aware of, for example, some people are very resistant to change because they feel, they associate change with insecurity. My guess would be the biggest problem with The Healing Codes is that people don’t do them. A big reason why they don’t do them is because they start to do it and realize how huge a change they could make and then that terrifies them because they don’t know who they’d be if they changed.

Tom Costello: Exactly. The last two days in a row I’ve been speaking with various professionals around the country from Canada to the United States about compliance. A medical doctor says “My patients do not take the prescriptions I write and they buy. They take them home from the pharmacy and put them on the shelf more than half the time.” Another person says, a psychotherapist from B.C., “People start to recognize change, they stop.” Even though they go, this is a good change, when they start to think it through or not think it through, feel it through, something gets triggered. Just like you said, Susan, this fear of change. “I’m going to be faced with some decisions. Panic!” They put the brakes on and pull over to the side of the road metaphorically in their lives and stay doing what they are used to doing because it’s familiar.

Participant: I’ve seen that a lot. Obviously a certain percentage of people are not as afraid of change or are desperate enough to keep doing it and they will have success. I can already see after 5 days the power of it.

Tom Costello: I look to introduce people to the concept of fork in the road. The fork in the road. I’m going along and there’s a fork in the road. The road I’m on does continue, so there’s a straight line, but the road to the left, if I were drawing this on a piece of paper, the road that goes up or the road that goes straight, that’s where I am. What do I do? What happens, if I look down the road and I’m going to continue doing exactly what I’m doing, “This is not a good thing.” If I make the wrong choice, that’s even worse. If I make a life-changing, positive choice that will break me free of some of the shackles that I’ve created over the course of my life, that’s going to be an adventure. It’s going to be different. I’ll tell you what, the straight line is not working and the bottom line is not working. “I’m going to risk it.”