TAC-NIGP Board Meeting

4:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Panera Bread – Blair Stone & Park Avenue

Members present: Donna Smith, President, Lori Newman, Vice President, Gloria Dixon, Board Member, Jessie Moseley, Board Member, Brenda Wells, Board Member, Claudia Cooper, Board Member, Diana Trahan, Communication Chair, Greg Hill, Board Member, Sharita Newman, Treasurerand Dalphine Clack, Secretary.

Call to Order at 4:05 p.m., by Donna Smith

Approval of the minutes – Donna will send missing minutes to Diana for the Newsletter

Officer Reports

President – Claudia Cooper will get pictures from the Reverse Trade Show.

Treasurer Report – Sharita Newman – did the annual transfer of funds to avoid fees; will send to everyone.

Secretary – no report

Committee Report

Scholarship Committee – Donna has one scholarship.

By-Laws Committee – Nancy Jewett – no report

Education & Prof. Committee –Lori - August we will have a peer to peer procurement discussion.

September speaker – do not have speaker yet; but working on it. Greg suggested a speaker, Mike Phillips for September. Lori will be checking on the lunch for August Chapter meeting. Need to order the lunch for the October seminar and will get with David Nash for hisinformation. Lori looking for a place to hold training, will need 8 people and Donna stated that she will get Betty Easley. Lori is getting a lot of feedback from younger procurement professionals on introduction classes. If you manage a contract of $100 thousand annually, you have to be certified but Florida does not have requirements. No one is pushing for the CPPB. We have a lot of questions on certification because Florida certification has changed.

Lori stated we need a topic for our August peer to peer discussion and suggested single or sole sources questions. The next Chapter meeting is August 12, 2014.

New Business

Donna stated the new point system for attendance in accordance with the newFCC certification requirements needs to be incorporated into the website. Sharita will complete the update to match the new requirements. We discussed the chapter meeting menus - Lori say meus have been selected and confirmed for August. Completed and discussed menus for November and December. It was suggested FSU Alumni Center as a great place for Reverse Trade Show and the Turnbull Center. Lori will get some quotes. We need to think about a place for Board meetings for 2015. We are ok at Panera for now.

It is time to generate some nominations for 2015 Officers and Board members whose term will expire. Officers are elected for one year.

Next Board Meeting is September 2, 2014, 4 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Dalphine Clack

Chapter Secretary