
The Giver by Lois Lowry: Chapters 17-19 Preparation

Directions: Using the question stems provided in first packet or left side-boxes to create one of each of the five types of questions in the boxes below. DIG DEEP!

Questions: See question stems in ch 1-3 packet! / ANSWER (with page number)
(story facts)
“Who…?” or “What…?” / Your question: / Your answer:
(applying story facts to show meaning)
“What examples show that…” / Your question: / Your answer:
(Examining ideas to understand-- themes, motives, etc)
“Why….?” “What evidence suggests that?” / Your question: / Your answer:
(putting different ideas together to draw conclusions)
“What would happen if…?” / Your question: / Your answer:
(judging. defending)
“What would you do if…?” / Your question: / Your answer:

NAME: ______Ch 17-19 short-answer

1.  (Ch 17) What does Jonas realize as he hears Lily complain about her anger over rules being broken on the playground and his mother’s description of her sad day?


2.  (Ch 17) Why is Jonas disturbed by the game his friends are playing?



3.  (Ch 18) How does The Giver describe the previously selected Receiver who failed?



4.  Which of these memories did The Giver give to Rosemary?CIRCLE all that apply:

a) Physicalpain b) Loss and separation c) Loneliness

d) Poverty e) Hunger f) Snow

g) A kitten

5.  Rosemary was overwhelmed by pain, and after 5 weeks, she ______.

6.  Jonas and the Giver make arrangements to watch which event? ______

6a. Why does The Giver keep telling Jonas to be quiet? ______


7.  When Jonas starts to realize what's going on, he asks The Giver to stop the tape. a) True b) False


The Giver by Lois Lowry: Chapters 20-23 Preparation

Directions: Using the question stems provided in first packet or left side-boxes to create one of each of the five types of questions in the boxes below. DIG DEEP!

Questions: See question stems in ch 1-3 packet! / ANSWER (with page number)
(story facts)
“Who…?” or “What…?” / Your question: / Your answer:
(applying story facts to show meaning)
“What examples show that…” / Your question: / Your answer:
(Examining ideas to understand-- themes, motives, etc)
“Why….?” “What evidence suggests that?” / Your question: / Your answer:
(putting different ideas together to draw conclusions)
“What would happen if…?” / Your question: / Your answer:
(judging. defending)
“What would you do if…?” / Your question: / Your answer:

Ch 20-23 questions:

In Chapter 20, The Giver makes important revelations to Jonas about the previous Receiver.

a)  What happened to her?


b)  What then happened to the Community?


c)  Who was she?


When Jonas reaches the “point of no return,” he begins to think about changing things in the community. What do you think is the “point of no return” – what event is the ultimate tipping point for Jonas that prompts him to develop and set his plan into action?


Why do you think this?



Alliteration Simile Metaphor Imagery Onomatopoeia

The below quotes are examples of what kind of figurative language? Indicate answer on the line.

______“…he moved stealthily and steadily, staying in the shadows…” (163)

______“…Father said in his sweet, sing-song voice” (165)

______“Standing in the freezing mound that was thickening his numb feet, Jonas opened his own tunic, held Gabriel to his bare chest, and tied the torn and dirty blanket around them both” (175).

______“He saw nothing ahead except the endless ribbon of road” (175).

______“…a slow-winging hammock under palm trees on an island someplace, at evening, with a rhythmic sound of languid water lapping hypnotically against a beach nearby” (166).

Name: ______Per ______

HONORS: Ch 20-23 response

AMBIGUITY, noun: Lack of clarity, openness to interpretation

Of her book The Giver, Lois Lowry has this to say about her ambiguous ending: "Many kids want a more specific ending to The Giver. Some write, or ask me when they see me, to spell it out exactly. And I don’t do that. And the reason is because The Giver is many things to many different people. People bring to it their own complicated sense of beliefs and hopes and dreams and fears and all of that. So I don’t want to put my own feelings into it, my own beliefs, and ruin that for people who create their own endings in their minds.”

What is the meaning of the novel’s ending as Jonas sleds downhill with Gabriel? (In other words, what do you think really happens, and WHY?) . Be sure to FULLY EXPLAIN your response with examples from the text. USE RACER.











Name: ______Per ______

STANDARD: Ch 20-23 response

AMBIGUITY, noun: Lack of clarity, openness to interpretation

Of her book The Giver, Lois Lowry has this to say about her ambiguous ending: "Many kids want a more specific ending to The Giver. Some write, or ask me when they see me, to spell it out exactly. And I don’t do that. And the reason is because The Giver is many things to many different people. People bring to it their own complicated sense of beliefs and hopes and dreams and fears and all of that. So I don’t want to put my own feelings into it, my own beliefs, and ruin that for people who create their own endings in their minds.”

What is the meaning of the novel’s ending as Jonas sleds downhill with Gabriel? (In other words, what do you think really happens, and WHY?) Choose ONE and explain your ideas below:

a)  I think this signifies that Jonas dies because ______


and the impact on the community is ______

b)  I think this signifies that he escapes from the community and goes on to….



and the impact on the community is ______

c)  Rather than a or b, I think ______


and the impact on the community is ______