MCC Curriculum Committee Minutes
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
3:30-4:20 PM, COT 100
- Attendees: Michael Howe, Dave Koester, Brad Parker
Betty McKie, Jaylene Evans, Armando Maldonado, Connie Mese, Todd Schneider, Lee Green
- Items Requiring A Vote
Medical Assisting Certificate – Kathy Frisbie
ADD MOT 150-Pharmacology for Medical Assistants
Kathy explained that this has been a long-standing program which needed to have the layout “cleaned up” and is to be effective immediately.
In response to questions, Kathy explained that both BIO 201 and 202 (8 credits) could be taken in place of BIO 106 because BIO 201 and 202 each address separate sections of the body, albeit more completely than BIO 106, whereas, BIO 106 covers the entire body. She submitted a new layout that eliminated the wording, “*BIO 201-Human Anatomy & Physiology I and BIO 202-Human Anatomy & Physiology II may be taken in place of BIO 106. This was done to lessen student confusion and advisors will be made aware of the substitution option if needed for specific students.
Armando Maldonado noted that SPA 115 is not generally specific to medical applications, but if courses are set up for a population that is primarily needing medical terminology in Spanish the instructor should be informed and can tailor the vocabulary and other exercises to meet that need.
New layout is attached.
A motion was made by Howe to approve the program layout for Medical Assisting Certificate; seconded by Koester; approved unanimously.
- Informational Items
Business Administration – Jaylene Evans
Jaylene explained that the previous program layouts for A.A.S. Business Administration were missing clear General Education credits (15 credits required). Betty clarified that the previous layouts did contain courses that could be considered General Education, but the new layouts are clearer.
New layouts attached.
A.S. (Pre-Engineering) – Todd Schneider
Todd presented the Pre-Engineering layout which was developed specifically to meet MCC student needs. He explained that the series of Calculus I, II (and highly recommended III) along with the Physics I and II were selected after comparisons with current articulation agreements and with articulation agreements in place with CSU-Pueblo and the agreement that Red Rocks Community College has with the Colorado School of Mines.
New layout attached.
- SFCC – Next Meeting is March 14th
a.Still need an “alternate”
Betty indicated that a CTE faculty member is needed, but other faculty member would be welcome to attend. Jaylene will discuss with her division.
- Other
- ADD ACC 132-Tax Help Colorado
Jaylene presented this course as a CCCNS course which will be added to the Business Electives list for use in the A.A.S. Business Administration.
- ADD ACC 133-Tax Help Colorado Site Lab
Jaylene presented this course as a CCCNS course which will be added to the Business Electives list for use in the A.A.S. Business Administration.
A motion was made by Parker to approve addition of ACC 132 and 133; seconded by Koester; approved unanimously.
- DELETE forms (effective Summer 2008) were presented by Carol Kuper for the following:
MAT 265-Differential Equations
MAT 203-Calculus III (replaced with MAT 204-Calculus III)
MAT 166-Pre-Calculus
MAT 108-Technical Mathematics
- ADD MAT 103-Math for Clinical Calculations (effective Summer 2008)
CCCNS course presented by Carol Kuper. This is a course used by the Nursing program.
- CHANGE forms (effective Summer 2008) were presented by Carol Kuper for the following:
MAT 215-Discrete Mathematics
Minimum Passing Grade:D C
Prerequisite Added: MAT 201 (C or better)
MAT 202-Calculus II: MA1
Minimum Passing Grade: D C
Prerequisite Added: MAT 201 (C or better) or instructor permission
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
MAT 201-Calculus I: MA1
Minimum Passing Grade: D C
Prerequisite: MAT 121 & MAT 122 or equivalent MAT 121 & 122 (C or better) or instructor permission.
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
MAT 156-Integrated Math II: MA1 (only if MAT 155 & 156 together)
Minimum Passing Grade: D C
Prerequisite Added: MAT 155 (C or better) or instructor permission
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
MAT 155-Integrated Math I: MA1 (only if MAT 155 & 156 together)
Minimum Passing Grade: D C
Prerequisite Added: MAT 106 (C or better)
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
MAT 135-Introduction to Statistics: MA1
Minimum Passing Grade: D C
Prerequisite Added: MAT 106 (C or better)
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
MAT 125-Survey of Calculus: MA1
Minimum Passing Grade: D C
Prerequisite Added: MAT 121 (C or better)
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
MAT 123-Finite Mathematics: MA1
Minimum Passing Grade: D C
Prerequisite Added: MAT 106 (C or better)
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
MAT 122-Trigonometry: MA1
Minimum Passing Grade: D C
Prerequisite: MAT 121MAT 121 (C or better)
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
MAT 121-College Algebra: MA1
Minimum Passing Grade: D C
Prerequisite Added: MAT 106 (C or better)
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
MAT 030-Fundamentals of Mathematics
Minimum Passing Grade: D C
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
MAT 060-Pre-Algebra
Minimum Passing Grade: D C
Prerequisite Added: MAT 030 (C or better)
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
MAT 090-Introductory Algebra
Minimum Passing Grade: D C
Prerequisite Added: MAT 060 (C or better)
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
MAT 106-Survey of Algebra
Minimum Passing Grade: D C
Prerequisite Added: MAT 090(C or better)
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
MAT 107-Career Math
Prerequisite Added: MAT 060 (C or better)
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
MAT 120-Mathematics for Liberal Arts
Minimum Passing Grade: D C
Prerequisite Added: MAT 106 (C or better)
Accuplacer Requirements: Appropriate Math Entrance Score (see Testing Center)
A motion was made by Koester to approve these changes; seconded by Parker; approved unanimously.
- Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 2nd
- Adjourn
Medical Assisting Certificate
Pre-requisites for the program
- High School Diploma or equivalent
- Pass background check and drug screen PRIOR to registering for NUA classes
Course Number / Course Title / Sem. Hrs. / Lecture Hrs / Lab
Hrs. / Clinical Hrs. / Contact
Fall Semester
BIO 106 / Basic Anatomy & Physiology* / 4 / 60 / 60HPR 178 / Medical Terminology / 2 / 30 / 30
PSY 235 / Human Growth & Development / 3 / 45 / 45
BTE 225 / Office Management / 3 / 45 / 45
SPA 115 / Spanish for the Professional I / 3 / 45 / 45
Total Credits / 15
Spring Semester
COM 105 / Career Communications / 3 / 45 / 45NUA 101 / Nurse Aide Health Care Skills / 4 / 45 / 22.5 / 67.5
NUA 170 / Nurse Aide Clinical Experience / 1 / 30 / 30
MOT 150 / Pharmacology for Medical Assistants. Course prerequisite: MAT 090 with C or higher or appropriate math entrance score (see Testing Center) / 3 / 30 / 22.5 / 52.5
HPR 102 / CPR for Professionals / 1 / 15 / 15
Total Credits / 12
Summer Semester
MOT 130 / Insurance Billing and Coding / 3 / 45 / 45MOT 140 / Medical Assisting Clinical Skills / 4 / 60 / 60
MOT 188 / Practicum / 4 / 120 / 120
CIS 118 / Intro to PC Applications / 3 / 30 / 30 / 60
Total Program Credits / 41 / 720
Program Layout
AAS Business Administration
Concentration: Business Foundations
Student Name: / SS#:
Semester 1 / Credits / Taken / Grade
BTE 102 * / Keyboarding Applications I / 2
BTE 156 / Business Math with Calculators / 4
BUS 115 / Introduction to Business / 3
ENG 113 / Business English / 3
MAR 216 / Principles of Marketing / 3
Semester 2
BUS 216 / Legal Environment of Business / 3
BUS 217 / Business Communication and Report Writing / 3
CIS 118 / Intro PC Applications / 3
PSY 226 / Social Psychology / 3
COM 115 / Public Speaking / 3
Semester 3
ACC 101 / Fundamentals of Accounting / 3
BTE 225 / Office Management / 3
COM 105 / Career Communications / 3
ECO 105 / Introduction To Economics / 3
MAR 160 / Customer Service / 3
Semester 4
BTE 108 / Ten-Key by Touch / 1
BUS 187 / Cooperative Education / Internship / 1
MAN 215 / Organizational Behavior / 3
MAN 224 / Leadership / 3
MAN 226 / Principles of Management / 3
PHI 111 / Ethics / 3
Business Elective(s) / 1
* NOTE: Program/course prerequisites: BTE100 or demonstrated keyboarding skill.
Electives for the AAS:BA Business Foundations degree:
ACC 115 / Payroll Accounting
ACC 121 / Accounting Principles I
ACC 122 / Accounting Principles II
ACC 123 / Accounting Principles I Recitation
ACC 124 / Accounting Principles II Recitation
ACC 125 / Computerized Accounting
ACC 131 / Income Tax
ACC 216 / Governmental and Not-for-profit Accounting
BUS 226 / Business Statistics
BTE 103 / Keyboarding Applications II
BTE 225 / Office Management
CIS 131 / Word Processing I
CIS 132 / Word Processing II
CIS 133 / Word Processing III
CIS 135 / Complete PC Word Processing (MS Word)
CIS 141 / PC Databases I: (Access)
CIS 142 / PC Databases II: (Access)
CIS 143 / PC Databases III: (Access)
CIS 145 / Complete PC Databases
CIS 151 / PC Spreadsheets I: (Excel)
CIS 152 / PC Spreadsheets II: (Excel)
CIS 153 / Advanced Spreadsheets: (Excel)
CIS 155 / PC Spreadsheets Concepts: (Excel)
ECO 201 / Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 202 / Principles of Microeconomics
ENG 121 / English Composition I
ENG 122 / English Composition II
MAN 116 / Principles of Supervision
MAN 117 / Time Management
MAN 125 / Team Building
MAN 200 / Human Resource Management I
MAR 111 / Principles of Sales
MAR 240 / International Marketing
MAT 120 / Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
MAT 121 / College Algebra
MAT 122 / College Trigonometry
MAT 125 / Survey of Calculus
MAT 135 / Introduction to Statistics
MAT 155 / Integrated Math I
MAT 156 / Integrated Math II
MAT 201 / Calculus I
MAT 202 / Calculus II
MGD 102 / Introduction to Multimedia
MGD 133 / Graphic Design I
MGD 141 / Web Design I
PSY 101 / General Psychology I
PSY 102 / General Psychology II
SOC 101 / Introduction to Sociology I
SOC 102 / Introduction to Sociology II
SPA 101 / Conversational Spanish I
SPA 102 / Conversational Spanish II
SPA 111 / Spanish Language I
SPA 112 / Spanish Language II
SPA 115 / Spanish for the Professional I
SPA 211 / Spanish Language III
SPA 212 / Spanish Language IV
SPA 215 / Spanish for the Professional II
Program Layout
AAS Business Administration
Concentration: Accounting
Student Name: / SS#:
Semester 1 / Credits / Taken / Grade
ACC 101 / Fundamentals of Accounting / 3
BTE 102 * / Keyboarding Applications I / 2
BTE 156 / Business Math with Calculators / 4
BUS 115 / Introduction to Business / 3
ENG 113 / Business English / 3
Semester 2
ACC 125 / Computerized Accounting / 3
BUS 216 / Legal Environment of Business / 3
BUS 217 / Business Communication and Report Writing / 3
CIS 118 / Intro PC Applications / 3
PSY 226 / Social Psychology / 3
Semester 3
ACC 115 / Payroll Accounting / 3
ACC 121 / Principles of Accounting I / 4
BTE 225 / Office Management / 3
CIS 155 / PC Spreadsheet Concepts: Excel / 3
ECO 105 / Introduction To Economics / 3
Semester 4
ACC 122 / Principles of Accounting II / 4
ACC 226 / Cost Accounting / 3
BUS 187 / Cooperative Education / Internship / 1
COM 105 / Career Communications / 3
PHI 111 / Ethics / 3
* NOTE: Program/course prerequisites: BTE100 or demonstrated keyboarding skill.
Electives for the AAS:BA Accounting degree:
ACC 123 / Accounting Principles I Recitation
ACC 124 / Accounting Principles II Recitation
ACC 131 / Income Tax
ACC 216 / Governmental and Not-for-profit Accounting
BUS 226 / Business Statistics
BTE 103 / Keyboarding Applications II
CIS 131 / Word Processing I
CIS 132 / Word Processing II
CIS 133 / Word Processing III
CIS 135 / Complete PC Word Processing (MS Word)
CIS 141 / PC Databases I: (Access)
CIS 142 / PC Databases II: (Access)
CIS 143 / PC Databases III: (Access)
CIS 145 / Complete PC Databases
ECO 201 / Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 202 / Principles of Microeconomics
ENG 121 / English Composition I
ENG 122 / English Composition II
MAN 116 / Principles of Supervision
MAN 117 / Time Management
MAN 125 / Team Building
MAN 200 / Human Resource Management I
MAN 215 / Organizational Behavior
MAN 224 / Leadership
MAN 226 / Principles of Management
MAR 111 / Principles of Sales
MAR 160 / Customer Service
MAR 216 / Principles of Marketing
MAR 240 / International Marketing
MAT 120 / Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
MAT 121 / College Algebra
MAT 122 / College Trigonometry
MAT 125 / Survey of Calculus
MAT 135 / Introduction to Statistics
MAT 155 / Integrated Math I
MAT 156 / Integrated Math II
MAT 201 / Calculus I
MAT 202 / Calculus II
MGD 102 / Introduction to Multimedia
MGD 133 / Graphic Design I
MGD 141 / Web Design I
PSY 101 / General Psychology I
PSY 102 / General Psychology II
SOC 101 / Introduction to Sociology I
SOC 102 / Introduction to Sociology II
SPA 101 / Conversational Spanish I
SPA 102 / Conversational Spanish II
SPA 111 / Spanish Language I
SPA 112 / Spanish Language II
SPA 115 / Spanish for the Professional I
SPA 211 / Spanish Language III
SPA 212 / Spanish Language IV
SPA 215 / Spanish for the Professional II
Program Layout
AAS Business Administration
Concentration: Real Estate
Student Name: / SS#:
Semester 1 / Credits / Taken / Grade
ACC 101 / Fundamentals of Accounting / 3
BTE 156 / Business Math with Calculator / 4
BUS 115 / Introduction to Business / 3
ENG 113 / Business English / 3
MAN 125 / Teambuilding / 1
Semester 2
BUS 216 / Legal Environment of Business / 3
BUS 217 / Business Communication and Report Writing / 3
MAN 224 / Leadership / 3
PSY 226 / Social Psychology / 3
COM 115 / Public Speaking / 3
Semester 3
ECO 201 / Macroeconomics / 3
REE 103 / Real Estate Brokers I / 6
REE 104 / Real Estate Brokers II / 5
REE 115 / Intro. To Real Estate / 3
Semester 4
COM 105 / Career Communications / 3
BUS 187 / Cooperative Education / Internship / 1
REE 189 / Brokers Exam Review / 1
CIS 118 / Intro PC Applications / 3
PHI 111 / Ethics / 3
Business Elective(s) / 3
Electives for the AAS:BA Real Estate degree:
ACC 115 / Payroll Accounting
ACC 121 / Accounting Principles I
ACC 122 / Accounting Principles II
ACC 123 / Accounting Principles I Recitation
ACC 124 / Accounting Principles II Recitation
ACC 125 / Computerized Accounting
ACC 131 / Income Tax
ACC 216 / Governmental and Not-for-profit Accounting
BUS 226 / Business Statistics
BTE 100 / Computer Keyboarding
BTE 102 / Keyboarding Applications I
BTE 103 / Keyboarding Applications II
BTE 108 / Ten-Key by Touch
BTE 225 / Office Management
CIS 131 / Word Processing I
CIS 132 / Word Processing II
CIS 133 / Word Processing III
CIS 135 / Complete PC Word Processing (MS Word)
CIS 141 / PC Databases I: (Access)
CIS 142 / PC Databases II: (Access)
CIS 143 / PC Databases III: (Access)
CIS 145 / Complete PC Databases
CIS 151 / PC Spreadsheets I: (Excel)
CIS 152 / PC Spreadsheets II: (Excel)
CIS 153 / Advanced Spreadsheets: (Excel)
CIS 155 / PC Spreadsheets Concepts: (Excel)
ECO 105 / Introduction to Economics
ECO 202 / Principles of Microeconomics
ENG 121 / English Composition I
ENG 122 / English Composition II
MAN 116 / Principles of Supervision
MAN 117 / Time Management
MAN 200 / Human Resource Management I
MAN 215 / Organizational Behavior
MAN 224 / Leadership
MAN 226 / Principles of Management
MAR 111 / Principles of Sales
MAR 160 / Customer Service
MAR 216 / Principles of Marketing
MAR 240 / International Marketing
MAT 112 / Financial Mathematics
MAT 120 / Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
MAT 121 / College Algebra
MAT 122 / College Trigonometry
MAT 125 / Survey of Calculus
MAT 135 / Introduction to Statistics
MAT 155 / Integrated Math I
MAT 156 / Integrated Math II
MAT 201 / Calculus I
MAT 202 / Calculus II
MGD 102 / Introduction to Multimedia
MGD 133 / Graphic Design I
MGD 141 / Web Design I
PSY 101 / General Psychology I
PSY 102 / General Psychology II
SOC 101 / Introduction to Sociology I
SOC 102 / Introduction to Sociology II
SPA 101 / Conversational Spanish I
SPA 102 / Conversational Spanish II
SPA 111 / Spanish Language I
SPA 112 / Spanish Language II
SPA 115 / Spanish for the Professional I
SPA 211 / Spanish Language III
SPA 212 / Spanish Language IV
SPA 215 / Spanish for the Professional II
Program Layout
AAS Business Administration
Concentration: Supervision/Management
Student Name: / SS#:
Semester 1 / Credits / Taken / Grade
ACC 101 / Fundamentals of Accounting / 3
BTE 102 * / Keyboarding Applications I / 2
BTE 156 / Business Math with Calculators / 4
BUS 115 / Introduction to Business / 3
ENG 113 / Business English / 3
Semester 2
BUS 216 / Legal Environment of Business / 3
BUS 217 / Business Communication and Report Writing / 3
CIS 118 / Intro PC Applications / 3
PSY 226 / Social Psychology / 3
COM 115 / Public Speaking / 3
Semester 3
ECO 105 / Introduction to Economics / 3
MAN 116 / Principles of Supervision / 3
MAN 200 / Human Resource Management / 3
MAR 160 / Customer Service / 3
PHI 111 / Ethics / 3
Semester 4
BTE 108 / Ten-Key By Touch / 1
BUS 187 / Cooperative Education / Internship / 1
COM 105 / Career Communications / 3
MAN 215 / Organizational Behavior / 3
MAN 224 / Leadership / 3
MAN 226 / Principles of Management / 3
Business Elective(s) / 1
* NOTE: Program/course prerequisites: BTE100 or demonstrated keyboarding skill.
Electives for the AAS:BA Management/Supervision degree:
ACC 115 / Payroll Accounting
ACC 121 / Accounting Principles I
ACC 122 / Accounting Principles II
ACC 123 / Accounting Principles I Recitation
ACC 124 / Accounting Principles II Recitation
ACC 125 / Computerized Accounting
ACC 131 / Income Tax
ACC 216 / Governmental and Not-for-profit Accounting
BUS 226 / Business Statistics
BTE 103 / Keyboarding Applications II
BTE 225 / Administrative Office Management
CIS 131 / Word Processing I
CIS 132 / Word Processing II
CIS 133 / Word Processing III
CIS 135 / Complete PC Word Processing (MS Word)
CIS 141 / PC Databases I: (Access)
CIS 142 / PC Databases II: (Access)
CIS 143 / PC Databases III: (Access)
CIS 145 / Complete PC Databases
CIS 151 / PC Spreadsheets I: (Excel)
CIS 152 / PC Spreadsheets II: (Excel)
CIS 153 / Advanced Spreadsheets: (Excel)
CIS 155 / PC Spreadsheets Concepts: (Excel)
ECO 201 / Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 202 / Principles of Microeconomics
ENG 121 / English Composition I
ENG 122 / English Composition II
MAN 117 / Time Management
MAN 200 / Human Resource Management I
MAR 111 / Principles of Sales
MAR 160 / Customer Service
MAR 216 / Principles of Marketing
MAR 240 / International Marketing
MAT 120 / Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
MAT 121 / College Algebra
MAT 122 / College Trigonometry
MAT 125 / Survey of Calculus
MAT 135 / Introduction to Statistics
MAT 155 / Integrated Math I
MAT 156 / Integrated Math II
MAT 201 / Calculus I
MAT 202 / Calculus II
MGD 102 / Introduction to Multimedia
MGD 133 / Graphic Design I
MGD 141 / Web Design I
PSY 101 / General Psychology I
PSY 102 / General Psychology II
SOC 101 / Introduction to Sociology I
SOC 102 / Introduction to Sociology II
SPA 101 / Conversational Spanish I
SPA 102 / Conversational Spanish II
SPA 111 / Spanish Language I
SPA 112 / Spanish Language II
SPA 115 / Spanish for the Professional I
SPA 211 / Spanish Language III
SPA 212 / Spanish Language IV
SPA 215 / Spanish for the Professional II
Program Layout
AAS Business Administration
Emphasis: Business Technologies
Student Name: / SS#:
Semester 1 / Credits / Taken / Grade
BTE 102 * / Keyboarding Applications I / 2
BTE 156 / Business Math with Calculators / 4
BUS 115 / Introduction to Business / 3
CIS 135 / Complete Word Processing: Word / 3
ENG 113 / Business English / 3
Semester 2
BTE 103 / Keyboarding Applications II / 3
BUS 216 / Legal Environment of Business / 3
BUS 217 / Business Communication and Report Writing / 3
PSY 226 / Social Psychology / 3
COM 115 / Public Speaking / 3
Semester 3
ACC 101 / Fundamentals of Accounting / 3
BTE 225 / Office Management / 3
CIS 145 / Complete PC Database / 3
COM 105 / Career Communications / 3
ECO 105 / Introduction to Economics / 3
Semester 4
BTE 108 / Ten-Key by Touch / 1
BUS 187 / Cooperative Education / Internship / 1
CIS 155 / PC Spreadsheet Concepts: Excel / 3
CIS 218 / Advanced PC Applications / 3
MAN 215 / Organizational Behavior / 3
MAN 224 / Leadership / 3
Business Elective(s) / 1
* NOTE: Program/course prerequisites: BTE100 or demonstrated keyboarding skill.
Electives for the AAS:BA Business Technologies degree:
ACC 115 / Payroll Accounting
ACC 121 / Accounting Principles I
ACC 122 / Accounting Principles II
ACC 123 / Accounting Principles I Recitation
ACC 124 / Accounting Principles II Recitation
ACC 125 / Computerized Accounting
ACC 131 / Income Tax
ACC 216 / Governmental and Not-for-profit Accounting
BUS 226 / Business Statistics
BTE 103 / Keyboarding Applications II
BTE 108 / Ten-Key by Touch
BTE 225 / Administrative Office Management
CIS 131 / Word Processing I
CIS 132 / Word Processing II
CIS 133 / Word Processing III
CIS 135 / Complete PC Word Processing (MS Word)
CIS 141 / PC Databases I: (Access)
CIS 142 / PC Databases II: (Access)
CIS 143 / PC Databases III: (Access)
CIS 145 / Complete PC Databases
CIS 151 / PC Spreadsheets I: (Excel)
CIS 152 / PC Spreadsheets II: (Excel)
CIS 153 / Advanced Spreadsheets: (Excel)
CIS 155 / PC Spreadsheets Concepts: (Excel)
ECO 105 / Introduction to Economics
ECO 201 / Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 202 / Principles of Microeconomics
ENG 121 / English Composition I
ENG 122 / English Composition II
MAN 116 / Principles of Supervision
MAN 117 / Time Management
MAN 125 / Team Building
MAN 200 / Human Resource Management I
MAN 215 / Organizational Behavior
MAN 224 / Leadership
MAN 226 / Principles of Management
MAR 111 / Principles of Sales
MAR 160 / Customer Service
MAR 216 / Principles of Marketing
MAR 240 / International Marketing
MAT 120 / Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
MAT 121 / College Algebra
MAT 122 / College Trigonometry
MAT 125 / Survey of Calculus
MAT 135 / Introduction to Statistics
MAT 155 / Integrated Math I
MAT 156 / Integrated Math II
MAT 201 / Calculus I
MAT 202 / Calculus II
MGD 102 / Introduction to Multimedia
MGD 133 / Graphic Design I
MGD 141 / Web Design I
PSY 101 / General Psychology I
PSY 102 / General Psychology II
SOC 101 / Introduction to Sociology I
SOC 102 / Introduction to Sociology II
SPA 101 / Conversational Spanish I
SPA 102 / Conversational Spanish II
SPA 111 / Spanish Language I
SPA 112 / Spanish Language II
SPA 115 / Spanish for the Professional I
SPA 211 / Spanish Language III
SPA 212 / Spanish Language IV
SPA 215 / Spanish for the Professional II
Program Layout
AAS Business Administration
Emphasis: Ag/Business Management
Semester 1 / Course / Description / Credits
BTE 156 / Business Math with Calculators / 4
BUS 115 / Introduction to Business / 3
ECO 105 / Introduction to Economics / 3
ENG 113 / Business English / 3
MAR 216 / Principles of Marketing / 3
Semester 2 / Course / Description / Credits
BUS 216 / Legal Environment of Business / 3
BUS 217 / Business Communication and Report Writing / 3
CIS 118 / Intro to PC Applications / 3
COM 105 / Career Communications / 3
PSY 226 / Social Psychology / 3
Semester 3 / Course / Description / Credits
ABM 151 / Rural Entrepreneurship I / 9
ACC 101 / Fundamentals of Accounting / 3
PHI 111 / Ethics / 3
Semester 4 / Course / Description / Credits
ABM 152 / Rural Entrepreneurship II / 9
ACC 125 / Computerized Accounting / 3
Business Elective / 2
Electives for the AAS:BA Ag/Business Management degree:
ACC 115 / Payroll Accounting
ACC 121 / Accounting Principles I
ACC 122 / Accounting Principles II
ACC 123 / Accounting Principles I Recitation
ACC 124 / Accounting Principles II Recitation
ACC 125 / Computerized Accounting
ACC 131 / Income Tax
ACC 216 / Governmental and Not-for-profit Accounting
BUS 226 / Business Statistics
BTE 103 / Keyboarding Applications II
BTE 225 / Administrative Office Management
CIS 131 / Word Processing I
CIS 132 / Word Processing II
CIS 133 / Word Processing III
CIS 135 / Complete PC Word Processing (MS Word)
CIS 141 / PC Databases I: (Access)
CIS 142 / PC Databases II: (Access)
CIS 143 / PC Databases III: (Access)
CIS 145 / Complete PC Databases
CIS 151 / PC Spreadsheets I: (Excel)
CIS 152 / PC Spreadsheets II: (Excel)
CIS 153 / Advanced Spreadsheets: (Excel)
CIS 155 / PC Spreadsheets Concepts: (Excel)
ECO 201 / Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 202 / Principles of Microeconomics
ENG 121 / English Composition I
ENG 122 / English Composition II
MAN 117 / Time Management
MAN 200 / Human Resource Management I
MAR 111 / Principles of Sales
MAR 160 / Customer Service
MAR 216 / Principles of Marketing
MAR 240 / International Marketing
MAT 120 / Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
MAT 121 / College Algebra
MAT 122 / College Trigonometry
MAT 125 / Survey of Calculus
MAT 135 / Introduction to Statistics
MAT 155 / Integrated Math I
MAT 156 / Integrated Math II
MAT 201 / Calculus I
MAT 202 / Calculus II
MGD 102 / Introduction to Multimedia
MGD 133 / Graphic Design I
MGD 141 / Web Design I
PSY 101 / General Psychology I
PSY 102 / General Psychology II
SOC 101 / Introduction to Sociology I
SOC 102 / Introduction to Sociology II
SPA 101 / Conversational Spanish I
SPA 102 / Conversational Spanish II
SPA 111 / Spanish Language I
SPA 112 / Spanish Language II
SPA 115 / Spanish for the Professional I
SPA 211 / Spanish Language III
SPA 212 / Spanish Language IV
SPA 215 / Spanish for the Professional II
Pre-Engineering Core Courses, Degree: Associate of Science