T009 – Version 1 Absolutism: England 3/30/2015

Name: ______ANSWERS ______DUE: Thu 12 MAR 2015

TEST: Absolutism - England Global History I H – Version 1

NEW QUESTIONS (not seen before)

1. What was a major effect of the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights on Great Britain?

(1) The power of the monarch was limited.

(2) Ireland revolted against the monarchy.

(3) Parliament was abolished.

(4) A renewed interest in Greek and Roman culture developed. [August 2011]

2. The Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, and the English Bill of Rights led the English government to develop a political system in which

(1) rulers were responsible to the people

(2) religious authorities controlled the lawmaking process

(3) the power of the monarch came from God

(4) the individual was denied a trial by jury [ January 2011 ]

3. A main goal of the monarchs of Europe during the Age of Absolutism was to

(1) establish legislative bodies (3) centralize political power

(2) improve the quality of life for the peasant class (4) expand the role of the Catholic Church [August 2010]

4. The Puritan Revolution and the Glorious Revolution are both closely associated with the

(1) expansion of Papal authority in Rome (3) beginning of the Reconquista in Spain

(2) calling of the Congress of Vienna (4) rise of parliamentary democracy in England [August 2010]

5. The signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 and the Glorious Revolution in 1688 were key events in English history because they resulted in

(1) creating alliances with France (3) defeating Protestant nobles

(2) limiting the power of the monarchy (4) annexing territory [June 2010]

6. Which revolution in Europe is most closely associated with the rise of capitalism, the formation of guilds,

and the growth of banking systems?

(1) Commercial (2) Agrarian (3) Scientific (4) Glorious

7. Which document established the principle of limited monarchy in England?

(1) Twelve Tables (3) Act of Supremacy

(2) Magna Carta (4) Balfour Declaration [June 2009]

8. Between 1300 and 1600, which economic system began to develop
as a result of the transformation in global trade?

(1) socialism (2) capitalism (3) communism (4) manorialism


9. The Magna Carta was important to the development of democracy because it

1. limited the power of the monarch. 3. took land away from the nobles.
2. created a bicameral legislature. 4. extended the right to vote to peasants.

10. One common underlying theme of the Magna Carta, Petition of Right, and English Bill of Rights is

1. no one is above the law

2. those who are in power determine how the game is played

3. suffering is due to the continual desire for materialistic goods

4. the needs of a nation come before the needs of the people

11. Elizabeth I increased the power of England through

1. the Act of Supremacy. 3. defeating the French in America.
2. religious toleration. 4. defeating the Spanish Armada.

12. Which statement best describes a result of the Glorious Revolution in England (1688)?
(1) England formed an alliance with France.

(2) The power of the monarchy was increased.

(3) Principles of limited government were strengthened.

(4) England lost its colonial possessions.

“Kings sit upon God’s throne and rule according to God’s law.”

13. This statement would most likely have been made by a person who believed in

1. absolutism 2. Democracy 3. oligarchy 4. Socialism

14. The divine right theory believed in by several European monarchs is most similar to the concept of
1. the White Man’s Burden

2. civil disobedience promoted by Mohandas Gandhi

3. humanism during the Enlightenment

4. the Mandate of Heaven in imperial China

15. Which of the following is in correct chronological order?

1. English Civil War … Spanish Armada … Glorious Revolution … 100 Years War
2. Spanish Armada … 100 Years War … Glorious Revolution … English Civil War
3. Glorious Revolution … English Civil War … 100 Years War … Spanish Armada

4. 100 Years War … Spanish Armada … English Civil War … Glorious Revolution

16. Which of the following are synonymous with the English Civil War?
1. Puritan Revolution … English Revolution
2. Reconquista … Spanish Inquisition
3. Medieval Europe … Middle Ages
4. “Roman Lake” … strategic chokepoint

17. During the Age of Absolutism (1600s and 1700s), European monarchs tried to
(1) increase individual rights for their citizens (3) develop stronger relations with Islamic rulers
(2) encourage the growth of collective farms (4) centralize political power within their nations


Base your answer to the question on the speakers’ statements below and on your knowledge of social studies.

Speaker A: / "Good government stresses the importance of the nation and accepts the rights of the individual only if the interests of the individual are the same as those of the nation."
Speaker B: / "The person of the king is sacred and to attack him in any way is to attack religion itself. The respect given to a king is religious in nature."
Speaker C: / "All human beings are born free and equal with a right to life and liberty. It is the duty of government to protect these natural rights of its citizens."
Speaker D: / "Our goal will not be achieved by democracy or liberal reforms, but by blood and iron. Only then will we be successful. No nation achieves greatness or unity without the traumatic experiences of war."

18. Which speaker’s statement expresses the idea of divine right?

(1)  A (2) B (3) C (4) D

19. Which long-term effect did the Magna Carta and the establishment of Parliament have on England?

1.  The system of mercantilism was strengthened.

2.  The power of the monarchy was limited.

3.  The new American form of government was adopted.

4.  The influence of the middle class was reduced.

20. The events listed on this time line illustrate the development of

1.  a constitutional monarchy

2.  a divine right monarchy

3.  a totalitarian form of government

4.  universal voting rights

·  Parliament offered the throne to King William and Queen Mary.

·  Catholic King James II fled England for France.

·  Parliament agreed to joint rule with the monarch.

21. These events are most closely associated with the

1.  Crusades 3. French Revolution

2.  Glorious Revolution 4. Reconquista

22. Which is a valid conclusion about the development of democracy in Great Britain?

1.  Parliament’s refusal to accept changes proposed by the monarchy.

2.  The power of the monarchy declined over a long period of time.

3.  Political change occurred swiftly after the overthrow of the monarchy.

4.  A socialistic government established a system of civil and political liberties.

23. The ideals developed in the Athens of Pericles and in Republican Rome influenced the development of

1.  a parliament in Britain

2.  military juntas in Latin America

3.  a communist government in China

4.  a theocracy in Iran

24. The Magna Carta was important to the development of democracy because it

1.  limited the power of the monarch

2.  created a bicameral legislature

3.  took land away from the nobles

4.  extended the right to vote to peasants

25. In English history, the Magna Carta (1215), the Petition of Right (1628) , and the Bill of Rights (1689) all reinforced the concept of

1.  a limited monarchy 3. religious toleration

2.  a laissez-faire economy 4. universal suffrage

·  Magna Carta signed by King John

·  Habeas Corpus Act passed during the rule of Charles II

·  Bill of Rights agreed to by William and Mary

26. These events in English history were similar in that they all

1.  promoted religious freedom 3. limited the power of the monarch

2.  provided universal suffrage 4. supported divine right theory

27. The Magna Carta can be described as a

1.  journal about English feudal society

2.  list of feudal rights that limited the power of the English monarchy

3.  census of all tax-paying nobility in feudal England

4.  statement of grievances of the middle class in England

28. One cause of the creation of the Magna Carta was

1. too much free land was available for peasants

2. global warming

3. England was winning too many wars against France
4. King John was abusing his power and taxing the English nobles (nobility)

29. The Mandate of Heaven in traditional China was most similar to the

1.  divine right of kings in Western Europe

2.  political role of the Japanese Emperor after World War II

3.  rule of the Directory during the French Revolution

4.  power of the British monarch in the 20th century

30. During the Age of Absolutism (1600s and 1700s), European monarchs tried to

1.  increase individual rights for their citizens

2.  develop stronger relations with Islamic rulers

3.  encourage the growth of collective farms

4.  centralize political power within their nations

31. One cause of the English Civil War

1. democracy 2. mercantilism 3. taxation 4. Agriculture

32. An economist who focused on ancient societies would most likely study the

(1) development of trade

(2) evolution of family patterns

(3) effect of fire on the lives of the people

(4) role of religion in river valley civilizations

33. In which economic system used by early civilizations are decisions about the distribution of goods based primarily on customs, beliefs, and habits?

(1) mixed (3) traditional

(2) free-market (4) command [ January 2011 ]

34. The leadership of Genghis Khan, the use of the stirrup, and excellent horsemanship skills all contributed directly to the

(1) collapse of Silk Road trade

(2) defeat of Tokugawa Japan

(3) beginning of European exploration

(4) rise of the Mongol Empire

35. In western Europe, Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses
and Henry VIII’s Act of Supremacy led to

1.  an end to Christian unity

2.  a strengthening of economic unity

3.  better relations between peasants and merchants

4.  fewer violent outbreaks between ethnic groups

36. Which group lived in “Scandinavia” and were known for invading, exploring and shipbuilding?

1. the British 2. the Chinese 3. the Greeks 4. the Vikings

37. Which statement is best supported by the information on this map?

1.  By 1300, the Mongol Empire had reached the Red Sea.

2.  The Mongol Empire controlled India and Japan by 1300.

3.  By 1300, most of Europe had been conquered by the Mongols.

4.  The Mongol Empire controlled a large portion of Asia by 1300.

38. Cold climate and rocky land unsuitable for agriculture forced which group to take to invade other lands, and explore areas such as Iceland & Greenland?

1. Spartans 2. the Vikings 3. the Egyptians 4. monks

Do you know where I am? …. MAP Identification Questions:


(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

40. Which letter represents FRANCE?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

41. Which letter represents GERMANY?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

42. Which letter represents IRELAND?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

43. Which letter represents SPAIN?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

44. Which letter represents ICELAND?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

45. Which letter represents LONDON?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

46. Which letter represents PARIS?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

47. Which letter represents ATHENS, GREECE?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E

48. Which letter represents ROME, ITALY?

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E


49. An important factor that prevented the ancient Greek city-states from uniting to form a single nation was the
(1) lack of a common language (3) size of the desert regions

(2) mountainous topography of the region (4) cold, hostile climate

50. One way in which the Code of Hammurabi, the Ten Commandments, the Twelve Tables, and the Justinian Code, were similar is that they
(1) emphasized social equality (3) provided a written set of laws

(2) established democratic governments (4) proposed economic goals

51. Important long-term contributions of Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations
are primarily found in the area of
1. military technology 3. economic policy and planning
2. religious doctrine 4. government and law

52. Jewish, Christian, and Muslim claims to Jerusalem are all based on

1.  religion and history

2.  democracy and capitalism

3.  trade and the resulting cultural diffusion

4.  polytheism and theocratic rule

53. Which characteristic did the early civilizations that developed along the Nile, the Tigris-Euphrates, Indus

and the Hwang-Ho (Yellow River) have in common?

1. Each society’s religious beliefs were based on monotheism.

2. Urban communities were built using iron and steel tools.

3. The form of government in each community was based on male suffrage.

4. Transportation and communication were promoted by a mild climate, fertile soil,
and natural waterways.

54. One result of the Neolithic Revolution was

1. an increase in the number of nomadic tribes

2. a reliance on hunting and gathering for food

3. the establishment of villages and the rise of governments
4. a decrease in trade between cultural groups

55. The concept of caste is based on the assumption that

1. money is the root of all evil.

2. class is based on behavior in a person’s previous life.

3. one should not eat meat.

4. all people are created equal.

56. Which was an important teaching of Confucius?

1. intellectual knowledge is secondary to one's emotions

2. the family group can often hinder the smooth functioning of the society

3. all persons must accept and perform their duties in society

4. those who have military power have earned the right to govern

57. What was one cause of the Protestant Reformation?