To be carried out before any works involving Working at Heights. This is to be completed by a Supervisor.


Always, your overriding concern has to be for the safety of UoB trades staff and the safety of anyone else who is affected by what they do.

The manufacturer’s instruction manual must always be read and followed and on no account attempt to use equipment beyond it limitations. Access Equipment must never usewhilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Equipment must not be misused or abused.

Training and instructions must be followed.

Date of Use / Job No.
Time of Use
Name of All Persons Involved
Exact Location of Use
Description of Job
Include Approx height of works

Section A – This section MUST be completed

Yes / No / Why?AllMUST be answered
Is fixed scaffolding required?
Can a mobile tower or MEWP be used?
Can podium steps be used?
Is a ladder or stepladder required?
Access Equipment Selected

Section B–Complete only if a ladder or stepladder is the access equipment selected, and then the following must allbe answered

Yes / No
Is the work of a light nature?
Is the work of short duration?
Will the tools be of a light nature and hand held?
Is the height of the working platform below 2 metres above a level floor/ground?

If No is answered to any of the question in section B, further consideration MUST be given to selecting suitable access equipment before completing section C and D.

Section C – Complete for all works

Yes / No
Has the operative read and understood the risk assessment and method statement

Section D - Authorisation

Print Name / Signature

Operative to complete relevant Equipment Site Survey before starting works – if in doubt refer back to supervisor for guidance.

Please return to Estates & Facilities Health & Safety Advisor