Food Technology 7075Unit D- Food Production, Food

Processing, and Biotechnology


Food Production, Food Processing, and Biotechnology

FT07.00 / Understand food production systems. / 6% / B2 / CD.E,CS,H,M,SC
FT07.01 / Understand “farm to table” as related to food production. / 3% / B2 / CD.E,CS,H,M,SC / Core
FT07.02 / Compare organically-produced foods to conventionally-produced foods. / 3% / B2 / E,CS,H,M,SC / Core
FT08.00 / Understand the impact of biotechnology on the food industry. / 7% / B2 / E,CS,H,M,SC
FT08.01 / Understand how biotechnology affects the quality and safety of food. / 4% / B2 / E,CS,H,M,SC / Core
FT08.02 / Understand the ethical issues of biotechnology and its use in the food industry. / 3% / B2 / CD,E,CS,H,M,SC / Core
FT09.00 / Apply procedures to get a new food product to market. / 17% / C3 / E,CS,H,M,SC
FT09.01 / Understand the types of preservation methods used in food product development. / 3% / B2 / E,CS,H,M,SC / Core
FT09.02 / Classify food packaging procedures used in product development. / 3% / B2 / E,CS,H,M,SC / Core
FT09.03 / Implement steps to get a new food product to market. / 11% / C3 / E,CS,H,M,SC / Core


The activities outlined in Unit D will help students master the three competencies that focus on food production, food processing, and biotechnology. A Capstone Project is to be completed near the end of the unit to allow students to apply the knowledge that they have learned throughout the course through the development of a new food product. Student teams of four to six students per team will simulate the development of a new product. Examples of products will be provided to teachers based on current trends in the food industry. Approximately 16 class days are allotted specifically for students to work on their Capstone Project.

Competency 7.00 addresses food production systems with a special focus on organic and conventionally produced foods. The concept of farm to table and the need to implement safety procedures at each point along farm to table continuum is addressed. At the end of this section, Student teams will also be able to compare the differences between organic and conventionally grown foods.

Competency 8.00 addresses biotechnology and its impact on food and the food industry. Biotechnology is growing segment of the economy in North Carolina and so it critical that students be introduced to its basic principles. To some biotechnology is controversial. Dr. Kathleen Kennedy, North CarolinaBiotechnologyCenter, was contacted and was asked how this potentially controversial topic should be addressed in a high school course.

Dr. Kennedy stated: “There is concern among some in the community about genetically modified crops and especially genetically modified human food crops. From a policy perspective, this situation seems to me no different from that presented by other technologies that may raise social, economic, or ethical issues, e.g., DNA fingerprinting, use of animals for biomedical research, use of hormones or antibiotics in livestock production; nuclear power, or indeed the teaching of evolution. The key issue is rather one of teaching versus advocacy. These are stances that people often get confused (for some listeners who have strong views and are not precise in their thinking, teaching about a subject at all can appear to be advocacy); and indeed in practice there can be a fine line between teaching and advocacy for a teacher who has a strong view about a particular subject. Here are some guidelines that I have found helpful in these kinds of discussions:

1. Teach all the relevant science about the topic and make sure teachers understand the science.

2. Acknowledge people's feelings and concerns. They're real and can't be simply dismissed, even if illogical.

3. Teach students how to separate fact from hyperbole or anecdotal evidence, and how to gauge the validity of a claim.

4. Teach students how to focus on what it is that is making them uneasy about an application--while a particular application of a technology may cause legitimate concern, that does not always mean that the technology itself is bad--in other words, don't throw the baby out with the bath water. For example, much of the anti-GMO hype, particularly in Europe, has come from activist organizations whose primary agenda is opposition to the operations of multinational corporations.

5. Teachers need to understand that weighing the risks, costs, and benefits of a new application of technology requires attention to several different factors--technical and economic as well as ethical and emotional ones. It's also useful to look at the history of development and marketing of an application. For example, the USDA rules that define food products to be certified as "organic" prohibit GMOs. However, the gene for the toxin introduced into genetically modified insect-resistant corn comes from a naturally-occurring bacterium, and the toxin from this bacterium is routinely applied as a spray or powder on food crops by home gardeners and organic growers as a "natural pesticide." Seem odd? I've been told that significant lobbying and pressure by the organic farming community was a factor in the promulgation of the USDA rule. Because these growers recognize that people who think GMOs are unnatural are among their customers, they don't want to jeopardize their marketing by being associated with the technology. We seem the same resistance among some herbal product businesses.

Another excellent resource for teachers would be the text "Biology and Biotechnology: Science, Applications, and Issues, by Helen Kreuzer and Adrianne Massey. This is a new college freshman biology text, available from Carolina Biological Supply and included in the Center's order form for free lab supplies for graduates of our workshops. Both authors are brilliant science writers, and this is a very readable text that provides an in-depth treatment of issues like this. Adrianne is moreover a leading authority on agricultural biotechnology issues.

Competency 9.0 represents 17% of the course. Objectives 9.01 and 9.02 introduce the principles of food preservation, packaging, and tamper-evident devices. The content presented in both of these areas is essential to the completion of the Capstone Project. Objective 9.03 focuses on completion of the Capstone Project.

Capstone Project:

Student teams will simulate the development of a new food product. Teachers have implemented Capstone Projects in a wide variety of ways with success. To kick-off the capstone project, the teacher will show a video on developing food products -- From Concept to Consumer. The teacher and student manuals are available at: (FREE).

The teacher will then divide students into teams (4 to 6 per team). Teams will prepare a modified food product, prepare written project report that includes the following components:

  • Brainstorm ideas for new or modified products
  • Description of the consumer group being targeted
  • Market analysis for the product
  • Formula for the new product
  • Function for each ingredient, including additives and preservatives
  • Preservation method
  • Shelf life
  • Regulatory agencies
  • Hazards and Controls
  • GMPs, SOPs, and a HACCP Plan
  • Sensory evaluation plan
  • Ingredients by weight
  • Nutritional analysis
  • Label and packaging
  • Equipment needs to produce product
  • Production costs
  • Results of pilot
  • Distribution plan
  • Storyboard for an advertising campaign

After the project is completed all teams will present an oral report of their product. The approach to be used is that the Student teams will pitch their new food product to management (the teacher and their classmates). Not all new products make it to market. They must be “pitched” to management, marketing, and others before production begins.

COURSE: / 7075 Foods II - Food Technology / UNIT D / Food Production, Biotechnology, and Food Processing
COMPETENCY: / 7.00 / 6% / B2 / Understand food production systems.
OBJECTIVE: / 7.01 / 3% / B2 / Understand “farm to table” as related to food production.
Essential Questions:
  • What is “farm to table” as it relates to food production systems?
  • What is the effect of distribution on the food industry?

  • “Farm to table” is used to describe the entire food chain -- from the way food is grown or raised, to how it is collected, processed, packaged, sold, and eaten. Safe food handling practices must be properly implemented at each point from farm to table in order to keep food safe to eat. The points along the food chain continuum include:
  • farmers/fishermen
  • slaughterhouse operators
  • food processors
  • transportation operators
  • distributors (wholesale and retail)
  • consumers
  • Distribution involves getting food products from the producer or manufacturer to the retail store.This includes:
  • food manufacturers
  • wholesalers/distributors
  • retailers
Farmers, packing house operators, and transportation operators must apply appropriate techniques to prevent the spoilage and contamination of food before it arrives to the distributor. Rural markets; handling and transport facilities; and a sound infrastructure, including roads, must be in place for the safety or the foods will be affected.
OBJECTIVE: / 7.01 / 3% / B2 / Understand the process of “from farm to table.
1. / Teacher will facilitate a discussiononthe steps that a food product goes through from farm to table while students take notes on their own graphic organizer. / 1. / Provides students with knowledge and understanding about the concept of “farm to table”.
2. / Teacher will explain how to prepare a flow chart and examples of careers as related to “Farm to Table”.
(D7.01 TH Flow Chart) / 2. / Provides students with careers related to “Farm to Table” and information on“farm to table” flow of food.
3. / Student teams (4 per team) will complete a flow chart for an assigned food. Students will list examples of careers and classify these careers based on the assigned food.
(D7.01 SH Flow Chart) / 3. / Allows students to APPLY (C3)knowledge and understanding of how to prepare a flow chartfor food. Students willEXEMPLIFY (B2) and CLASSIFY(B2)careers related to “Farm to Table” for a specific food.
4. / Teacher will facilitate a discussion on the distribution and marketing of food products using the PPT below. Teachers may show and discuss with students a DVD or video on food distribution and marketing of food products. Students may be assigned to watch segments on The Food Network on food distribution and marketing or visit a food manufacturer and distributor in your community.
(D7.01 PPT Distribution) / 4. / Provides students with knowledge and understanding about the distribution and marketing of food products.
5. / Teacher will review how to describe distribution and marketing of a food.
Student teams will describe how an assigned product is currently distributed and marketed. Brief presentations will be presented in class.
(D7.01 TH Distribution)
(D7.01 SH Distribution) / 5. / Allows students to APPLY (C3)knowledge and understanding about how a food item is distributed and marketed.
6. / Teacher will generate and administer a test that assesses student ability to explain the process of “from farm to table After completion, the teacher will review, re-teach, and retest using the R-3 Chart (see Unit A overview). / 6. / Checks student knowledge and understanding about the concept of “farm to table in a formative assessment.
OBJECTIVE: / 7.01 / 3% / B2 / Understand the process of “from farm to table” and related careers.
Ward, J. 2006. “Principles of Food Science”
Ward, J. 2006. “Principles of Food Science Lab Manual”
Ward, J. 2006. “Principles of Food Science Teacher Resource Notebook”
Potter & Hotchiss. “Food Science” 5th Edition
Igoe & Hui 2001. “Dictionary of Food Ingredients”4th Edition
The Food Network /

Objective 7.01

Appendix – Instructional support materials

D7.01 TH Flow Chart

D7.01 SH Flow Chart

D7.01 PPT Distribution

D7.01 TH Distribution

D7.01 SH Distribution

COURSE: / 7075 Foods II - Food Technology / UNIT D / Food Production, Biotechnology, and Food Processing
COMPETENCY: / 7.00 / 6% / B2 /

Understand food production systems.

OBJECTIVE: / 7.02 / 3% / B2 / Compare organically-produced foods to conventionally-produced foods.
Essential Questions:
  • What are the differences between organically- and conventionally-produced foods?
  • How do organically-produced foods and conventionally-produced foods compare in terms of in nutrition, quality, appearance, safety, and taste?

  • Organic farming practices are designed to encourage soil and water conservation and reduce pollution. Key differences between conventionally-produced foods and organically-produced foods are:
Apply chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth. / Apply natural fertilizers, such as manure or compost, to feed soil and plants.
Spray insecticides to reduce pests and disease. / Use beneficial insects and birds, mating disruption or traps to reduce pests and disease.
Use chemical herbicides to manage weeds. / Rotate crops, till, hand weed or mulch to manage weeds.
Give animals antibiotics, growth hormones and medications to prevent disease and spur growth. / Give animals organic feed and allow them access to the outdoors. Use preventive measures — such as rotational grazing, a balanced diet and clean housing — to help minimize disease.
COURSE: / 7075 Foods II - Food Technology / UNIT D / Food Production, Biotechnology, and Food Processing
COMPETENCY: / 7.00 / 6% / B2 /

Understand food production systems.

OBJECTIVE: / 7.02 / 3% / B2 / Compare organically-produced foods to conventionally-produced foods.
  • Organically-produced foods and conventionally-produced foods meet the same standards as conventional produced foods.
Nutrition / No documented difference / No documented difference
Quality / Spoil more slowly because often treated with waxes or preservatives / Spoil faster because not treated with waxes or preservatives
Appearance / More uniform in size, shape, and color / Less than perfect appearance – odd shapes, varying colors, and smaller sizes.
Safety / No documented difference in pesticide residues. / No documented difference in pesticide residues.
Taste / No documented difference. Freshness is more likely to effect taste than production method. / No documented difference. Freshness is more likely to effect taste than is production method.
Cost / Cost is higher.
OBJECTIVE: / 7.02 / 3% / B2 / Compare organic foods to conventionally produced foods
1. / Teacher will facilitate a discussion using the PPT below on a comparison between conventionally-grown foods and organically-grown foods while students take notes on their PPT handout or to create a graphic organizer for note taking.
(D7.02 PPT Differences) / 1. / Provide student with an understanding of different farming methods.
2. / Teacher will explain how to compare organic foods to conventionally grown foods
(D7.02 TH Compare Production) / 2. / Provides students with comparisons ofnutrition, quality, appearance, safety, taste and cost of conventionally and organically-produced foods.
3. / Student teams will compare fresh fruitfresh vegetables, meat (poultry), dairy, and canned and /or frozen fruits and vegetables that are both organic and conventionally produced
Ward, J. 2006. Principles of Food Science Teacher Resource Guide, p. 93-94. / 3. / Allows students to COMPARE (B2)organic and conventionally- produced foods.
4. / Teacher will explain how to debate the pros and cons of organic vs. conventionally produced foods.
(D7.02 TH Debate) / 4. / Provides procedural knowledge about to debate the pros and consof organic vs. conventionally- produced foods.
5. / Student teams will debate in teams the pros and cons of organic vs. conventionally produced foods.
(D7.02 SH Debate) / 5. / Allows students APPLY (C3)knowledge and COMPARE(B2)organically vs. conventionally produced foods.
6. / Student teams will complete an “FCCLA Illustrated Talk” presentation on organically vs. conventionally produced foods as an outside of class activity.
D 7.02 FCCLA STAR Events Manual / 6. / Provides the student an opportunity to COMPARE(B2)organically vs. conventionally produced foods.
7. / Teacher will generate and administer a test that assesses student ability to compare organic foods to conventionally produced foods. After completion, the teacher will review, re-teach, and retest using the R-3 Chart (see Unit A overview). / 7. / Checks student knowledge and understanding about COMPARING(B2) organic foods to conventionally produced foods.
OBJECTIVE: / 7.02 / 3% / B2 / Compare organic foods to conventionally produced foods
Ward, J. 2006. Principles of Food Science Teacher Resource Guide
“FCCLA STAR Events Manual” at
Ward, J. 2006. “Principles of Food Science”
Ward, J. 2006. “Principles of Food Science Lab Manual”
Potter & Hotchiss. “Food Science” 5th Edition
Igoe & Hui 2001. “Dictionary of Food Ingredients”4th Edition /

Objective 7.02

Appendix – Instructional Support Materials

D7.02 PPT Differences

D7.02 TH Compare Production

D7.02 TH Debate

D7.02 SH Debate

COURSE: / 7075 Foods II - Food Technology / UNIT D / Food Production, Biotechnology and Food Processing
COMPETENCY: / 8.00 / 7% / B2 / Understand the impact of biotechnology on the food industry.
OBJECTIVE: / 8.01 / 4% / B2 / Understand how biotechnology affects the quality and safety of food.
Essential Questions:
  • What is biotechnology?
  • How is biotechnology used by the food industry?
  • What effect has biotechnology had on the food industry?

  • Biotechnology refers to techniques used to modify deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or the genetic material of a microorganism, plant, or animal in order to achieve a desired trait. In the case of foods, genetically engineered plant foods are produced from crops whose genetic makeup has been altered through a process called recombinant DNA, or gene splicing, to give the plant desired traits. Genetically engineered foods are also known as:
  • biotech
  • bioengineered
  • genetically modified, although "genetically modified" can also refer to foods from plants altered through methods such as conventional breeding.
  • Biotechnology is used by the food industry to improve the quality of food additives, processing aids, the environment, as well as to improve the safety of food.
  • Food additives – natural flavors and colors
  • Processing aids –enzymes, emulsifiers, and starter cultures
  • Environment – more waste treatment options, greener manufacturing options, biodegradable plastic wrap that kills bacteria.
  • Food safety – rapid detection tools to detect microorganisms and the toxins they produce.
  • Biotechnology has affected the food industry in a very positive way. Biotechnology has resulted in the creation of:
  • new products that are higher quality, safer, and more nutritious
  • lower production and processing costs
  • improved microbial processes on which many food producers rely.

OBJECTIVE: / 8.01 / 4% / B2 / Understand how biotechnology affects the quality and safety of food.
1 / Teacher will facilitate a discussion using the PPT below on the basic principles of biotechnology while students take notes.
( D8.01 PPT Biotechnology) / 1 / Provides student teams with knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of biotechnology.
2. / Student teams will prepare written answers for questions #s 9 & 10 and Critical Thinking question # 5 from the below textbook. Share responses in class
Ward, J. 2006. Principles of Food Science, p. 496 / 2. / Allows students to APPLY (C3) their knowledge and understanding of biotechnology.
3. / Teacher will facilitate a discussion on how biotechnology is used in the food industry using the PPT below while students take notes and list the comparison and benefits of traditional and biotechnology methods of food production.
(D8.01 PPT Uses of Biotechnology) / 3. / Allowsstudent teams to EXPLAIN (B2) how biotechnology is used in the food industry and to COMPARE (B2) traditional methods of production.
4. / Teacher will facilitate a discussion on how foods are modified using biotechnology while students and teachers have a questions and answer time further explaining the differences of traditional and biotechnology methods of food production.
(D8.01 THGenetically Modified Food) / 4. / Provides student teams with procedural knowledge and allows students to EXPLAIN (B2) how biotechnology is used in product modification as COMPARED (B2) to techniques of traditional methods of production.
5. / Student teams will research and explain how specific foods are modified using biotechnology -- tomatoes, large breasted turkey, crossbred longhorn cattle, lean hogs, brocoflower, and cheddar cauliflower.
(D8.01 SH Genetically Modified Food) / 5. / Allows students to APPLY (C3) their knowledge and the student willEXPLAIN (B2) how biotechnology is used in the food industry to a specific food item modification as COMPARED (B2) to techniques of traditional methods of production.
6. / The student will prepare an NC FCCLA “Nutri Snack” State Level event where the snack contains one or more ingredients produced using biotechnology
(D 8.01 ) / 6. / Allows students to apply their knowledge and understand of how biotechnology is used in the food industry to a specific food item in an FCCLA competitive event.
7. / Teacher will generate and administer a test that assesses student ability explain how biotechnology affects the quality and safety of food. After completion, the teacher will review, re-teach, and retest using the R-3 Chart (see Unit A overview). / 7. / Checks student knowledge and understanding explaining how biotechnology affects the quality and safety of food in a formative assessment.
OBJECTIVE: / 8.01 / 4% / B2 / Understand How Biotechnology Affects the Quality and Safety of Food.
Ward, J. 2006. Principles of Food Science Teacher Resource Guide
“FCCLA STAR Events Manual” at
Ward, J. 2006. “Principles of Food Science”
Ward, J. 2006. “Principles of Food Science Lab Manual”
Potter & Hotchiss. “Food Science” 5th Edition
Igoe & Hui 2001. “Dictionary of Food Ingredients”4th Edition /

Objective 8.01