North Anna River
Recreational User Survey
As part of an instream flow study being conducted for Dominion/Virginia Power, in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation (VDCR), we are conducting a survey of recreational users of the North Anna River. We would appreciate your input to this process.
For purposes of this assessment we are specifically interested in 4 Segments of the North Anna River described and shown below:
A. Rt 738 (Anderson Mill Road) – Rt 603 (Landora Bridge Road); ~ 4.3 miles
B. Rt 603 – Rt 601 (Hewlett Road, Butler’s Ford Bridge); ~2.8 miles
C. Rt 601 – Rt 1(Chesterfield Bridge); ~9.1 miles
D. Rt 1 – Rt 301; ~16.9 miles
Where applicable, please give your responses to questions in reference to these specific river segments. Provide answers only for those segments that you are familiar with. Note that the Randy Carter gage referred to in this survey is located on the bridge abutment at the Rt 601, Hewlett Road access to the North Anna River.
Please send your responses to: Bill Rue
EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc.
15 Loveton Circle, Sparks, MD 21152
Fax: 410-771-4204 E-mail:
Date: ______
Name: ______
Address: ______
Phone number (optional): ______
May we contact you at this number to discuss your experience further? :______
Craft Typically Used: ____ Canoe ____ Kayak ____ Other ______(specify)
Craft Length: ______
Craft material: ______
1. What are your preferred recreational activities on this River?
____ a. easy paddle ____ b. whitewater ____ c. fishing ____ d. outdoor experience
2. What do you consider your level of expertise with this craft?
_____ novice No previous experience
_____ beginner Some previous experience
_____ intermediate Experience negotiating Class 1-3 rapids
_____ advanced Experience negotiating Class 2-4 rapids
_____ expert Experience negotiating Class 3 and more difficult rapids
3. Approximately how many times have you been on each segment of the North Anna River?
Segment A:____ Segment B:____ Segment C:____ Segment D:____
4. Are you familiar with the Randy Carter gage at the Rt 601 Hewlett Road bridge?
Yes___ No___
5. Do you typically check the water level on the Randy Carter gage before planning/beginning a trip on the North Anna or Pamunkey Rivers?
Yes___ No___
If your answer to Question #5 above was yes, please answer the next four (4) questions by filling in the table below. Please answer as completely as you can for each river segment (A, B, C, or D) that you are familiar with, and each activity for which you use the North Anna River.
6. At what water surface reading on the Randy Carter gage do you consider flows to be the minimum for your desired activity in each segment? [NOTE: Randy Carter gage readings are in feet (e.g., 2.3 feet)]
7. At what water surface reading on the Randy Carter gage do you consider flows to be the best for
your desired activity in each segment?
8. At what range of water surface readings on the Randy Carter gage do you consider flows to be acceptable for your desired activity in each segment?
9. At the Randy Carter gage reading that you consider best for your activity (Answer #7 above), approximately how long does it take for you to travel through each of these segment?
RIVER SEGMENT / RANDY CARTER GAGE READING(S) / DESIRED ACTIVITYEasy Paddle / Whitewater / Fishing / Outdoor Experience
A / MINIMUM (feet)
BEST (feet)
Approximate Travel time at
BEST Reading (hours)
B / MINIMUM (feet)
BEST (feet)
Approximate Travel time at
BEST Reading (hours)
C / MINIMUM (feet)
BEST (feet)
Approximate Travel time at
BEST Reading (hours)
D / MINIMUM (feet)
BEST (feet)
Approximate Travel time at
BEST Reading (hours)
10. Do you typically check the river flows at any of the USGS gages before planning/beginning a trip on the North Anna River?
Yes___ No___
11. If so, which USGS gage(s) do you check?
Partlow ____ Hart Corner ____ At Little River ____ Hanover ____
If your answer to Question # 11 above was yes, please answer the next four (4) Questions by filling in the table below. Please answer as completely as you can for each river segment (A, B, C, or D) that you are familiar with, and each activity for which you use the North Anna River.
12. At what water flow (cfs) at the USGS gage do you consider flows to be the minimum for your desired activity in each segment? [NOTE: USGS gages report in cubic feet per second (cfs)]
13. At what water flow (cfs) at the USGS gage do you consider flows to be the best for your desired activity in each segment?
14. At what range of water flows (cfs) at the USGS gage do you consider flows to be acceptable for your desired activity in each segment?
15. At the USGS gage flow reading that you consider best for your activity (Answer #13 above), approximately how long does it take for you to travel through each segment?
RIVER SEGMENT / USGS GAGE READING(S) / DESIRED ACTIVITYEasy Paddle / Whitewater / Fishing / Outdoor Experience
A / MINIMUM (cfs)
BEST (cfs)
Approximate Travel time at
BEST Reading (hours)
B / MINIMUM (cfs)
BEST (cfs)
Approximate Travel time at
BEST Reading (hours)
C / MINIMUM (cfs)
BEST (cfs)
Approximate Travel time at
BEST Reading (hours)
D / MINIMUM (cfs)
BEST (cfs)
Approximate Travel time at
BEST Reading (hours)
16. If you have used both the Randy Carter gage and other USGS gages, which do you think provides the most useful information about the adequacy of flows on the North Anna and Pamunkey River for your preferred activity?
Randy Carter _____ USGS _____
17. What other sources of information about flow conditions on this River do you typically access? ______
18. What other sources/types of information would be helpful to you when planning an outing on the North Anna River? ______
19. At what locations within these four segments would additional public access for put-in and take-out be most useful? ______
If you know of other people who regularly use the North Anna River for recreation and could contribute useful information for this survey, please have them contact Bill Rue using contact information provided at the beginning of this questionnaire.
We sincerely appreciate your time and knowledge in filling out this form. Thanks.
P:\... NAR Boating Survey\Experienced Boater Survey Draft- 5 Nov- PM.doc