TO: Pat Overton, Florida Chapter APWA
From: John Dunton, Treasure Coast Branch Report
Here is the January 2009 Report:
APWA Regular Meeting Minutes
October 16, 2008
In Attendance:
Mike Davis, PSL
Milton Leggett, COS
Joanne FitzGerald, PSL
Barbara Miller, SLC
Don Pauley, SLC
Debi Spivey, SLC
Bob Hitt, PSL
Dick Parks, PSL
Richard Perkins, PSL
Carmen Capezzuto, PSL
Dan McPadden, PSL
Melissa Lunsford, PSL
Dean Schuett, PSL
Linda Bagley, PSL
Sam Amerson, COS
Kirk McCosh, PSL
Joe Velardo, PSL
Nick Shelley, Ferguson Waterworks *
Ferney Montoya, Ferguson Waterworks *
Dan Giesey, PSL
Larry Nadeau, PSL
Robert Rawley, PSL
Eric Heilfurth, SLC
Muthu Peter, SLC
Jim Kawa, PSL
Brad Macek, PSL
* First time visitor
The meeting was called to order at 11:30 by Mike Davis. Mike introduced Tonya Taylor, Facility Administrator for the Port St. Lucie Civic Center who welcomed the group to the “pre-opening” tour. Once our lunch and meeting is over, Jack DiGiorgio, Sales Specialist, for the Civic Center will take us on a tour of the facility. The group was informed that quite a few events have already been booked at the facility (Gun & Knife show, Home Show, Hurricane Expo, etc.).
September Minutes: Mike asked if everyone had read the minutes from the September 30th meeting and if so, was there a motion to accept them as written. The motion was made by Dean Schuett and seconded by Larry Nadeau. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Joanne FitzGerald gave the treasurer’s report. Our previous balance, before writing checks had been $8,584.81. Checks have been written against that amount for the cruise we are going to raffle, food for today’s meeting as well as to have some petty cash on hand. These items equaled $1,021.33 so our present balance is $7,563.48. Joanne also informed the group that a debit card has been ordered to help alleviate some of the problems our treasurer’s have run into in the past trying to get checks passed between one entity and another.
Executive Committee News:
Mike informed the group that Nancy Ingle is no longer able to fulfill her commitment to this committee and asked for a nomination from the floor for a replacement. Joe Velardo nominated Kirk McCosh who was unanimously approved for assume her term. Nancy was also on the Scholarship/Education committee and Barbara Miller has volunteered to assume that task.
APWA Institute News: Carmen told the group that the first 3-day session was held last week at the main campus of IRSC and was well attended. Joe Velardo and Paul Bertram attended the first session, in which one of the instructors was Carmen. We also had one member of the National Board in attendance who supplied the branch with a copy of the letter they wrote to Dr. Massey. The second 3-day session will be in January. If anyone is interested in attending the session in January, they must complete the first session before that. The first session will be offered on line during the month of November.
Future Meeting Schedule: Our group has a standing reservation for a room at the PSL Community Center on Airoso Blvd for the third Thursday of every month at Noon from November, 2008 thru June, 2009. If anyone has ideas for meetings to be held at other locations, please email Mike Davis () so that he can notify the center that the room will not be needed and also get the information out to the members in a timely fashion.
State Representative: JD was not able to attend today’s meeting but Mike passed on the following information at his request. The APWA Florida Chapter Annual Meeting & Trade Show will be held April 27th thru May 1st, 2009 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach. Information on hotels, events, etc will be forthcoming. It was also mentioned that the State may be looking for a $1,000 donation from the branches to put towards their scholarship fund. Nothing definite was determined but we expect to hear more about this at a later date.
Scholarship/Education: Dean Schuett brought to our attention that he had received correspondence from both IRSC Foundation and SLC Foundation requesting the amount of our commitment for the next year. This was opened up for discussion since the economy doesn’t look to be improving any time soon and we do not want to promise so much money that we find ourselves unable to fund this program next year. Several members talked about the uncertainty of how successful our golf tournament will be in 2009 and how our sponsorships and donations will most likely be less than in previous years.
Sam Amerson made the motion that this year we commit ourselves to $1,000 to the SLC Foundation, $1,000 to the IRSC Foundation (down from $2,000 this year) and $1,000 for our internal scholarship fund. The motion was seconded by Don Pauley and passed unanimously.
Fund Raiser: A five day cruise for two will be raffled off to help build up our scholarship fund. We will once again sell 500 tickets and the drawing will be held on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2009. We will also purchase a second cruise to be raffled off at our golf tournament in May.
General Discussion: There was a roundtable discussion of the various damages and repairs relating to Tropical Storm Fay. Don Pauley stated that the County has gone out for design to repair/replace the Calmosa crossing. Mike mentioned that the citizens that live in that area are thankful for the way that the road has been blocked as bike and foot traffic has been deterred.
The City of Stuart has won the “American in Bloom Award” and it has been put on the city’s website. The link to view the slideshow is . Great job guys!
50/50 Drawing: Mike Davis won the drawing which amounted to $38.00.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 followed by a tour of the facility.
Respectfully submitted,
Debi Spivey, in Mark Weber’s absence.
APWA Installation Meeting Minutes
November 20, 2008
In Attendance: Melissa Lunsford, PSL PW
Barbara Miller, SLC R&B
Dan McPadden, PSL PW
Robert Rawley, PSL
John Dunton, PSL PW
Bill Griffith, City of Stuart
Milton Leggett, City of Stuart
Dean Schuett, PSL PW
Richard Daniels, PSL PW
William Reinert, City of Stuart
Marc Rogolino, City of Stuart
Larry Nadeau, PSL PW
Dan Giesey, PSL PW
Joe Velardo, PSL PW
Kirk McCosh, PSL PW
Carmen Capezzuto, PSL PW
Mike Davis, PSL PW
Linda Bagley, PSL PW
Joanne FitzGerald, PSL PW
Mike Davis opened the meeting with the approval of the October 16, 2008 minutes. The minutes were moved for approval and it passed unanimously.
Treasure’s Report: Treasurer Joanne FitzGerald reported a balance of $6,429.58.
Cruise Fundraiser: Mike Davis discussed that there were 500 tickets available for the cruise. No dates are on the tickets and the drawing will be held on February 12, 2009 at the Executive Board meeting. Mr. Davis also discussed selecting a special guest to draw the winning ticket at that meeting. Mr. Davis would like to discuss this at the next meeting or anyone can email him if they have a person of interest to be our special guest.
Joanne FitzGerald mentioned that 51 cruise tickets were sold totaling $430 and to break even we need to sell $95 worth of tickets to break even.
That concludes my report.
John Dunton
District VII Representative