Notes of Neighbourhood Plan meeting 12 December 2017
Present: Wendy Mondy; Adrian Mercer (Chair); Frank Whitcomb; Pauline Warner; Penny Griffiths; Melanie Bickell
Apologies: Sue Taylor, Angie Findlay
1Joint Parish Council/NP Working Group meeting
WPC/NPG joint meeting judged a success for all parties.
2Framework questionnaire
Feedback on consultation to go in Distinctly Winkleigh, with a link to Colin’s analysis if they want more information.
The need for more liaison with schools and business was identified at the meeting. The role of a business survey was discussed along with associated costs printing, postage etc. Content to be finalised with covering letter and estimated cost of dissemination to be prepared for next meeting (and on to PC for approval).
ST and AG have been developing links with schools.
ActionPW to do short draft synopsis with reference to information on line for DW, ready for January PC meeting
PW to draft business survey form and covering letter and look at estimated costs (there is currently money in the Locality funding budget for printing etc).
ST and AG to feed back on liaison with schools at the next meeting.
3Draft Plan: Next steps
Agreed to work up a series of thematic topic papers, which can be used to brainstorm ideas and content, and will also provide a basis for discussion on content with TDC.
ActionPW and FW to do an “essay plan” for the housing section early in the new year, to act as a template for brainstorming. Same template to be used for all topic areas.
4Hamilton Baillie 8 February
HB will be spending the whole day in the village and holding a feedback session the same evening. Exeter Road has been appraised (and displayed at the Saturday market). FW and Claire Lill are going to do Elms Meadow/route to school. FW and WM to do Eggesford Road on 18 December. PW to ask Red O’Hanlon to do the square. Several parents have done the ‘Rate my Walk to School’ survey, but we have not got access to the results (held nationally on-line).
Village Hall is booked for HB feedback (small room; the main room is unavailable). There was concern this venue would not be large enough.
Notices need to go up around village advertising the evening meeting, and a post on FB.
ActionAM to ask Angie to follow up the Rate my Walk to School information with the school.
MB to see if Sports Hall available for HB meeting .
AM to send out ‘save the date’ invitations to consultees after Christmas and then a confirmation email about 10 days beforehand eg TDC; DCC etc. and draft a poster. AM to post the date on the Winkleigh FB page.
5Logo/Village Identity
There are no copyright issues associated with the row of houses logo. Copyright in the gift of Winkleigh Society. A potential role for more than one logo/graphic – either for use on the cover or inside the document. As part of school liaison a logo design competition has been suggested and this can be explored further.
6Finance and funding
Links between Community Plan/Neighbourhood Plan web pages. The Community Plan information requires archiving before the site is taken down and links to relevant background information made available through the Neighbourhood Plan site.
Locality funding £5.5 million for 2018-22 has been announced. Another grant application to be considered once the topic templates have been worked up and the scope of the document is clearer.
ActionMB to contact Locality and ask when the funding round opens.
Agenda items for January WPC meeting (MB):
- Employers survey – draft letter and survey form; estimated costs; arrangements for dissemination
- To seek the agreement of WPC to meet TDC for an early discussion about potential plan content and report back
Data protection – Mel needs to satisfy the information commissioner we are complying. Mel needs copying into external email contacts and attachments eg if FOI request is received.
ActionAll to copy Mel in to emails to external parties.
Local Plan hearings at the Cedars 16-18th January, 10am.
Outreach: PG would like to go to other groups such as YFC to gauge their views on future of farming; mother and toddler group.
15 January 2018, 2pm