Connexions capitales / Capital Connections:
nation, terroir, territoire
Canadian Women’s Studies Association
L’association canadienne des études sur les femmes
Annual Conference
May 24 – May 26, 2009
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario
Short ProgrammeSaturday, May 23, 2009
9:00am- 4:30pm / CWSA/ACEF Annual Coordinators’ Meeting (Pre-Conference)
Room: Paterson Hall 301
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Concurrent Sessions 1
9:00am - 10:15am / Room: Mackenzie 3165 / Room: Mackenzie 3174 / Room: Mackenzie 3190 / Room: Mackenzie 3328
Northern Women’s Studies &/or Social Work/ &/or Expressive Arts and/or?
Chair: Si Transken, UNBC
Joanna Pierce, UNBC
Si Transken, UNBC
Dahne Harding, UNBC
Diana Gustafson, Memorial
Sustaining Feminist Spaces: Gifts and Challenges of Student Supervision / Policing and Regulating Citizens
Chair: Suzanne Lenon, U Lethbridge
Caroline Hodes, York
(Re)Producing Nation: Race, Gender, Sexuality, the Sovereign and the Living Constitution
Melissa Autumn White, York
Governance, affect, territory: on queer migration stories
Shoshana Magnet, McGill
New Practices of Looking? Surveillance Technologies and Systemic Discrimination / Double Visions: First Nations Representations
Chair: Shawna Ferris, U Manitoba
Kim Verwaayen, UWO
Staging Silence Speaking: Joan Crate, literary ventriloquism, and the performative Pauline Johnson
Abetha Mahalingam, York
“Our Very Own Femicide”: Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women in Canada and Human Rights Violations
Margot Francis, Brock
The perils, pleasures and contradictions in re-inventing a legend: Engaging with indigenous transformations of Song of Hiawatha in Garden River First Nation / Unmapping Fat: Spatializing Gender, Race, Class and “Obesity” from the Cold War Era to Cyber Times
Chair: Deborah McPhail, York
Deborah McPhail, York
Fetishizing the “Tubby Hubby”: Constructing Gendered Body Fat and National Norms in Cold War Canada
Amy Gullage OISE/UT
Unruly Bodies: Fatness and Citizenship
Jacqueline Schoemaker Holmes, UBC
Fat Authenticity as Resistance (?): The Case of Online Dating
10:15am -10:30am / Break
Refreshments outside of Mackenzie 3174
Sunday, May 24, 2009 Continued…
Concurrent Sessions 2
10:30am - 11:45am / Room: Mackenzie 3165 / Room: Mackenzie 3174 / Room: Mackenzie 3190 / Room: Mackenzie 3328
Canada: Issues of Nation and Sovereignty
Chair: Wendy G. Pearson, UWO
Celine Cooper, OISE/UT
Impossible speech
Re-framing the terrains of the ‘nation’ debate in Québec
Alyson McCready, McMaster
Neoliberalism, Militarisation and National Identity: A Canadian Case-Study / Gender and labour
Chair: Jennifer Johnson, Laurentian
Oana Petrica, York
Gendered Violence, Nationalism & Capitalism in Postcommunist Romania
Habiba Zaman, SFU
Skilled Immigrant Women in Metro Vancouver: An Exploratory Study
Urvashi Soni-Sinha, McMaster
‘Men Breadwinners, Women Housewives’: Discursive Tropes, Subjectivity and Labour Process in Jewellery Production in the Villages of Medinipur, West Bengal, India / Pedagogies of Violence: Situating Ourselves Beyond Women’s Studies
Chair: Brenda Blondeau, York
Brenda Blondeau, York
Perpetuating Violence in the Classroom
Eva C. Karpinski, York
Let’s Talk About It? Representations of Violence in Feminist Education
Anna Natoli, Michener Institute
Traversing Ethical Geographies / How Can We Imagine The Other? Confronting Ethical Challenges Of Representing Difference In Critical Feminist Research
Chair: Carla Rice, Trent
Carla Rice, Trent
‘The elephant in the room’: Ethical Challenges of Self-Reflexivity in Embodiment Research
Susan Dion, York
Indigenous Women Telling Stories and Doing Research: Critical Auto-Ethnography and Possibilities for Healing
Karleen Pendleton Jiménez, Trent
Queer Chicana Animation: Authenticity and the Production Process
11:45am -1:30pm / Lunch break
12:15 – 1:30
Women’s Studies in Hard Economic Times: Realities and Strategies
Facilitators: Si Transken, President, and Lynda Ross, Executive member, CWSA/ACEF
Room: Mackenzie 3328
Sunday, May 24, 2009 Continued…
Concurrent Sessions 3
1:30pm - 2:45pm / Room: Mackenzie 3165 / Room: Mackenzie 3174 / Room: Mackenzie 3190 / Room: Mackenzie 3328
Roundtable: Women’s Studies Without Feminism
Moderator: Ann Braithwaite, UPEI
Catherine Orr, Beloit College
Karlyn Crowley, St. Norbert College
Ann Braithwaite, UPEI / Theorizing Disability
Chair: Ilya Parkins, UBC Okanagan
Margaret Shalma, U Toronto
Deaf and disabled women: included or excluded in the women’s movement?
Chris Vanderwees, Lakehead
The Neglect of Contexts and Conflicts Between Disability, Queerness, and Feminism in Robert McRuer’s Crip Theory
Rachel Gorman, U Toronto
Disabled woman/nation: Transnational feminist re-narrations of neocolonial violence / Constructions of motherhood
Chair: Celine Cooper, OISE UT
Sarah Trimble, McMaster
Miraculously Given: biopolitics and natality
Sally Mennill, UBC
The Safety of Nature: Caesarean sections in post-war mothering discourses in Canada
Lynda Ross, Athabasca
Reactive Attachment Disorder and its Implications in Defining the “Good Mother” / Steppin’, Reading, and Watching: The Intersections of Gendered Work and Popular Culture
Chair: Sikata Banerjee, UVic
Mebbie Bell, U of Alberta
YouTube, Intelligibility and Feminized Subversion
Sikata Banerjee, UVic
The Exotic, the Victim, and the Spiritual: Indian Womanhood in Modern Travel Writing.
Annalee Lepp, UVic
(Sex) Trafficking in Women: North American Documentary Narratives
Heather Tapley, UVic
Feministeppin’ 101: No Prerequisite Required
2:45pm – 3:00pm / Break
Refreshments outside of Mackenzie 3174
Sunday, May 24, 2009 Continued…
Concurrent Sessions 4
3:00pm – 4:15pm / Room: Mackenzie 3165 / Room: Mackenzie 3174 / Room: Mackenzie 3190 / Room: Mackenzie 3328
Feminist Readings of Canadian Women Writers
Chair: Anne Brown, UNB
Sharlee Reimer, McMaster
Troubling Origins and “Immaculate” Conceptions: (Re)Creation in Larissa Lai’s Salt Fish Girl
Anne Brown, UNB
Patriarcat et Prostitution : Nelly Arcan et la transformation du corps féminin en objet marchand
Elan Paulson, UWO
Re-Writing Canadian Diaspora: Hiromi Goto’s Fantastic Adaptors
/ Ethics, power and bodies in feminist methodologies
Chair: Shana Calixte, Laurentian
Shana Calixte, Laurentian
Baby, Belly, Boundaries: The Effect of Pregnancy on Research Relationships
Jennifer Johnson, Laurentian
Is Supplication a Feminist Methodology? Research in Elite Spaces of Work
Maki Motapanyane, York
Insider/Outsider: A Feminist Introspective on Epistemology / Territorial Traversals
Chair: Urvashi Soni-Sinha, McMaster
Melissa Strowger, OISE/UT
The Anxiety of Our Territorial Struggles: A Reflexive Consideration of Women’s Studies and Disability Studies Scholarship
Sharon Woodill, MSU
Complexity and Ecofeminism: Adventures in the Land of Coalition
Sheila Hassell Hughes, U Dayton
Returning to a Place That Never Was: Using Women’s Studies Experience to Chair a “Real” Department / Making Public Space for Difficult Memories: Examining artistic responses to murdered and missing Indigenous women
Chair: Amber Dean,
U of Alberta
Amber Dean, U of Alberta
Public Art as Memorial Practice: Evoking Public Memories of Vancouver’s Disappeared Women
Shawna Ferris, U of Manitoba
Monumental Activisms, Memorial Responsibility: Remembering Murdered Women in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside
Leah Decter, Transart Institute
Once Removed: Ethical Considerations of Third-Party Witnessing and Artistic Representation in Relation to Murdered and Missing Women
5:30pm -9:00pm / Documentary Films
Room: Mackenzie 4499
Monday, May 25, 2009
Concurrent Sessions 5
9:00am – 10:15am / Room: Azrieli Theatre 101 / Room: Southam Hall 304 / Room: Mackenzie 3380 / Room: Azrieli Theatre 102
Psychoanalytic Reading and Writing Practices for Feminist Research
Chair: Kristine Klement, York
Kristine Klement, York Writing difference differently: The singular significance of women’s writing
Rachel Hurst, York
Complicated Conversations Between Feminist Interview Methodologies and Psychoanalytic Theories
Paola Bohórquez, York
The Foreigner's Voice as Feminized Otherness / Coalitions and Transnationalisms
Chair: Habiba Zaman, SFU
Natalie Kouri-Towe, OISE/UT
Rethinking Solidarity: A Model for Transnational Feminist Activism
Beenash Jafri, York
The Other Bodies on Native Land: Ruminations on Colonization, Migration and Settlement
Rai Reece, York
Repositioning: Black and First Nations Women Building Coalitions and Crosscurrents / Theoretical concepts
Chair: Sarah Brophy, McMaster
Margaret Toye, WLU “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” A “Space” for Love in Feminist Theory
David Murray, York Rethinking Homophobia
Robert E. Foote, Ohio State
Territorial Incursion: The Male-To-Female Transgender Experience And Its Effect On Women’s Studies / The Triumphs and Tribulations of Women’s Studies: Examining Feminist Curriculum, Pedagogy and Learners’ Experiences in Women’s and Genders Studies at the University of British Columbia
Chair: Leonora C. Angeles, UBC
Leonora C Angeles, UBC
Examining Feminist Curriculum at UBC: Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom
Monica Nijjar, UBC
Prescriptions Practices and Prospects of Feminist Pedagogy
Amina Rai, UBC
Examining Learners’ Experiences in Women’s and Gender Studies at UBC
10:15am - 10:30am / Break
Refreshments outside of Azrieli 302.
10:30am -12:00pm / Key Note Panel:
Nations within Nation: Women’s Studies and Feminisms in Canada
Room: Azrieli Theatre 302
Chair: Andrea Levan, Laurentian University
Kate Cairns, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
“Thinking Beyond Borders”? Exploring the Limits and Possibilities for Imagining
Transnational Feminist Scholarship in Canada
Carol Lynne D’Arcangelis,
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
On Land, Nation and Sovereignty:
Indigenous Feminisms in Conversation with Post-colonial and Transnational Feminisms
Dominique Masson, University of Ottawa
Spaces within the state? Funding women’s organizations in Québec
12:00pm-1:30pm / Lunch break
12:30pm-1:30pm / Open House
Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies
15th Floor, Dunton Tower
beverages and dessert provided by the Institute
Monday, May 25, Continued…
Concurrent Sessions 6
1:30pm - 2:45pm / Room: Azrieli Theatre 101 / Room: Mackenzie 3380 / Room: Azrieli Theatre 102
Creative Writing and Multimedia projects
Chair: Ilya Parkins, UBC Okanagan
Emilia Nielsen, UBC
Dermographia: (Desire)
Marnina Gonick, Susan Walsh, Nythili Rajiva, Marion Brown, and Jacqueline Warwick, MSU
Writing our way to Dinner: Collective Biography, Food and Relations of Difference.
Ila Crawford, Julie Drolet, and Trish Archibald, Thompson Rivers U
Untold Stories: Valuing Women's Contributions to Community Life in Kamloops, British Columbia / Women’s Studies as Praxis: Community Service-Learning in the Women’s Studies Classroom
Chair: Heather Tapley, UVic
Joanne Muzak, U Alberta
Service-Learning, Women’s Studies, and the Dynamics of Privilege
Mebbie Bell, U Alberta
Problematizing Praxis? Reflexivity and Community Engagement
Lise Gotell, U Alberta
Complicating the Agent/Victim Dichotomy: Service-Learning Pedagogy and Sexual Violence / Representations in Popular Culture
Chair: Samantha Thrift, McGill
Natasha Patterson, SFU
Reality TV and Feminist Criticism: Constructing Women’s “Reality” Post-Programming
Anita Shaw, UNBC
Adolescent Pregnancy: Missteps, Choices, and the Good Girl Life Plan
Valerie Behiery, McGill
The ‘Un-Canadian’ Self: Mainstream Representations of Veiled Muslim Women?”
2:45pm – 3:00pm / Break
Refreshments outside of Azrieli 102
Monday, May 25, Continued…
Concurrent Sessions 7
4:15pm / Room: Azrieli Theatre 101 / Room: Mackenzie 3380 / Room: Azrieli Theatre 102
Exclusions and violences in the academic setting
Chair: Wendee Kubik, U Regina
Mary Ellen Campbell, McMaster
“Take the money in your wallet and invest it in your mind”: Racism, Patriarchy and the Culture of Persecuted White Masculinity in Ontario Universities in the “Age of Globalization”
Gulzar R. Charania, OISE/UT
Girl Violence Interrupted: An anti-racist feminist intervention
Roslyn Thomas-Long, U Toronto Bridging the “Good work”/Academic Work Divide in the Academy / Building Bridges into the Community
Chair: Joanne Muzak, U Alberta
Joan Simalchik and Linzi Manicom, UTM
Doing Good for Women or Pursuing Feminist Practice?” Reflections on the challenges of experiential learning programs
Debbie Lunny, Concordia
Social Movement Learning and the Pedagogies of Transnational Feminist Activisms
Christine McKenzie, OISE/UT
Women against Violence, Struggle or Solidarity?: Approaches to Non-Formal Feminist Learning / Buying Into It: Risk and Responsibility in Health-Related Media Constructions of Female Sexuality and Reproduction
Chair: Susan Knabe, UWO
Jessica Polzer, UWO
Everything I Can”: Responsibility, Risk and Citizenship in Media Representations of HPV Vaccination
Laura Cayen, UWO
On the Pill: Advertisements, Oral Contraceptives and Young Women
Marissa Daniels, UWO
Consumption and the Construction of “Good” Motherhood in North American Pregnancy Magazines
4:30pm – 6:00pm / Annual General Meeting
Room: Azrieli Theatre 302
6:00pm – 8:00pm / CWSA Reception
Room: Loeb lounge, second floor
Tuesday May 26, 2009
8:00am – 9:00am / Women’s Worlds 2011 Breakfast
Room: Loeb Lounge, second floor
Concurrent Sessions 8
9:00 – 10:15 / Room: Southam Hall 317 / Room: Southam Hall 318 / Room: Southam Hall 501
Gender, Race, and the Political Process
Chair: Shana Calixte, Laurentian
Jennifer Bell, U Alberta
Not One of the Boys: Canadian Women’s Political Memoir
Leonora C. Angeles, UBC
Gender in the Race: How the 2008 American Elections Reconfigured Old Themes in Women, Gender and Politics
Samanatha C. Thrift, McGill
‘Vague murmurs of goodwill are not enough!’: Feminist Strategies and the 1984 NAC Federal Leaders’ Debate on Women’s Issues
” / Rethinking Victim Narratives
Chair: Joan Simalchik, UTM
Ana Laura Pauchulo, OISE/UT
Engendered memories: translating the lessons of the Mothers and the Grandmothers of the Disappeared in Argentina
Joanne Muzak, U Alberta
Women’s Personal Narratives in the Non-Profit Sector
Jesika Joy, York
Radical Deconstructions of Heterosexual Practice / Roundtable: (De)(Re)Constructing a Field: Genealogizing Key Terms and Narratives in Women’s Studies
Chair: Ann Braithwaite, UPEI
Ann Braithwaite, UPEI
Karlyn Crowley, St. Norbert College
Annalee Lepp, UVic
Catherine Orr, Beloit
10:15am -10:30am / Break
Refreshments outside of Southam Hall Theatre B
10:30am -11:45am / CWSA Awards Ceremony:
Book Award, Undergraduate Essay Prize, Graduate Essay Prize
After prizes are awarded, the winners have been asked to speak about their work
Room: Southam Hall Theatre B
11:45 -1:15 / Lunch Break
Tuesday, May 26, Continued…
Concurrent Sessions 9
2:30 / Room: Southam Hall 317 / Room: Southam Hall 318 / Room: Southam Hall 501
Fashion, Gender, and Modernity
Chair: Ilya Parkins, UBC Okanagan
Ilya Parkins, UBC Okanagan Fashion as a Feminist Critical Intervention in Modernist Studies
Jasmine Rault, UWO
Fashioning Sapphic Architecture: Eileen Gray and Radclyffe Hall
Elizabeth Sheehan, U Virginia Modes of Modernism: Vanessa Bell and Dress Design / Configuring Nation and Identity
Chair: Pavlina Radia, UT
Bianca Rus, UBC Remapping the “European” Territory: The Case of Julia Kristeva's Murder in Byzantium
Pavlina Radia, independent scholar
“Re-Orienting the Afghan Woman in Denmark: Negotiating Gender and Xenophobia in Amulya Malladi’s The Sound of Language”
Hiroko Hara, UBC
Being and Becoming “In-Between”: Where Centre and Margin Collide and Intersect / “Unruly Bodies”: Self-Representation, Gender, and Embodiment in Visual Culture
Chair: Janice Hladki, McMaster
Sarah Brophy, McMaster
Implications of the New Feminist Materialism for Visual Autobiography
Janice Hladki, McMaster
Women’s Video Autobiographies as Subversive Cultural Practice
Dan Irving, Carleton
Looks Can be Deceiving: Exploring Transsexual Body Alchemy Through A Neo-liberal Lens
Kate Lawless, UWO
Foreign Bodies: Illness and the Politics of Belonging in Richard Fung’s Sea in the Blood
2:30pm –2:45pm / Break
Refreshments outside of Southam 318
Tuesday, May 26, Continued…
Concurrent Sessions 10
4:00pm / Room: Southam Hall 317 / Room: Southam Hall 318 / Room: Southam Hall 501
Performance Pedagogies: Performance Theory and Practice as a Method for Feminist Activism and Research
Chair: Rachel Loewen Walker, U Saskatchewan
Si Transken, UNBC
Dahne Harding
Snow Angels and Emergence: Art, Creativity and Lying on the Margins
Rachel Loewen Walker,
U Saskatchewan / Health Issues
Chair: Leonora C Angeles, UBC
Sarah Snyder, U Toronto
Woman Embodied: Qualifying Women’s Alcohol Use from a Feminist Perspective
Wendee Kubik, Carrie Bourassa, Kerrie Strathy, and Holly McKenzie, U Regina
Exploring the health of Aboriginal Grandmother’s Caring for Grandchildren
Christine Kelly and Julie Lalonde, Carleton
Exploring the Care Landscape in Canada / Lived experience under colonialism
Chair: Susan M. Knabe, UWO
Wendy Gay Pearson, UWO
Walking Away from the White Man’s Words: Indigenous Epistemologies in Where the Spirit Lives and Rabbit Proof Fence
Marie Lovrod, U Saskatchewan
Gendered Geographies of Resistance to Empire: Adolescent Escapes to Revised Territories of Empowerment
Suzanne Rintoul, WLU
“My Poor Mistress”: Middle-Class Domestic Violence and the Nineteenth-Century Female Slave Narrative
Maya Sanyal, Drew
Re-reading Colonial Women: Anglo-Indian Women in Maud Diver’s Early Romances