The Joint Benefice of St Giles and St Philip & St James with St Margaret
Welcome to St Giles’. Do take this news sheet home with you.
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please switch your hearing aid to the “T” position.
Sunday 9th OCTOBER 2016 20th sunday after trinity
08:00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Celebrant: Revd Georgie Simpson
10:30 am holy communion Celebrant: Bishop David Jennings
The order of service follows that set out in the booklet.
The music and words for sung parts of the service are at No 542 in the hymn books.
Hymn 433 – O worship the King, all glorious above
Gloria (Sung by the Choir) Mozart Coronation Mass
GOD, giver of life, whose Holy Spirit welleth up within thy Church: fill us with the gifts of that same Spirit to live the gospel of Christ, and make us ready to do thy will, that we may share with all thy whole creation the joys of eternal life; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
First Reading 2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c
Psalm 111
Second Reading 2 Timothy 2:8-15 (Read by Siân Grønlie)
Anthem Give us the wings of faith – Ernest Bullock (1890-1979)
Give us the wings of faith to rise within the veil, and see the Saints above, how great their joys, how bright their glories be. We ask them whence their victory came; they with one united breath ascribe their conquest to the Lamb, their triumph to his death. They marked the footsteps that he trod, his zeal inspired their breast; and, following their incarnate God, they reached the promised rest. (Words: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748)
The Gospel Luke 17:11-19
n the way to Jerusalem Jesus was going through the region between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered a village, ten lepers approached him. Keeping their distance, they called out, saying, ‘Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!’ When he saw them, he said to them, ‘Go and show yourselves to the priests.’ And as they went, they were made clean. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice. He prostrated himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. And he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus asked, ‘Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they? Was none of them found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?’ Then he said to him, ‘Get up and go on your way; your faith has made you well.’
Sermon Bishop
Hymn 302 – O thou, who at thy Eucharist didst pray
Communion Anthem O Quam Gloriosum –
Tomas Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)
O quam Gloriosum est regnum in quo cum Christo gaudent omnes Sancti! Amicti stolis albis sequuntur Agnum, quocunque ierit. (O how glorious is the kingdom in which all the saints rejoice with Christ. Clothed in white robes they follow the Lamb wheresoever he goes.)
Post Communion
od our Father, whose Son, the light unfailing, hath come from heaven that he may deliver the world from the darkness of ignorance: may the eyes of our understanding be opened through these holy mysteries that we, knowing the way of life, may walk in it without stumbling; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Hymn 431 – O thou who camest from above
Organ Voluntary Prelude in Eb Major – J S Bach (1685-1750)
Coffee is served in church after the Voluntary.
6:30 pm Choral Evensong (SG Singers) Officiant: The Vicar
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis– Gibbons Short Service; Responses - Smith
Hymn 366 – God of mercy, God of grace
Psalm 144
Reading Nehemiah 6:1-16 Read by Melanie Florence
Reading John 15:12-end Read by Melanie Florence
Anthem O Quam Gloriosum – Tomas Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)
Sermon The Vicar
Hymn 357 – Father, hear the prayer we offer
Hymn 252 – The day thou gavest
Voluntary Prelude in G Minor – Dietrich Buxtehude (c 1637–1707)
♦ Chapel Service at OCMS, Woodstock Road: 9:30 am on Wednesday 12th October. Speaker: Prof David Cranston. All welcome.
♦ Bible Study groups commence on Thursday 13th Oct. Do look at the notices in church and contact the leader of the group which would suit you best.
♦ Michaelmas Term Lunchtime Talks commence on Thursday 13th October (in church) at 12:30 pm. Theme: The Love of God: Insights into the Kingdom. The first talk is Love: The Heart of the Matter; Speaker: Revd Andrew Bunch.
♦ Cocoa and Compline: Thursday 13th Oct, 9:30 pm at St Giles’. All welcome.
♦ Next Sunday – 16th October, Trinity 21: 8 am – BCP Holy Communion; 10:30 am –Holy Communion; 6:30 pm – Evensong.
♦ Jazz at St Giles’: Tina May with David Gordon; on Saturday 15th October at 7:30 pm. Experience Tina's beautiful voice and face and David's lyrical accompaniment - a soothing evening. Tickets £15/£13/£8.
♦ Jazz at St Giles’: David Gordon Trio; Sat 29th Oct at 7:30 pm. £12/£10/£5.
♦ Dates for your Diary: Sunday 6th Nov – All Souls’ Requiem Eucharist (Fauré) at 6:30 pm instead of Evensong. Sunday 13th Nov – Remembrance Sunday – The Civic Service at the War Memorial will be followed by shortened Holy Communion in St Giles’.
♦ Priest & Pints: At 7:45 pm on Sunday 6th November Tom Albinson will be at The Royal Oak. Do drop in for a chat. Email
Monday 10th October 5:30 pm Evening Prayer
Tuesday 11th Oct (St Ethelburga, 675) 5:30 pm Evening Prayer
Wednesday 12th October 12:30 pm Eucharist
(St Wilfrid of Ripon, 709) 5:30 pm Evening Prayer
Thursday 13th October 12:30 pm Lunchtime Talk
(St Edward the Confessor, 1066) 5:30 pm Evening Prayer
8:00 pm Bible Study: The Heart of the Matter
9:30 pm Cocoa and Compline
Friday 14th October 1:15 pm Taizé Service
5:30 pm Evening Prayer
Saturday 15th October 5:30 pm Evening Prayer
(St Teresa of Avila, 1582) 7:30 pm Jazz Concert
Sunday 16th October 8:00 am BCP Holy Communion
(TRINITY 21) 10:30 am Holy Communion
6:30 pm Evensong
Prayer Requests - Cycle of Prayer: Week 2
Sick: David Johnson, Andrew McLean, Heather Poole, George Pulford
Year’s Mind: 10th – Anne Gilmore (2009)
Contact US:
Vicar: Revd Canon Andrew Bunch The Vicarage, Church Walk
Email: Oxford OX2 6LY (01865 510460)
Associate Priest: Revd Tom Albinson (01865 515409)
Email: (07426 948251)
Lay Minister: Mr David Longrigg 23 Norham Road, Oxford OX2 6SF (01865 557879)
Benefice Manager: Mrs Henrietta Mountain-Ritter 10 Woodstock Road
Email: Oxford OX2 6HT (01865 512319)
Churchwarden 1: Mrs Maureen Chu
Email: (01865 726011)
Churchwarden 2: Mrs Joanne Russell
Email: (01865 760788)
Treasurer: Mr Rod Nixon email:
Organist: Mr Andrew Patterson email:
Choir Director: Dr Nicholas Prozzillo email:
Church Office email: (01865 311198)