New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors Scholarship Foundation

November 10, 2009

Sir Johns, North Brunswick, NJ

President Chip Adamson called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. Those in attendance were:

President Chip Adamson, President-elect Patrick Fatton,Vice President James Sens, Director at Large Charlie Bell, Past President Don Pennell, Mark Husik, Rona Goldberg, John White and

Chapter Presidents/Directors/Representatives:

Bergen Passaic: Tom Stearns

Central Jersey: Ray Swiderski, on Diessner

North Jersey: Nick Wunner

Rolling Hills: Tom Yager, Randy Sadlon, Bruce Blair


PLSSJ: Joe Dolan, Tom Park

PLSANJ: Carl Peters, Fred Czepiga


West Jersey: Lou Marchuk, Bill Haggerty

NJIT: Lisa Peterson, Andy Kubiak, Paul Agujo

Conference Chair Steven Mazurek

GIS Committee Chair Peter Borbas

MINUTES SEPTEMBER 2009 were approved.

SCHOLARSHIP SELECTION COMMITTEE REPORT (Adamson): The Executive Committee and representatives from the Scholarship Selection Committee met on October 20, 2009 to review the NJSPLS Foundation audit and management letter. The specific items that were discussed and were presented to the full Board of Directors for their approval and/or action and are enumerated below:

  1. Review of the NJSPLS Foundation Audit:
  1. Require a copy of applicant’s driver’s license to determine N.J. residency– After discussion on possibly removing the residency requirement, Nick Wunner made a motion seconded by Joe Dolan to keep the residency requirement. The motion carried by a vote of 14 to 4.
  2. Issue checks directly to the Institution – Joe Dolan made a motion, seconded by Charlie Bell to issue the checks directly to the colleges. This was unanimously accepted.
  3. Perform a review of the June 2008 awardees – This is now in the process of being done. Going forward we will also need to audit the 2009 awardees.
  4. Prepare minutes of the Scholarship Selection Committee meetings – This needs to be followed up and copies of meeting notes/minutes should also be sent to NJSPLS headquarters.
  5. Transfer proceeds from NJSPLS to Foundation -Golf & auction proceeds need to be transferred in a timely manner.
  6. Conflict of interest policy – Will ask accountant to clarify and suggest what form might be needed.
  7. Record Retention Policy – needs to be instituted, but will ask accountant to clarify.
  8. Whistleblower Policy – will ask accountant for sample policy for our review.
  1. Policy & Procedure Plan – The Selection committee needs to compile all the minutes, notes, etc. from past meetings and put them in order to prepare the procedure manual. Tom Park will spearhead this effort. Rona Goldberg will also consult with Tom to supply him with documents that he might not have in his possession.
  2. Loans to students – No
  3. Collection of un-used Scholarship Foundation funds from 2008 – Mark Husik reported on what information we have received back from the initial letter that was sent to the 2008 awardees. Names were not mentioned, but the amounts that have gone unused or unaccounted for were disclosed. Those who have not responded and those who have not used the funds as originally intended will be receiving a second letter from President Adamson and Scholarship Selection Committee Chairman Conley. It will be sent certified, return-receipt requested as well as by regular mail. They will be given a deadline to return the funds.
  4. Enforcement of policies – Since we will be sending future awards to the colleges, audits of the students will not be necessary.

FOUNDATION EVENT: After much discussion mainly due to the economy and financial requirements of the actual event, it was decided that we do not hold this event at this time in the format as originally planned. What is being planned is the following:

~ General Membership Meeting on Tuesday night May 11, 2010

~ Raffle – need to obtain permit for Toms River; pricing of tickets was suggested at $10 each. Charlie Bell, Jay Pierson & Rona Goldberg will work together to coordinate this activity. Once we have the approval, we will be able to start selling tickets for the 50/50.

~ We will have limited auction items at the General Membership Meeting – including the “Mouse Ears”.

~ Scholarship awards will be presented that evening.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM.

Submitted by:

Rona L. Goldberg

on December 4, 2009