Week 3 Activity Sheet Reading (Author Study)

Name: ______

Daily Reading

Required- You MUST do these activities / Mode / Time / Complete
IDR- Just Right Books / / 20 min / M / T / W / F

Characters Facing Obstacles

L or Pr / Required- Benchmark lesson and
ONE additional activity / Mode / Time / Complete
L / Attending a Benchmark: Characters facing obstacles
(My Brother Martin) / / 10 min /
L / Listen to Book: Swimmy
Listen to the story and analyze what obstacles the fish faced- discuss with your partner and complete exit ticket
/ / 10 min /
L / ViewVideo: Finding Nemo
View the short movie clip. Analyze what obstacles the fish faced- discuss with your partner and complete exit ticket
/ / 10 min /
Choices- You must pick TWO / Mode / Time / Complete
Pr / Decision Time–Describe a decision an important character has made using one of Kevin Henkes stories / / 15min /
Pr / A Sticky Situation-Describe a situation where a character is faced with a problem and how he/she handles it and what they learn from the situation, using one of Kevin Henkes stories / / 15 min /
Pr / Character Shaping- Chose a story event that has shaped the main character and in what ways did they change because of these events, using one of Kevin Henkes stories / / 15 min /
Pr / Act It Out-Pick a character from one of Kevin Heknes stories and act out a scene from the story. Be sure to choose a scene where the character faces a challenge. / / 15 min /

Optional Activities –You may work on these once ALL OTHER WORK IS COMPLETED!

Activity / Mode / Time
Pr / Reinforcement:
Want more practice? Grab your Just Right Book and practice identifying a challenge that one of the characters may face in the story. Write down what you notice in your reader’s notebook. / / 30 min
Pr / Challenge:
Think you got it? Challenge yourself to writing a different ending to one of Kevin Henkes stories. What if the character responded differently to the problem? Think about the decision they made and come up with another way they could have solved the problem and ended the story. / / 30 min

*Be sure to check our class website for information and materials.