Supplementary Table S1.Significant associations of the KEAP1 protein expression and receptor statuses.

Supplementary Table S2.Association of the KEAP1 protein expression with NRF2 protein expression.

Supplementary Table S3.Analyzed polymorphisms in the KEAP1 gene.

Supplementary Table S4.Significant associations of the KEAP1 SNP genotypes with KEAP1 protein expression.

Supplementary Table S5.Associations of the KEAP1 SNP rs11085735 genotypes with NRF2 protein expression.

Supplementary Table S6.Associations of the KEAP1 SNPs with breast cancer survival in multivariate analysis among invasive KBCP and OBCS breast cancer cases separately.

Supplementary Table S7. Variables significantly associated with breast cancer survival in multivariate analysis among invasive KBCP and OBCS breast cancer cases.

Supplementary Table S8.Significant associations with breast cancer survival in univariate analysis (Kaplan-Meier) according to KEAP1 SNP rs11085735 genotypes among KBCP and OBCS ER positive cases, KBCP ER positive cases and KBCP cases with low/negative (≤1.33) KEAP1 protein expression level.

Supplementary Table S9. Variables significantly associated with breast cancer survival in multivariate analysis among ER positive KBCP breast cancer cases.

Supplementary Table S10. Variables significantly associated with breast cancer survival in multivariate analysis among (KBCP) cases with lower KEAP1 protein expression.

Supplementary Figure S1.Immunohistochemical staining of KEAP1 in breast tumor tissue. Ductal breast carcinoma showing negative (A), strong positive (B), and weak positive (C) staining for KEAP1. Magnification 120x, 20x ocular lens. Scale bar 95 µm.

Supplementary Figure S2. A diagram depicting the location of the studied SNPs and miR-200a binding site in KEAP1 gene. Dark grey boxes represent the exon coding regions, light grey boxes represent the untranslated regions (UTR), thin black line represents the intronic region. Locations of the studied SNPs in relation to the gene region are indicated by the vertical arrows. Genetic location on chromosome 19 is shown by the top line with kilobases (kb) (NCBI B36 assembly).

Supplementary Figure S3.Association of KEAP1 rs11085735 with breast cancer survival among the KBCP and OBCS breast cancer cases. (A) Univariate analysis, log rank Mantel Cox test in Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. (B) Multivariate analysis; tumor grade, nodal status, ER status, PR status, histologic type, tumor size, age at diagnosis, HER2 status, and rs11085735 genotypes included in the analysis; HR (95%) hazard ratio of breast cancer death with 95% confidence interval in Cox regression survival analysis.

Supplementary Figure S4.Association of KEAP1 rs11085735 with breast cancer survival among the ER positive cases in A) KBCP and OBCS cases in univariate analysis, log rank Mantel Cox test in Kaplan-Meier analysis; B) in KBCP cases in Cox multivariate analysis including tumor grade, nodal status, PR status, histology, tumor size, HER2 status, and KEAP1 rs11085735 genotypes.

Supplementary Figure S5.Association of KEAP1 rs11085735 with breast cancer survival among KBCP cases with lower (<1.33) KEAP1 protein expression in (A) univariateanalysis, log rank Mantel Cox test in Kaplan-Meier analysis; and (B) in Cox multivariate analysis including tumor grade, nodal status, ER status, PR status, histology, tumor size, HER2 status, metastasis status and KEAP1 rs11085735 genotypes.

Supplementary Figure S6.Association of KEAP1 protein expression with breast cancer survival in univariate Kaplan-Meier analysis.