I found $100 on the street. I feel bad keeping it since it is not mine. What should I do?

I lent my friend $25 and he said that he would pay me back, but he hasn’t yet. I really need the money to pay my rent. What should I do?

My friends just invited me to go to a party tonight, and I really want to go but I already told my cousin that I would baby-sit her child. What should I do?

I saw my friend’s husband having dinner with another woman last night. I am not sure who the woman was, but I really don’t want my friend to get hurt. What should I do?

I forgot that it was my girlfriend’s birthday yesterday. I didn’t even wish her a Happy Birthday, and now she is really mad at me. What should I do?

I have just been offered a great new job, but it is in a city 6 hours from Quito. I really don’t want to leave my family and friends, but the job is a great advancement in my career. What should I do?

I am really interested in asking Sarah out on a date, but I think that my friend also likes her. What should I do?

I have invited 15 people over for dinner at my house on Friday night. I really want the meal to be good, but I don’t really know how to cook. What should I do?

My sister is engaged to a guy that she thinks is perfect for her, but I really don’t think that he is the right person for her. What should I do?

I offered to help my neighbor replace a broken light in her house, and now she calls me to help her every time any little thing is wrong. I didn’t mind helping that once, but I am getting tired of going over there almost everyday. What should I do?

I just moved into a new apartment, and my neighbor is driving me crazy! She comes over all of the time and talks for hours. She is a nice lady, but I am tired of her coming over and staying for so long. What should I do?

I just bought an apartment in what I thought was a safe area, but I have been living there for two weeks and have already seen a car getting broken into and another person get robbed. I really do not feel safe now. What should I do?

My boss told me last week that I was going to be getting a promotion, but I just found out today that my co-worker was the one to get the promotion. What should I do?

I have been saving money for three years in order to buy the car I have always wanted, a BMW. I now have enough money to buy the car, but my parents think I should buy a more economical car and invest the rest of the money. What should I do?

I went shopping yesterday and bought two shirts and a pair of pants. When I got home I realized that they forgot to charge me for one of the shirts. What should I do?

I am taking English classes and working at the same time. I am so busy that I do not have time to do anything that I enjoy anymore. I am really starting to get stressed out. What should I do?

I wrote an e-mail complaining about my boss that I was going to send to one of co-workers, but instead of sending it to my co-worker, I accidentally sent it to my boss. What should I do?

I borrowed my friend’s favorite shirt to wear to a party last weekend and spilt red wine on it, and I cannot get the stain out. What should I do?

My girlfriend broke up with me two months ago. I was just starting to feel like I could move on and begin dating someone new when she started calling me again. I still care about her, but don’t want to get hurt again. What should I do?