2016 NT-NL Mission Area Assembly Choir
Special Invitation to ALL NT-NL Choir Members:
On Friday, April 22, 1:00 pm, our entire Mission Area will celebrate “¡To the Ends of the Earth!” with approximately 500 people attending this Assembly. It will be a very special moment for us all, as we bid farewell to Bishop Kevin Kanouse, thanking him for his faithful service to our Mission Area, and elect a new bishop to lead us into the future.
Helping to lead worship at the Opening Celebration Worship will be an Assembly Choir, which is open to all NT-NL choir members. How to participate?
If you live in the DFW Metroplex, there will be three rehearsals for this choir. Two of these rehearsals will be held on Sunday, April 10, and Sunday, April 17, each from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. You should attend the rehearsal venue of your choice from the following list:
Advent Lutheran Church
3232 South Cooper Street
Arlington, TX 76015
Contact Peyton Strouth, 817 465-6793
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church
821 South Greenville Avenue
Allen, TX 75002
Contact Jordan Smith, 972 727-3191 ext. 226
Faith Lutheran Church
6000 Morriss Road
Flower Mound, TX 75028
Contact Kitty Barnard, 469-702-0207
At any of these locations, you will be able to obtain music and participate in rehearsal.
Then on Friday, April 22, final choir rehearsal for the Mission Assembly will begin promptly at 9:30 am at the Arlington Convention Center, 1200 Ballpark Way, Arlington, TX 76011. This will be a rehearsal in combination with brass ensemble. A lunch break will be provided from approximately 11:30 am – 12:30 pm. You can either drive offsite for a meal or pack a sack lunch. You will need to be dressed in your choir robes/outfit and ready to lead worship at 12:45 pm. Worship will conclude at approximately 2:15 pm.
If you live away from the DFW Metroplex , either you or your choir director should contact Kitty Barnard, Minister of Worship Arts, Faith Lutheran Church, 469-702-0207. You will be able to register your participation and obtain music information. Then plan to attend the final rehearsal on Friday, April 22, 9:30 am, as outlined above.
One additional note: If you plan on staying for the Assembly, you can register as a Visitor for $115 (until April 11) here: https://ntnl.org/nt-nl-mission-assembly/assemblyfees/
If you are interested in attending the evening meal only, you can purchase that ticket here: https://ntnl.org/2016-mission-assembly-registration/2016-mission-assembly-extra-meal-tickets/
I am excited that singers from the entire NT-NL Mission Area will be able to come together on April 22 to lead worship. I encourage you to participate! I know that this event will take place during the day, but if you are available, have a flexible work schedule, are retired, etc., please consider making this a priority. We will be much better with you!
Serving together in ministry and faith,
Kitty Barnard
Minister of Worship Arts
Faith Lutheran Church, Flower Mound