St. Teresa’s Church, Rathduff

Fr. Des Smith, C.C. (096) 21596 & 087 7785315

Mass Intentions from Sat. 22nd Oct. to Sun. 30th October 2011

Sat. 22nd Oct. [V] 7.00 p.m.: Margaret, Breege & John Breslin & decd. family

Sun. 23rd October 10.00 a.m.: James McHale

Mon. 24th Oct. 10.00 a.m.: Special Intention

Tue. 25th October 10.00 a.m.: Thomas & Margaret O’Neill & daughter, Kate Kilduff

Wed. 26th Oct. 10.00 a.m.: Special Intention

Thu. 27th October 10.00 a.m.: Bridgie McHale (3rd Anniv.)

Fri. 28th October 10.00 a.m.: Special Intention

Rehins S. Centre: 8.00 p.m.: Michael John Gallagher, Dooleeg

Sat. 29th October 10.00 a.m.: Paddy McHale & decd. family members

12 Noon: Andrew Walshe (Months Mind)

Sat. 29th Oct. [V] 7.00 p.m.: Ted Forde (9th Anniv.)

Sun. 30th October 10.00 a.m.: Mary & Anthony Hopkins & son John

CONFESSIONS: Sat. 6.30 p.m. & after Mass

READERS: 30th Oct. [V] Danielle Walsh. [10] Elizabeth Boland.

E. MINISTERS: 30th Oct. [V] Lena Healy. [10] Mary Nallon.

CHURCH CLEANERS: Group 9: Mary Crean, Lena Healy. Ita Murphy.

Knockmore G.A.A. Development Lotto: Week 20. 158/10/2011. Nos. drawn: 1. 16. 20. 24. No Jackpot Winner. Weekly Ticket €25 Winners: Michael Killeen, Carol Dine, Ailish Brogan. Season Ticket €25 Winners: David Butler, Tom & Anne Finnerty, William Patterson. Next Jackpot €10,400. Draw in The Clubrooms Sat. 22/10/2011. Special prize – Michael Ryder Snr.

Sewing/Alteration Service available – Please contact 085 1677445.

Laptop & Desktop Computer Repair Service: Available locally, please contact 087 3685287.

Grow Meetings: Tues. 8.00 p.m. in Ballina Community Centre. Confidential. 094 9026417.

25 Drive in Ardagh Community Centre: Every Sun. night at 9.00 p.m. All welcome.

Knockmore Walking Club: Meets every Sun. 12 Noon at Clubrooms, Knockmore.

Conn Rangers F.C. Lotto: [27] 17/10/2011. Numbers: 3. 16. 26. 29. Jackpot not won. Season Ticket winners: Tony McHale, Richard McHale, Brendan Loftus. Weekly Ticket winners: Anne Reape, Laura McDonagh, Ciara Durkan. Jackpot €2,850. Draw in Brogans Mon. 24th Oct.

Boxing: The club will hold the “Kelly Cup” tournament in the Community hall on Sat. 5th Nov. Exhibition contests (underage & novices) at 6 pm. Main program at 8 pm. Tickets now on sale from any Club Member or Billy – 0868373646.

Table Tennis: Professional Coaching available in the Resource Centre every Thur. from 7 pm. Beginners are welcome. Contact Billy on 0868373646.

Set Dancing Classes: In Rehins Social Centre, every Wed. at 8.30 p.m. All welcome.

Foroige Meetings: In Knockmore Resource centre on Fridays at 7.30 pm.

Ballet lessons at Knockmore Resource Centre on Tue. & Wed. Contact Geraldine: 094 9258184 or 0857782486.

Knockmore/Rathduff R. Centre: Clothes & old mobile phone collection continues.

Drama Auditions: For secondary & primary students for a pantomime version of 'The Wizard of Oz' on Sat. 29th Oct.r in the Resource Centre, 11am - 1pm. Suitable for boys & girls, 11 to 16 years old. Just come along on the day.

Fundraiser for Mayo/Roscommon Hospice & Rock Rose House on Thurs. 7pm in Ballina Leisure Centre. Incl. Cookery demo. Ticket only event – available from 086 1532226.

New Mass Responses, will be introduced next weekend. Sheets available with the new words.

Notices for the Bulletin – can be left in to Parish House, Knockmore, by Thurs. 6.00 p.m. or Email to

Fr. Michael Flynn, P.P. 094 9258108/087 2640015

Church of Christ the King, Knockmore

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 23rd October 2011

Sat. 22nd Oct. [V] 8.00 p.m.: Betty & Paddy Nealon and baby Max

Sun. 23rd October 9.00 a.m.: Laurence Herron

11.00 a.m.: For the People of the Parish

Mon. 24th Oct. 10.00 a.m.: Henry & Vera Corcoran, The Brook

Tue. 25th Oct. 10.00 a.m.: Sr. Margaret Ann Lynch (Anniv.) Liverpool & Barnfield

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Tues. 10.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Wed. 26th Oct. 7.00 p.m.: John & Eileen Bourke & decd. family

Thur. 27th Oct. 10.00 a.m.: Jim, Marie, Paddy, Peggy, Brendan, Myra, & Ella Herbert

& Agnes Ruane

Fri. 28th October 10.00 a.m.: Tommy (Anniv.) & Maggie Duffy

Sat. 29th October 10.00 a.m.: Johnny Herbert (Months Mind) Barnfield

12 Noon: Wedding Mass

Sat. 29th Oct. [V] 8.00 p.m.: Nora, Tom & Bernadette Langan, Currabaggan

Sun. 30th October 9.00 a.m.: Vera & Richard Bourke

11.00 a.m.: For the People of the Parish

CONFESSIONS: After Vigil Mass on Saturday.

READERS: [V] Angela Feeney. [9] Winifred Bourke. [11] Karen Brogan.

E. MINISTERS: [V] P. Breslin & A. Bourke. [9] P. Hughes. [11] A. Mulvihill & M. Gardiner. SERVERS: [V] Roisin Coleman & Lauren Smyth. [9] Peter McTigue & & Shauna

Sweeney. [11] Rebecca Conway & Aoibhe Hopkins.

CHURCH CLEANING: M. Armstrong, B. Holmes, C. Clarke & E. Doocey.

Coeliacs: Please contact the priest to make arrangements to receive Holy Communion.

Mayo Living Links: Supporting families/friends bereaved by suicide. Call 086 0406666 for info. or email:

CAIRDE : BACKS’ CHAT – Please send items to:

Recent Deaths: Please remember in your prayers – Kate Kilduff (nee O’Neill) Derrynamuck & Manchester; Paddy Sweeney, Athlone (cousin of Anne Butler & Helena Healy); Sonny Gaughan, Lincoln & Doohoma (uncle of Anthony Holmes, B’macredmond); June Birrane, Manchester (daughter of Vincent Birrane, formerly Runagry).

Recent Baptisms: We welcome into God’s family – Ciara Thelma Quinn, Calladashin – daughter of Michael & Caitriona; Zara Elizabeth Bourke, Lisaniska – daughter of Sean & Laura.

Senior Citizens Get Together this Sun. to Fr. Peyton Centre: Bus from Gala 11.45am, Knockmore 12 Noon, Foxford 12.15. Bus returns to Knockmore 6pm.

Please send your used household batteries to Lisaniska N.S. for recycling. Also, we are collecting old mobile phones for the Jack & Jill Children's Foundation.

Lady Available: For house & office cleaning. Reasonable rates – contact Phil 086 1958725.

Legion of Mary 90th Anniv. Celebrations: This Sun. 23rd Oct. 2.30 in Cathedral, Ballina. Rosary Procession – Talk (Paddy Fay) Mass at 3.30 & refreshments in P.Centre afterwards.

Copies of Pastoral Letter from Bishop John Fleming: On the new translation of the missal are available at church doors. Please take a copy.

Series of Talks: On Bereavement, Mental Health issues & Suicide awareness – in Newman Inst. Nov. 8/15/22 from 8 to 10pm. €3 donation suggested.

Pastoral Council Meeting: Knockmore Church area - Wed. at 8.30 p.m. in Resource Centre.