Planning History Request
Office use only / Date receivedReference No.
There is a charge of £35.00 per Planning History Request per site.
By submitting this form you are requesting a search of our records to reveal any planning applications (if any) that have been made on a particular site. Copies of any plans or decision notices for applications that are revealed are not provided as part of the history search but may be purchased separately if required.
Please note: A history search may not reveal the information you are seeking. If you are not sure, please e-mail before submitting this form, or briefly outline what you are hoping to find out in the additional information box below.
Please complete the relevant sections of this form and return it with the fee to the Planning and Enterprise Service together with a location plan (where possible). We will contact you if further information is required however, we may not be able to complete this service if sufficient information is not provided.We aim to respond within 10 working days.
1 / Your detailsName
Address and post code
Telephone number (daytime/mobile)
2 / Location of the search (Address on which the search is required - a location plan should be provided where possible)
Additional information: (brief description of what you are hoping to find out)
3 / Declaration
I hereby request a search of Cornwall Council records to ascertain the planning history (if any) of the site above.
Name / Signature / Date
4 / Payment (£35.00)
Please make the payment before submitting this request
I enclose a cheque (cheques to be made payable to Cornwall Council)
I have made a payment by telephone (via 0300 1234 151)
I have made a payment online (viaon-line payment system)
5 / Data protection statement
The information you provide on this form will be held by Cornwall Council and used by us to process the planning history search. Your information will not be used for any other purpose by Cornwall Council and will not be passed onto any other third party without your permission. In accordance with Cornwall Council’s Record Retention Policy, the information you provide on this form will be retained for a minimum of 1 year, after which period it will be destroyed in a secure manner. All personal information held by Cornwall Council is held safely in a secure environment.
Please send paper copies to the Planning and Enterprise Service, Cornwall Council at one of the following addresses:
Dolcoath Avenue, Camborne, TR14 8SX
Pydar House, Truro, TR1 1XU
Penwinnick Road, St Austell, PL25 5DR
Chy Trevail, Bodmin, PL31 2FR
Telephone0300 1234 151
Please send electronic copies by e-mail to:
Please let us know if you need any particular assistance from us, such as providing the form in a different format or language.
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