Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Control (EOS), 24-04-2004:

Information concerning technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures for the export of textiles and textiles articles (section XI) included in chapters 50 to 63 of the harmonized systems (HS) classifications.

1- As regards Fabrics: Information included in the label of textiles articles is as follows:

-  Fabric type.

-  Number of relevant standard.

-  Fabric length in meter.

-  Fabric width in centimeter.

- The registered name of the company or factory and the trademark or either of them.

- The phrase “Made in Egypt” or the origin country along with the name of the importer provided that they should be woven on the selvages.

·  This information must be presented in Arabic language and it is possible to add any other foreign language

·  Information that must be shown on the transparent packaging is as follows:

- Total length of bale in meter.

- Material type and blend type, if any.

- Number of relevant standard.

- Number of fabrics in bale.

- Fabric width in centimeter.

- The phrase “Made in Egypt” or the origin country and the name of the importer.

- The registered name of the company or factory and the trademark or either of them.

- Serial number of bale.

2- Tricot products: The label of tricot products and non-woven fabrics must include:

·  Material type and weight of square meter/gram.

·  Name of producing factory and its registered trademark or either of them.

·  Weight in kilogram (gross and net).

·  The phrase “Made in Egypt” or the origin country in Arabic language basically and it is possible to add any other foreign language.

- Arabic language is the used language and it is permissible to add any foreign language.

- Information that must be shown on the transparent packaging is as follows:

·  Name of producing company or factory and its trademark or either of them.

·  Length of wrap in meter.

·  Width of fabric in meter.

·  Type of treatment and its date.

·  The phrase “Made in Egypt” on the origin country and you can add any other foreign language.

·  The above-mentioned data should be written in clear writing and apparent place.

3- Miscellaneous products: The label must include the following data and be fixed closely on each wrap of a rope provided that this data should be written in Arabic language or any foreign language when exporting:

·  Name of producing company or trademark.

·  Number of relevant standard.

·  Rope material.

·  Length and size of rope.

·  The phrase “Made in Egypt” or the origin country.

- The label including the following information must be fixed in apparent place provided that this information should be written in Arabic language or any foreign language:

·  Name and registered mark of producing company or factory or any other means for recognition.

·  Number and date of relevant standard.

·  Date of manufacturing in month and year.

·  Limits of size in case of protective clothes.

·  Graphic drawings indicating that these garments are for protection from chemical, fire…. etc along with instructions on use method.

- Information that must be shown on the transparent packaging is:

Ropes should be packaged in transparent packaging along with registering the same data on each four wraps together.

- Use type must be clarified on protective garments along with the same data indicated in the label of the product.

4-  Ready-made clothes: The label of woven or non-woven ready-made clothes must include:

·  Name of producing company or factory and its trademark or either of them.

·  Size number.

·  Symbols of methods of taking care of the garment in respect of iron, washing, dry cleaning and blanching by chlor.

·  Type of used cloth, and in case of blended fabrics, used materials and percentage of blend must be stated.

·  The phrase “Made in Egypt” or the origin country in Arabic language basically and it is permissible to add any other foreign language.

- Arabic language is the used language and you can add any other foreign language.

- Information that must be shown on the transparent packaging is:

·  Name of producing company or factory and its trademark or either of them.

·  Size number.

·  Number of relevant standard.

·  The phrase “Made in Egypt” or the origin country mainly in Arabic language and you can add any other foreign language.

- The above-mentioned data should be written in clear writing and apparent place.

5- Filaments and yarns: The label must include the following data:

·  Yarn number.

·  Yarn type and blend percentage, if any.

·  Yarn class (tricot-stamina-weft).

·  Number of relevant standard.

·  Name of producing factory and its registered trademark or either of them.

·  The phrase “Made in Egypt” or the origin country and the name of the importer.

- This information must be presented in Arabic language basically and it is admitted to use English language as well.

- Information that must be shown on the transparent packaging is:

·  Yarn number.

·  Yarn type and blend percentage, if any.

·  Yarn class (tricot-stamina-weft).

·  Number of relevant standard.

·  Name of producing factory and its registered trademark or either of them.

·  The phrase “Made in Egypt” or the origin country and the name of the importer.

·  Number of packing units in the package.

·  Serial number of bale or packet.

·  All data should be written in Arabic language, clear writing and apparent place.

6- Carpets and other floor coverings: The label of carpets and other floor coverings:

·  Name and type of the product along with fiber type (mechanical or manual).

·  Material type (manufactured fibers - wool or wool percentage in blend and blend type).

·  Size (length and width).

·  Name of producing factory and its registered trademark or either of them.

·  The phrase “Made in Egypt”.

·  Any additional data, agreed upon between the producer and the customer.

·  Number of relevant standard.

·  Commercial name of the product.

- This information must be written in Arabic language and it is permissible to use the English language as well.

- In most cases, carpets and other floor coverings are not wrapped in transparent packaging. However, in case of export, information on the container must be the same as the piece of information on the label of the product.