Save this form as yournameprogram.doc (e.g. overvoordewallace.doc or overvoordecsr.doc) and email the completed form as an attachment to Theresa Klauer () by midnight on Monday, February 15, 2016.

The completed form, not counting supporting materials, should be no more than 7-8 pages in length. Please contact Serie Center Director, Adrienne Christiansen (; x6714) with questions. Click in the grey boxes below to enter text or make selections.

Faculty Name:


Appointment: Tenured/Tenure-Track Continuing Non-Tenure-Track or Adjunct

Visiting Full-Time Visiting Part-Time Teaching Staff MSFEO


Program: Wallace Scholarly Activities Collaborative Student Research (CSR)

FaCE Program Other (please indicate):

Project Title:

Total Amount Requested:Dates of Proposed Project or Travel:

Student Collaborator (if relevant)

StudentName:Student’s Major(s):

Anticipated date of graduation: May, 2017 May, 2018 May, 2019 May, 2020

Does this proposal require approval of an IRB (for human subjects) or IACUC (for animal research)? yes no (If yes, funding is contingent upon approval by the appropriate review board.)

  1. Proposal Abstract (150-word or less summary of the project or purpose for intended travel in non-technical language.).
  1. Description of the Proposed Project.

NOTE: Remember that the elected faculty members on the Resources and Planning Committee (RPC) will evaluate your proposal. A faculty member from each of the Divisions will participate in the review. If colleagues from outside your discipline do not understand the language in the proposal, regardless of the quality of your ideas, you will not be funded.

  1. In 200-500 words, provide the context for the project or the proposed travel by describing how it relates to your overall research agenda.
  1. In 200-500 words, describe the projects goals, proposed activities, and expected outcomes.
  2. If the proposal is for travel to a conference, what is the stature of the conference where research will be disseminated? What role will the applicant play in the conference?
  3. If the proposal is for travel to conduct research activities-, how essential is travel to conduct the research? How does the travel support your scholarly agenda?
  4. If the proposal includes funding for a student research assistant, what role will the student play in the research project? How essential is the student research assistant to the completion of the project?
  1. Provide a timeline for the proposed activities.
  1. Proposed Budget.
  2. Complete the following table.Itemize components in the left-hand column and provide total estimated costs in the right-hand column. NOTE: Budgets totaling more than $4,950 will not be considered.


Meals: 4 days x $75/day / 300
Research expenses: Copying fee: 500 pages x $0.10/page / 50


Airfare or mileage (@ $0.555/mile)
Conference registration and other fees:
Other travel expenses (e.g. ground transportation, visa fees):
Research expenses (e.g. supplies, library or gallery fees, gallery expenses, copying fees):
Equipment (e.g. equipment for lab work, the arts, interviewing; computer hardware):
Student research stipend or student assistant salary. Amount per week TBA; 10 week maximum:
  1. Budget justification. Explain and justify unusual expenses. For example, airfare to a conference does not have to be justified, unless it is unusually costly. However, items such as research expenses, student assistant fees, or other expenses should be described and justified.
  1. Other sources of support. Describe other sources of support available for this project and why you cannot use your regular Faculty Travel and Research (FTR) allotment from the college for these activities.
  1. Previous internal support. List the grants you have received from the college in the last five years. Include Wallace, FaCE, and Collaborative Student Research (CSR)[formerly Student-Faculty Summer Research Collaboration (SFSR)] awards, or any other endowed funds.
  1. Efforts to secure external funding. List the funding sources to which you have applied in the last five years. Also indicate successful applications.
  1. Related scholarship. List up to five of the most interesting or significant scholarly or creative works you have produced in the past five years.