MPC Highlights — January 15th, 2017

Today (Jan. 15th)

Worship at Evangelical Church in Nan Sema, Haiti

Worship at Church of God’s Family in Betoti, Haiti

9:45 am Sunday School for kids

7:00-8:00 pm Narcotics Anonymous, social hall

Monday (16th) Office Closed

6:00 am Morning Prayer, parlor

Tuesday (17th) - Office hours 9am - 4pm (closed 12:00-1:00 for Staff lunch)

6:00 am Morning Prayer, parlor

1:00-3:00 pm “WOW,” Celie Lutz, (631) 298-8566

7:00 pm Trustee Meeting, Room #2

7:00 pm Worship Team, sanctuary

7:00 pm Minor Home Group, (631) 323-1402

7:00-8:00 pm Narcotics Anonymous, Classroom #10

Wednesday (18th) - Office hours 9am - 4pm

6:00 am Morning Prayer, parlor

7:00 am Men’s Group, parlor

Thursday (19th) - Office hours 9am - 4 pm (Thrift Shop 10-4)

6:00 am Morning Prayer, parlor

10:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study, parlor

5:00 pm John’s Place Homeless Outreach (MPC Hosts)

6:15 pm Bell Choir, sanctuary

6:30-7:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous, Classroom #7

7:30-9:00 pm Chancel Choir

Friday (20th) - Office hours 9am - 1pm (Thrift Shop 10-4)

6:00 am Morning Prayer, parlor

10:00-12:00 pm Food Pantry

2:00 pm Carson Home Group (727-3416)

10:15 am Youth Group leaves for Winter Retreat at Camp Berea, Orient Point Ferry

Saturday (21st) (Thrift Shop 10-1)

There will be coffee and dessert in the parlor after each service.

Please join us in welcoming the Carricks!

February Newsletter: All of the written annual reports for your committees, teams, missions, or other groups will be due today, January 15th for the February Newsletter. Don’t get left out! Everyone needs to know what a busy year 2016 was!

Adult Sunday School will start up again, January 22nd, 2017: The Faith and Practice of the Earliest Christians. Have you ever wondered how the earliest Christians, the generation after the Apostles and the New Testament, practiced their faith and spiritual life? Fortunately, we have many documents that tell the story for us. This class will focus on the faith lives of the earliest Christians, but this will not be a dry study of history or doctrine. The objective of this course will be to study their lives to learn from them how we can live more closely to Christ today. This will be a life-changing class that will deeply impact your own spiritual life. Teacher: Pat Hanly

Save this date! Rockin’ For The Homeless IX: A Benefit for John’s Place Mattituck Homeless Outreach will take place Saturday, January 28th, 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm (Doors open at 5:30) at the Polish Town Hall, 214 Marcy Avenue, Riverhead. We will be featuring: Who Are Those Guys, Lone Sharks, and more. There will be Food, Raffle, 50/50, and Door Prizes. Tickets are $25.00 when purchased in advance. At the door on day of concert, tickets will be $30.00. You may also reserve a table of 10 for $ 200.00 (only 15 reserved tables available, first-come-first served).

Tickets available at Mattituck Presbyterian Church, Barth’s Pharmacy, Wendy’s Deli, Love Lane Kitchen, and Please make checks out to: John’s Place, Box 1411, Mattituck, NY 11952, or pay online:

Trustees - Please pick up your packets. They are in the large mail-box over Janice’s.

Flowers for the Altar. You can purchase them or cut some from your own garden. There is a “Flower Chart” in the Narthex. Sign your name on the date you will provide the flowers. If you would like a note put in the bulletin on “Your Sunday” regarding a dedication of the flowers, please contact the office.

Gideon Card Display: Please take a look at this in the narthex. You can select and take the card you would like: in memory, with sympathy, etc. Then when you send out your card, choose a donation amount. For a donation of just $5.00, you can have one Bible placed. When you send a card, you are also sending out God's word. You will be touching those in hotels, prisons, hospitals, schools, military bases, and more. For more cards or any questions, please contact Lars Torkelsen at 765-3174.

(a knitting, crocheting and sewing outreach group for missions) usually meets the first Tues. of every month. (Drop-in’s are welcome!) We are making “Pocket Pal” dolls for Haiti, and scarves, hats, and lap blankets for John's Place. (Instruction is available if you are a beginner.) In addition, church members who sew are invited to make pillowcase dresses and bandana britches for the children in Haiti, and large, sturdy tote bags for John’s Place. And, you may also work from home. Patterns will be provided; some patterns are available in the Caring Hands mailbox next to the office door. Come and join in on a worthy cause and fun fellowship! Contact Adrienne Weber for more information (1-704-582-2965).

10:30 am Riverhead Care Center (Acadia) Ministry

Elevator Update: The Trustees have been working very hard to get the elevator back up and running safely. Although we would like to say we have completed this project, it is just not the case. With help from more than one elevator company, we now have a plan for this repair: The control panel will be removed, rebuilt and then reinstalled. This process will take some time to accomplish, and we are not expecting to have the elevator up and running until springtime. We are also planning to install a phone inside the elevator for emergencies. When the project is complete and we are confident that the elevator can be safely used, we will make an announcement at church, online through the E-Mail Blast, and in the bulletin.

Caring Hands: December 6th is the first Tuesday of the month and Caring Hands will be meeting, once again, in the parlor. A large amount of fabric has been donated. Our group can use this to make tote bags scarves, hats, and lap blankets for the homeless of John’s Place. We can also make pocket pal dolls for Haiti. Contact Adrienne Weber for more information (1-704-582-2965).

Called Congregational Meeting Notice

Session calls for a Meeting of the Congregation today, Sunday, December 11, 2016 at 12:05pm for the purpose of receiving the report of the Nominating Committee:

Elders Deacons Trustees Personnel Nominating Committee

Mark DeSantis Candy Perham* Nancy Reeve* Denis Noncarrow, Chair* No changes

Scott Verity Brian Dobbs* Paul Geiger Greg Doroski* Scott Verity

Annie Hawkins Patricia Amato Reg Minor Reg Minor Greg Doroski

Robin Doroski

Geoffrey Hallenbeck

Sue Hansen

Howie Hansen

Annie Hawkins

*New nominations Jeanne Guarriello

Jill DeSantis

Tickets are $25.00 when purchased in advance. At the door on day of concert tickets will be $30.00. You may also reserve table of 10 for $ 200.00. (only 15 reserved tables available, first-come-first served)

Tickets available at Mattituck Presbyterian Church, Barth’s Pharmacy, Wendy’s Deli, Love Lane Kitchen and Please make checks out to: John’s Place, Box 1411, Mattituck, NY 11952 or pay online: