2017 - 2018
Admissions Application

Application for Admission, Academic Year 2017 – 2018



Checks made out to The Grace School at Meeting Street.

Student Information



Applicant Gender: Female Male 

Please circle grade for which you are applying: K1234567 8

Address: ______


Home Telephone: ______

Student Date of Birth: ______Student Age as of September 1, 2017: ______

Ethnicityand Language(Optional)

African American American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian/Pacific Islander 

Caucasian  Latino/Hispanic  Multi-racial  Other  ______

Language spoken at home: ______First language spoken: ______

How Did You Learn About The Grace School? (Please be specific and check all that apply)

Internet (check all that apply)  Facebook  WPRI.com  Turnto10.com  Kido Info

 Other ______

 Friend/Family ______

Media/Advertisement  East Side Monthly Rhode Island Monthly  NPR

 Bus Stop  Other______

 Child Care Center______

 Health Care Professional ______

 Open House ______

 Other______

What should we know about your child? What interests does your child have? ______

Student Educational and Developmental History

Present School/Preschool: ______Present Grade: ______

Dates: ______Telephone: ______

Address: ______


Previous School: ______Grades Attended: ______

Dates: ______Telephone: ______

Address: ______



If your child has seen a physician or other professional for an evaluation in any of the following areas, please check below the most appropriate description and forward a copy of the evaluation to Meeting Street.

Speech/ Language Development Neuro/Psychological Evaluation 

Emotional/Behavioral Development Physical Development 

Educational Evaluation Early Intervention 

*Current Individual Education Plan Audiology 

Vision impairment or Difficulties Individual Education Plan 

Are there any areas of concern related to child’s development or education that you wish to address or discuss? If so, please elaborate: ______



* For student applicants who have current IEPs calling for direct academic support through resource instruction, parents are requested to authorize the suspension of those resource services since the delivery of those services via the Providence Public Schools Department [PPSD] does not conform to The Grace School inclusion model.

Please note: The attached authorization form must be completed to request your child’s academic records from their current school. In the event that these records are not received or incomplete, it will become the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide.

Meeting Street does not discriminate and no question in this application is used for the purpose of limiting or excusing applicant’s consideration for enrollment on a basis prohibited by local, state, or federal law.

Family Information

Applicant Lives With:Both parents Mother Father Other  ______

Parent/Guardian’s Name: ______Relationship ______

Address: ______

(If different from Applicant)(Street)(City)(State)(Zip)

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Occupation: ______Employer: ______

Email Address: ______Business Phone: ______

Parent/Guardian’s Name: _______Relationship______

Address: ______

(If different from Applicant)(Street)(City)(State)(Zip)

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Occupation: ______Employer: ______

Email Address: ______Business Phone: ______

Sibling Information


(Name, age)(School/Program currently attending, grade)(Name, age)(School/Program currently attending, grade)


(Name, age)(School/Program currently attending, grade)(Name, age)(School/Program currently attending, grade)

How Can We Best Reach You? ______

Party Responsible for Tuition: ______

(Name and relationship to applicant)

Applying for Financial Aid? Yes NoIf yes, what % of assistance is needed? ______


(Parent/Guardian Signature)(Date)


(Parent/Guardian Signature)(Date)

Rev. 10/16