Winchburgh Community Council
MINUTES of meeting of Winchburgh Community Council held in the Community Education Centre Craigton Place, Winchburgh, West Lothian at 7.00pm on Monday10thAugust 2015.[i]
Community Councillors:Mandy Baird; Jim Sommerville; Raymond McCabe; Claire McKechnie-Mason; Sheila Sutherland; Alan Stirling; Irene Wallace.
Members of the public and officials: Cllr Diane Calder; Cllr Janet Campbell; Netty Sommerville; Isabella Miller; Terry Doherty;Ian Leslie; Anne Leslie; John Finnigan; John Pryde; Dougie Grierson (WLC); M Telfea; Colin Baird Snr; Frances Gibb; Dylan McAllister; R. Mitchell; W. Mullen; J. Waddal; Gloria Gibson; Henry Gibson; John Fallens; PC Alistair Dunlop; Edith Small; Walter McAllan.
1.Apologies:William Honeyford; Pete Nisbet
2.Minutes approved by Mandy Bairdand Sheila Sutherland
3.Annual report on WCC funds
- Alan reports that we have £1909 in the bank
4.Business matters raised by the public
- Concern raised about a “drinking hut” near the Community Centre. May be linked to the arson attacks? Can it be moved?
- Old Post Office site – cars still parking there but Mandy pointed out that once this space has been revamped this will not be possible.
5.Development matters
- Invite Wendy to give update on development matters at September mtg
6.Police report
- Police present: PC Alistair Dunlop.
- Significant concerns were raised regarding the lack of Police presence in the village following the two fires at the allotments in recent weeks.
- Diane suggests that we invite Chief of Police to next meeting to discuss this as well as the officer in charge of the arson case.
- PC Dunlop was asked whether Police presence could be extended during the night as that is when the arson attacks are taking place. He said this was not his decision.
- PC Dunlop reported several house breaking incidents in the village and the sewage works have been broken into but nothing was taken. The water company is considering investing in CCTV.
- Vince Manning moved to another post; no longer our community officer
- Update memorial bench and notice board
- Isabella Miller, Mary’s daughter, was present and asked about the progress of the memorial bench. She does not wish to choose the plaque or words to remember her mother.
- Bowling club presentation
- Attendance of William MacDonald to request our support to apply for Village Improvement Fund money to do some refurbishment of the Bowling Club. Everyone present agreed support for the application.
- Allotment fires
- Members of the public reported two systematic arson attackson the allotments over the last few weeks
- Allotment holders are upset there has been no communication from Police about where the investigation is up to and are anxious about returning to the allotments until they are made secure
- Dougie was asked whether WLC would help to pay to secure this area but he doesn’t think so as it is Hopetoun Estates land. The allotment holders could become a constituted group and apply fro funding.
- Andy Stuart has offered two options – either clear the land that has been destroyed by fire and start again or move to another space. Allotment holders seem to wish to stay on the same piece of land but do need it to be secured by a fence / CCTV etc.
- Janet asked whether Hopetoun has insurance for the land.
- We will invite Andy to attend next meeting and have asked allotment holders to attend again to speak to him.
- Correspondence
-Raymond has heard from a new Winchburgh resident asking whether we will consider increasing the number of places on the Community Council and he does not wish to as it stable at present. There are currently two spare places to be filled.
- Claire is going to take some time off for maternity leave from October 2015 and Pete is going to provide cover of the secretary role
- Claire confirms that she has submitted a letter on behalf of WCC stating objection to the planning application for another pharmacy in the village.
- Diane asked Claire to follow up with Ian Forbes / Craig Waterson about the actions from June meeting
- Date of next meeting 14thSeptember 2015
Minutes written by Claire McKechnie-Mason