Rev. Mgmt. Branch (CFA)
Corporate Office
2nd Floor, Eastern Court
Janpath, New Delhi-110001
No:-9-75/2006-BSNL/TR(Pt.) Dated 27/06/2012
The Chief General Manager,
UP (East) Telecom Circle,
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited,
Subject: - Clubbing of Cable damage charges with IUC bills.
Kindly refer to your office letter no:-IOBAS(F)/UPE/Cable Damage/2011-12 dated 10.10.2011 addressed to DGM (Regln.-I), BSNL Corp. office seeking certain clarifications on the subject matter.
The queries raised by your office have been examined in Corporate office in consultation with Regln. branch and the same are clarified as follows:-
Query No. 1 Whether cable damage charges of other circle can be clubbed with the IUC bills of UP(East) Circle as no instructions are available in this regard in IOBAS procedure?
Clarification Yes. Regln. branch’s instructions issued vide letter no:-110-7/2002-Regln, dated 23.10.2003 may be followed in the matter.
Query No. 2 Whether cable damage can be adjusted/recovered from the IUC bills payable to the Operators?
Clarification It is already prescribed that the cable damage charges are to be linked with IUC bills after 60 days in case of non-payment of these damage charges by the Private Operators. Therefore, in case of non-payment of these amounts by the Private Operators, necessary actions as in the case of non-payment of IUC dues, are to be taken against such Private Operators as per provisions of Interconnect Agreement for recovery of such amounts along with applicable interest for delayed payments. However, before including cable damage charges in IUC billing, it should be ensured that all usual formalities viz. instant lodging of FIR, immediate joint survey and all other possibilities of realization shall be completed.
Query No. 3 Whether penal interest is recoverable for such cable damage charges recoverable from Operators?
Clarification Yes. Regln. branch’s instructions issued to AP Telecom Circle vide letter no:-110-7/2002-Regln/289, dated 8.3.2011 may be followed (copy overleaf)
This issues with the concurrence of PGM (Regln), BSNL C.O vide his Dy. No:-722 dated 25-06-2012
General Manager(Finance-CFA)
Copy to:-
1. Chief General Managers, All Telecom Circles/Metro Telephone Districts/Maintenance Regions for information, guidance and necessary action.
2. PGM (Regln), BSNL C.O, New Delhi w.r.t his case file 110-7/2002-Regln.