Graduate Test Scoring Rubric
Acceptable Graduate Level Answers
Superior – 90-100:The test essay has a clearly defined theme that is present consistently throughout the answer. The ideas in the answer are developed logically, clearly, and consistently (that is, the argument has a clear beginning, middle, and end). The essay is extremely well organized with clear transitions from one subject to the next and consistent arguments throughout the answer. The answer contains correct word choices, strong sentence structures, an active and consistent voice, correct grammar and mechanics. Lower scoring answers at this level may be weaker in one or two of these categories.
Adequate – 80-89: The test essay has a theme that is present through most of the answer, but may be joined by other only partially related arguments. The ideas in the answer are developed logically, but may be slightly difficult to follow. The essay is organized, but may contain redundant arguments and some circular logic. Most word choices, sentences, voice selections, grammar, and mechanics are correct. Lower scoring answers in this category may have major weaknesses in one or more categories or minor weaknesses in three or four.
Weaker Graduate Level Answers
Minimal – 70-79:The test essay has a theme, but it conflicts with other themes present in the essay. The author is unclear which theme is dominant. Some arguments may be wrong. The ideas in the answer are developed inconsistently, with frequent examples of circular logic and redundant arguments. The organization of the answer is unclear; the central argument cannot be easily determined. Word choice, sentence structure, voice consistency, grammar, and mechanics have noticeable errors. Lower scoring answers in this category have major errors in a majority of the categories above.
Weak – 60-69: The test essay has no clear theme; the essay contains many contradictory arguments. The arguments contain many errors. Idea development is confusing and difficult to follow, with many circular and redundant arguments. The essay has minimal organization with no clear central argument. The overall mechanics of the answer (word choice, sentence structure, etc.) contains major errors that make the answer difficult to understand.
Unacceptable – Under 60:The test essay has no theme; just a collection of unconnected arguments. The ideas are largely undeveloped and confusing. The essay has no consistent organization and little logic. Paragraphs contain multiple, conflicting ideas. The overall mechanics of the answer contain major errors that make the answer impossible to understand.