Richard Dworak


Richard Dworak


I am interested in assignments where I can apply my system of systems experience in the design and development of complex programs such as air/space-based vehicles, payload management, and ground based accommodations. I am comfortable providing support as an individual contributor or as part of a mission team. This support may be utilized for systems engineering requirements definition and verification in DOORS, system integration and test, proposal preparation, or mid- level project management.


·  Complete systems engineering, design, integration, and testing of products from development of initial concept requirements to delivery of hardware units and verification evidence in DOORS.

·  Focused on engineering and manufacturing of airborne, ground based, and space based equipment employing attitude control, communications, data handling, electro-optical, and power functions.

·  Knowledge base obtained by interfacing with DoD, ESA, NASA, NOAA, NRO, USAF, commercial, and international entities. International team building includes Brazil, England, Finland, the Netherlands. Successfully facilitated mutually beneficial technical negotiations in difficult political situations.

·  Leadership and organizational management of program areas and proposals utilizing cost accounting and scheduling assets with significant/tangible milestones as well the latest project control resource tools such as ARM to achieve mission success.


2012 to Present: Requirements Be Us, Inc., Redondo Beach, CA

·  Engineering Director. Lead the performance of Contract Management and Systems Engineering Services for aerospace related programs.

1996 to 2011: Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, Redondo Beach, CA

·  Senior Systems Engineer.

·  Space Vehicle Payload Accommodation Manager on the Advance Mission Program (“AMP”). Responsible for the cost, schedule, and resource allocation to ensure all aspects of the spacecraft bus accommodate the payload, including management of the bus systems and subsystems. Interacted with the space vehicle ground element, systems engineering limitations and constraints, and space vehicle assembly, integration and test. Provided cost/schedule/ technical status and insight to the customer on a frequent basis.

·  Instrument Manager on the Earth Observing System (“EOS”) Aqua and Aura Missions and the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (“NPOESS”).

Ensured that scientific systems operate correctly with all of the space mission subsystems. EOS Instruments/Sensors: Aqua; CERES, HSB, MODIS, Aura; HIRDLS, MLS, OMI, TES. NPOESS Instruments/Sensors: ERBS, OMPS, OLI, TSIS. Conducted mission ICWGs to foster and monitor continuous dialog between the science community, instrument/sensor, ground communication, and spacecraft bus providers. Lead science specification requirements flow-down, system interface control performance trade studies, generated instrument/sensor ICDs and Mechanical Interface Drawings (“MIDs”).

·  Intra-Payload Interface Manager on the Advance Extremely High Frequency (“AEHF”) program. Created and maintained the interface control document defining the characteristics of every electrical signal between each subsystem in a very complicated military communication payload. Conducted numerous trade studies, directed interface control working groups, and facilitated negotiations between interface stakeholders.

1990 to 1996: Rockwell International, Seal Beach, CA

·  Systems Engineer.

·  Team Lead for the MIL-STD-1760 Stores Management System Avionics for the B-1B Lancer Aircraft Conventional Mission Upgrade Program (“CMUP”). Led the design and subcontractor teams through trade studies into engineering and manufacturing development providing the Air Force with the most cost effective and robust delivery system. Governed new subsystems design, avionics system segment specifications, configuration item specifications, hardware implementation requirements documentation, weapon interface control documents, and flight test planning.

·  Seeker Sensor Task Manager for the Kinetic Energy Anti-Satellite (“ASAT”) Weapons System Program. Prepared subcontractor procurement specifications, statement of work, interface control documents, schedules, and acceptance test plans. Interfaced to subcontracting divisions and the Customer as a cost account manager. Tasks involved frequent contact with the Customer and subcontractors for requirements definition and formal program reviews.

Instrumental in the development of the seeker test laboratory, system performance test planning and testing, system integration with the avionics, EMI/EMC design considerations, and software requirements.

1983  to 1990: Hughes Aircraft Company, El Segundo, CA

·  Systems Engineer. Systems engineering with emphasis on program requirements and flowdown for system interfaces. Emphasized MIL-STD-1553B, inertial navigation and Global Positioning System (“GPS”), crew station layout, and pointing and stabilization for sensors on an airborne gimbaled platform. Participated in design and organizational reviews, program costing and manpower timelines. Conducted coordination meetings with customers and subcontractors for requirements definitions. Analyzed present phenomenology and created proof-of-concept demonstration experiments. Conceived and implemented include the Segmented Primary Pupil Matching Experiment, the Three-Beam White-Light Young's Interferometer, Phase Conjugation in BaTiO3, and the White-Light Trombone Pupil Matching Experiment demonstrations. Executed experimental design and performance evaluation of the Liquid Crystal Light Valve (“LCLV”) and corresponding equipment for the Glint IR&D. Evaluated the long range effects of the aberrations in Stimulated Raman Scattering and identified the interrelationships critical to future adaptive optics technology development.


M.S.E.E., (Quantum Electronics - Laser Physics) - UCLA (thesis: "Twin Frequency Far-Infrared

Lasers for Fusion Plasma Diagnostics")

B.S.E.E. - University of Nebraska (wide engineering training - emphasis in laser theory, systems

circuits & integrated circuits)


·  "Development of High Power, Twin Frequency Far-Infrared Lasers for Fusion Diagnostics"; Fifth APS Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, 1984.

·  "Development of Stable, High Power Far-Infrared Lasers for Fusion Diagnostics"; Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting, Division of Plasma Physics, 1984; Rev. Sci. Instrum . 56(5), 940, (1985).

·  "Twin Frequency Far-Infrared Sources for Plasma Diagnostic Applications"; Tenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 1985.

·  "High Power, Twin Frequency FIR Lasers for Plasma Diagnostic Applications"; Sixth APS Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, 1985; Rev. Sci. Instrum. 58(8), 940, (1986).