“Equality for Orphans and Vulnerable Children”
Look After Them International(LATI)
P.O. BOX 341
1.0 Project Title
2.0Problem Statement
3.0Geographical location
4.0Area of operation
5.0Main objective
8.0SWOT Analysis
9.0Source of fund to run the centre
10.0Requested Funding Amount.
13.0Long-Term Impact
14.0Monitoring and Evaluation
16.0Board of Trustees of the Centre
1.1Name Applicant: Look After Them International (LATI)
1.2Contact person: Name – Ansila Martin
Title – Secretary General
Phone- +255782093872
2.0Problem Statement.
This project illustrative activities that are essential to bring change in the lives of most vulnerable children (MVC) and other children in vulnerable households in Babati district .Lots of efforts have been made to ensure MVC at Babati are supported with essential services but they fail because children tend to run out of the center and school because of poor quality in offering such services. Until now there is no registered center like the one we want to establish which provide services to Most Vulnerable Children especially streets children, except those supported by churches like Compassion who deals with children from poor households. All children deserve quality care, support, protection, love and affection.
Our project will be different from others because the children will be offered services that meet their desire as we consider children’s inputs as well as the national framework on quality standard of services ; these services include:
- Shelter
- Food and nutrition
- Family and nutrition
- Family loosed care and support
- Social protection and security
- Primary health care
- Psychosocial care and support
- Education and vocation training
- House hold economic strengthening
The children being on the street have become the habitfor the children and community. Children sees that is a solution to their problems while is opposite.
Babati case study- Street children are most often beaten because of their habit of robbery to the extent they cut off some part of their body.Others are injured during night when they are chased away with drunkards.
The worse thing children become involved into scavenging, begging, hawking, prostitution or theft, smoke marijuana, glue to aid their survival which leads them to imprisonment and death.
The vulnerable children especially from rural areas are fail to complete primary education due to poor families and other reasons, others fail to continue with secondary education or other vocation training which cause them to engage in bad groups and girls are selling themselves or parented at small age.
According to the research done on July 2009 shows those vulnerable children are above 80 from three villages in one Ward in Babati District.
50 % fails to complete primary education and live in the streets.
45 % succeeds to complete primary education and fail to go to secondary education orother vocational training. There is a need to embark this project so that we can educate and give knowledge to many children. Hence eradicate extreme poverty.
Most vulnerable children face additional challenges to develop their personality and talents. By supporting this project the vulnerable children will have equitable access to education and other skills like other children. There it is important and should entail specific attention to the needs of children living in the streets.
What happens to children when we don’t provide a good education and vocational training service?
- Children will not be able to attend school.
- Children report negative feelings about school,and even feel abused and neglected because they are not supported with education service.
- Girls(in particular)will be put at risk to engage in sexual activities at their young age in order to meet school requirement.
- There will be an increase in number of children living on streets.
Therefore, if we ensure that all children and their households are getting good and quality services,enabling them to be able to be protected and receive good care, then we will be able to see real changes in their lives. If we work together with love, we will be able to accomplish this and we will enable the community to experience love and live happily.
All of us together with children can bring changes.
Education is the child’s right.
3.0Geographical location
Mawemairo Village is among of the village in Babati DistrictCouncil.
Babati District Council is among the six council of Manyara Region. The council was established as a result of dividing the Hanang District into two District of Babati and Hanang. Babati District was officially documented in the Government Gazette No. 403 of the 1 October 1985. Babati District became autonomous body in July 1986 as a district council in September 2004 Babati District Council again was divided into two councils to form Babati District Council and Babati Town Council.
Babati District Council lies between the latitude 30 and 50 South of the Equator and longitude 350 and 370 East of Greenwich. Neighboring district are Monduli ni the North, Karatu in the North – West Mbulu in the West, Hanang in the South – West, Kondoa in the South and Simanjiro in the West. Babati District Council has an area of 5809 square kilometers
3.1Demographic statistics.
According to the population and housing census of August 2002 the District Council had a population of 237,601 with an annual growth rate of 2.7% population for the year 2008 is estimate at 297,519 of which 152,303 are males and 145,116 females. The council has a population density of 53 people per square kilometer.
4.0Area of operation
Main office and activities coordination of Street Children Rehabilitation Centre shall be in MaguguVillage. Its activities shall be undertaken on areas of catchments, Manyara Region and other region depending on the community needs.
5.0Main Objective
To build a children centre that will help in rehabilitate street children to normal life by training after addiction with street life.
To rebuild children lives who suffer from the worst effects of human conflict through: Loss of parents, Homelessness or displacement, poor nutrition and lack of medical care, hunger, and intellectualimpairement. This project is aimed at helping street children to be able to live a decent life and escape the street life which leads them to prison and sometimes death.
7.0 Activities of the centre.
In manifesting its Primary objectives and target SCRC intends to:
7.1To train street children to consider theyare good and acceptable after they have been living in the street and adopted the bad behavior.
7.2To nurse and care for un-nursed children by having children home where they will be man-kindly facilitated before brought back to the general society.
7.3To train intellectual impaired children to be able to cope with day to day activities to lead them to useful and productive life.
7.4To educate general life knowledge and specialized skills to such children by having a Nursery and Primary Education.
7.5To equip them with specialized skills by facilitating them to Secondary and higher learning studies.
7.6Train them in operating income generating activities as life skills provision and source of income to the centre (Entrepreneurship skills).
7.7To sensitize and create awareness to general public effects of street children to the economy by conducting seminars, workshop, meetings and advocacy.
7.8Focus: This project intend to represent the international community’s collective commitment to achieve the millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
8.0SWOT Analysis
The SCRC has the following advantage for its betterment
-A well established strategic plan to develop the centre.
-Presence of some skilled personnel.
-A good collaboration with government.
-A good collaboration with private sector.
The following are some of the factors that affect the organization performance:
-Dependence of external financial resources
-Suffer from less skilled personnel
-In kind and voluntary contribution of the government to the social activities.
-Land (25 acres)where the facility will be Established.
-Presence of funding agency, donors and other institution willing to assist Global Giving ,USAID,UNICEF Foundation,Save the children.
-Political and social stability leads to reliable peace and security.
-Inadequate financial resources from organization.
-Malaria, HIV/AIDS and related diseases.
9.0Source of fund to run the centre.
The centre shall be operated depending on the following sources of funds
- Own sources from income generating activities
- Individuals volunteers (Human resources, skills or material supports).
- Contributions from various donors (Individuals, Institution companies, local and international NGOs and Government).
- Fees from un-targeted parts who shall be interested with center’s services.
10.0Requested Funding Amount from Well-wishers, Phase one
-Land Demarcation (25 acres 10,000 USD.
-Land clearance 700 USD.
-Site development (planting trees) 1,000 USD.
-Excavate a well (water project) 3,000 USD.
-Preparation of buildings drawings 2,000 USD.
-Fencing 3,000 USD.
-An office 9,400 USD.
11.0Duration of the project phase one is 1 year
The beneficiaries from this project will be street children and other children brought to the centre
The great beneficiary will be government since by these street children turning into Good citizens they will be working and paying taxes and contributing to the development of the Nation at Large.
Implication of the Beneficiaries in the Project Design and Implementation.
The beneficiaries in this Project are divide into the following:-
- Street children
- Central and local Government
- Societies
Street children themselves will be implicated into the project by being given the information that the project is designed to help them to change their life style. That is important for them to be at the centre and there will be taught how to read and write and also they will be trained to the productive life.
Central and local Government
The central and local government will benefit from the fact that since there will be street children they will have time to take care of other more productive issues that will benefit the communities around them.
Local society
The societies will greatly benefit from this centre since most of the children who might have disturbed them by thief or robbery will be out of sight, will be good citizens and hence members of societies will engage themselves in more productive work and will stop worrying about their safety and that of their property.
Therefore the project is designed in such a way that during the implementation of the project all the beneficiaries will work hand in hand from the start by making sure that the government is involved in mobilizing resources.
13.0 Long –Term Impact
We are looking forward to have good young people in the future that will be useful to the society and country using their time and all the Resources for the advancement of their families, neighbors and the Nation at larger we are hopeful that the centre will shape the lives of many street children and turn them into good parents of the future.
14.0Monitoring and Evaluation :
Participatory M&E will be established,
Visiting site, report writing, photo taking in collaboration with local government officers and social welfare officers.
The project will be sustainable because youth will be involved in income generating activities as life skills provision and source of income to the centre (Entrepreneurship skills) like tailoring project, gardening, poultry, welding ,arts, and agriculture. The product will be sold hence the own source of income. Fees from un-targeted parts who shall be interested with center’s services.
16.0Board of Trustees
SCRC shall be operating under care of:
Babati District Council Social welfare officer
Babati Town Council Social welfare officer
Five members from LATI Board of Directors