We are running a commercial research study in the Carnegie research institute and need a few male runners to take part. As part of the study you will receive a VO2 max test and lactate profile test which is a fantastic tool to aid your training and gauge your fitness. We are testing a nutritional supplement called Udo’s choice blend oil which has received a lot of anecdotal evidence form endurance athletes in their general wellbeing and recovery after runs.
We will be running the study at the university and can cover some travel expenses if necessary.
If you think you might be interested or have any friends/relatives who you think would be then please do not hesitate to get in touch and more information can be provided.
Andy King
Please contact Andy King 07500875975 for further information.
Udo’s Oil Trials
By participating in this research study you will undergo tests that will provide you with your VO2max and lactate profiles. These data are useful in providing highly accurate heart rate zones for training intensities.
The study will seek to recruit 20 male runners with the objective of determining if there is an ergogenic benefit of Udo’s choice blend oil. The study will specifically address the hypothesis that a supplementation period using Udo’s Oil will reduce the severity of muscle damage and increase the time course of recovery following exertive running. Several blood borne markers of muscle damage will be assessed and a performance running test will be used as an indicator of the ‘real world’ effect of the supplementation period.
You will undergo a series of tests and procedures outlined below:
Pre Screening and Suitability:
Following an initial contact you will receive you information sheet and be required to declare their training level and estimated half marathon performance time. If participants have trained at least 2 times per week and estimate they are capable of running a sub 2 hour half marathon, they will be deemed suitable and asked to take part in the study. You will be sent a diet diary and a training diary to fill in. This will be used by the research team to analyse the adherence to diet and training level during the study.
Test Day 1:
On arrival to the Carnegie Research Institute (CRI) you will undergo a more extensive and physical screening process. There are several basic health requirements for any person undertaking laboratory based testing.
You will then have a 15ml sample of blood drawn from the medial cubital vein in the elbow which will be analysed for three markers of muscle damage and the degree of the inflammatory response to exercise. These markers have been chosen as the most sensitive measures of the expected muscle inflammatory response following exertive exercise. You will also report on two ratings scales to quantify the extent of the physiological muscle damage. These are a typical rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale and an adapted Borg CR10 scale for muscle soreness ratings.
The exercise test on day 1 is designed to elicit muscle damage by running over a highly varying range of gradients. The protocol we have designed will include sections of up to 20% gradient uphill and -23% gradient downhill and will cover 16 kilometres, or 10 miles. The protocol has been based largely on a real fell race in the UK. Throughout the exercise test you will be monitored for their level of oxygen consumption (VO2) and the level of carbon dioxide they are producing (VCO2). These values will give us a good indication of how hard you are working and will add to the strength of the data. The speed at which the test will be run will depend on the gradient. On the flat sections you will run at their lactate turnpoint (LTP) pace determined in the submaximal exercise test. The uphill and downhill sections will be self regulated.
You will have a blood sample drawn after the run to compare with the resting sample taken earlier. This will be followed up 24 hours later with another sample.
Test Day 2:
48 hours after the 16km running test you will return to complete a best effort 5km time trial on the flat. This will assess the performance recovery response to the initial test and act as an ecological determinant to support data gained from markers of muscle damage.
Supplementation Period:
Having been assigned to a trial group or a placebo group you will undergo a 6 week supplementation period. An identical daily smoothie will be provided to each group, but that of the trial group will contain a 25ml/kg body mass dose of Udo’s Oil. During this period they will be asked to monitor their intake of smoothie and maintain their diet and training level. They will provide another one week diet and training diary for the last week of the 6 week period. Following the 6 weeks, you will return to the lab to perform an exact repeat of the above tests.
The overall time commitment to the project is small but you will need to be free for around the same time on 3 consecutive days. On the second and third days you will be needed for half an hour and 1-1.5 hours respectively. On day one you will be needed for about 3-4 hours.
Should you have any questions about participating then please do not hesitate to contact the project leader Andy King on the following:
Email –
Mobile: 07500875975