Think of an example of a“not so successful”change you’ve seen…What adjectives describe your feelings?

Think of some smoother changesyou’ve gone through:What are some words that describe the process?

Session Agenda

“Managing Transitions”

“The Anatomy of Change”

“Asking the Right Questions”

“George’s Top 10 List”

Managing “Transitions”

“It isn’t the changes that do you in.”

Change is situational

The new boss, new computer system, new policy

Change is external

Transition is a psychological process

Coming to terms with the new situation

Transitions are internal

“Unless transition occurs, change will not work.”

3 Phases of Transition

The Ending

Begin with the ending

Letting go; identify and acknowledge the loss

Give people something to take with them

The Neutral Zone

Opportunity, creativity, learning, involvement

The New Beginning: The 4 P’s:




Part to Play

The Process of Transition

Sell the problem before you try to sell the solution

Identify who is losing what

Give information – again and again

Involve people in the process

Treat the past with respect

Outcome: new attitudes, behaviors, identity for the people in the organization

Dealing with Ongoing Change

Change is the norm

Integrate other, ongoing changes within the context of the larger strategy within which the ongoing transitions occur

Clarify your mission – what are you trying to do and what are people’s roles in it?

Sell problems, not solutions

Change as a challenge that calls for a creative response involving everyone in the organization

The Anatomy of Change





Action Plan

= Successful Change



Gradual Change


False Starts

How do I mobilize my campus for change?

Asking the right questions:

Where are we now?

Where do we want to go?

How will we get there?

How will we know if we are (getting) there?

How will we sustain focus and momentum?

George’s Top Ten List

“Change is not a choice”

Meryl Streep, as Susan Orleans in Adaptation

George’s Top Ten List

No matter how hard you try, some people will not change!

George’s Top Ten List

Know the answer to “what’s in it for me” at all levels of the organization

George’s Top Ten List

Expect the unexpected!

George’s Top Ten List

Senior management must “walk the talk”

George’s Top Ten List

Make sure your plan factors into account:




business process

George’s Top Ten List

You get what you ask for




George’s Top Ten List

Be careful of your own actions…

be an early adopter - not only for your change project but others

don’t complain


George’s Top Ten List



Reward those who are trying!

Look for alignment across systems

George’s Top Ten List


YOUR boat


DOWN the stream


Life is but a DREAM!


Bridges, William (1991) Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change Addison-Wesley Perseus Books: Reading, MA.

•Holcomb, Edie (2001) Asking the Right Questions: Techniques for Collaboration and School Change.