Conics Advertising Extra Credit Project


You will create an ad for a conic section. This project is worth 10 extra points.


1.  Your conic section is ______.

2.  Use the internet and your textbook to research different real life uses for that conic section. Be sure to write the name/address of the website so that you may cite it in your project.

3.  Pretend that you are selling this conic section and create an ad for this conic section. Be sure to include properties of the conic section, a picture of the conic section, a definition of the conic section, uses for the conic section, and of course, a price! (See grading rubric for more details). This may be a ‘print ad’ such as those you would find in a magazine or on a bill board or you may make a video commercial. The video must be one that we can play on the DVD player in your teacher’s classroom.

4.  You may present your ad in class as part of your grade.

Due Date - I will not accept any projects after April 9.

Grading Rubric

Use the following rubric for a guideline as you complete the project.

Definition of the conic section / A detailed definition and formula are given and explained. The explanation is accurate and shows understanding of the conic section.
2 points / A definition and formula are given and explained. Some information is lacking or incorrect.
1 point / No definition or formula is given.
0 points
Picture of conic section / A picture is included with all proper labels.
2 points / A picture is included with most proper labels.
1 point / No picture is included.
0 points
Uses of the conic Section / At least 4 detailed real life uses are given, with pictures or drawings.
2 points / At least 2 detailed real life uses are given with pictures or drawings.
1 points / No real life uses are given.
0 points
Overall product / The ad gives a price, is creative, neatly put together, and would convince someone to ‘buy’ the conic section. Obvious preparation has been put into the project.
2 points / The ad gives a price, Is creative, and would convince someone to ‘buy’ the conic section. The project is messy or incomplete.
1 point / The ad is very messy and incomplete.
0 points
Presentation / You did an excellent job of presenting ad to ‘consumers’ and were prepared.
2 points / Presentation was unconvincing or incomplete.
1 point / Did not present ad.
0 points