Middle Ages Questions: intro to Modern Era

  1. What was the cause of the period we call the Middle ages?
  2. What group of people were first to rise in these areas that had a vacuum of power because of Romans fighting elsewhere? Where did this take place and what do we know this area as today?
  1. Who establishes the Merovingian kingdom?
  2. Who and where are the Muslims defeated causing them to stop their spread to Spain?
  3. What was the purpose of feudalism?
  4. Describe feudalism.
  5. What led to the change to a new type of cavalry based army?
  6. How did this new cavalry formation work?
  7. What did this new type of army allow Charlemagne to do?
  8. Although the fighting style used by Charlemagne would continue what happened to his empire? And what would these become the basis of?
  1. Even if this (#9) had not happened what would have probably happened to Charlemagne’s kingdom?
  2. What was the greatest threat to the kingdoms of Europe and why did they start their mass raids?
  3. What are the Vikings favorite targets and why?
  4. What seemed to be the common factors in all the places the Vikings raided?
  5. What 2 things seemed to slow the Viking raids in 911 AD?
  6. What are the descendants of Rollo known as?
  7. How did the culture of the Vikings change and stay the same over time?
  8. What does Duke William of Normandy conquer in 1066?
  9. What started the First Crusade?
  10. List the places that the Crusaders took in the First Crusade.
  11. What causes the Second Crusade?
  12. Describe why the Second Crusade was one of the worst military campaigns in history?
  13. Who takes back Jerusalem for the Muslims?
  14. Who leads the Crusaders in the Third Crusade and what happened to each?
  15. How was the goal of the Fourth Crusade and what the Crusaders actually did in contradiction?
  16. In what year did the last of the Crusader kingdoms fall to Muslims? It would stay this way until the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after World War I (1914).
  1. Did the fighting of the Crusades stop the fighting within Europe as the Pope had hoped? Give an example.
  2. How long was the Hundred Years War and who fought in it?
  3. List the 4 most famous battles of the Hundred Years War and who was victorious in all?
  4. Who is the eventual winner in this war?
  5. Make a T chart. Label one side Middle Ages Army the other side of the T Armies of the 1500s. In this T chart show how the make-up and characteristics of these armies changed and brought Europe into the beginnings of Modern Era warfare.