22442/SCR/DW/VL Issue 2April 2016



34 Greenbox, Westonhall Road, Stoke Prior, Worcestershire, B60 4AL

Copyright © 2015. This Manual and the information contained herein are the property of Quantum Risk Management Ltd t/a Quantum Compliance. It must not be reproduced or otherwise disclosed without prior consent in writing from Quantum Risk Management Ltd t/a Quantum Compliance.


25/4/2016 / 11 / 4.2 / Reviewed policy statement – no changes to statement. Updated review date to 2016. / 2


2Reference publications
3Terms and definitions
4OH&S Management System elements
4.1General requirements
4.2OH&S Policy
4.3.1Hazard identification, risk assessment and determining controls
4.3.2Legal and other requirements
4.3.3Objectives and programme(s)
4.4Implementation and operation
4.4.1Resources, roles, responsibility, accountability and authority
4.4.2Competence, training and awareness
4.4.3Communication, participation and consultation and consultation
4.4.5Control of documents
4.4.6Operational Control
4.4.7Emergency preparedness and response
4.5.1Performance measurement and monitoring
4.5.2Evaluation of compliance
4.5.3Incident investigation, non-conformity, corrective action and preventive action investigation, corrective action and preventive action
4.5.4Control of records
4.5.5Internal Audit
4.6Management Review
OHSAS 18001 specifies requirements for an OH&S Management System, to enable an organisation to control its OH&S risks and improve its performance. It does not state specific OH&S performance criteria, nor does it give detailed specifications for the design of a management system.
The OHSAS specification is applicable to any organisation that wishes to:
a)Establish an OH&S Management System to eliminate or minimise risk to employees and other interested parties who may be exposed to OH&S risks associated with its activities
b)Implement, maintain and continually improve an OH&S Management System
c)Assure itself of its compliance with its stated OH&S Policy
d)Demonstrate such compliance to others through self or third party determination
e)Seek certification/registration of its OH&S Management System by an external organisation.
All the requirements of the OHSAS Standard are intended to be incorporated into any OH&S Management System.
The extent of the application will depend on such factors as the OH&S Policy of the organisation, the nature of its activities and the risks and complexity of its operations. The specification is intended to address OH&S rather than product, property and services safety.
BS OHSAS 18002:2008, Guidelines for the implementation of OHSAS 18001.
International Labour Organisation : 2001, Guidelines on Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems (ILO-OSH 2001).
A risk that has been minimised to a level acceptable to the organisation taking into account any legal obligations and the requirement of the organisation’s OH&S Policy.
Systematic independent, documented examination to determine whether activities and related results conform to planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively.
Repeated process of enhancing the OH&S Management System to achieve improvements in overall OH&S performances, in accordance with the organisation’s OH&S Policy.
Note — The process need not take place in all areas of activity simultaneously.
Action to eliminate the cause of an actual or potential non-conformity.
Information and its supporting medium.
Source, situation or act with a potential for harm in terms of injury or ill health to employees, customers or other humans, or a combination of these.
Process of recognising that a hazard exists and defining its characteristics.
Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition brought on or exacerbated by a work activity or work related situation.
Event at work that gave rise to an injury, ill health or fatality or an event had the potential to lead to any such occurrence.
Note 1— An incident where no ill health, injury, damage or other loss occurs is also referred to as a “near miss” or similar. The term “incident” includes “near misses” and similar phrases.
Note 2— An emergency situation is a particular type of incident.


Individual or group concerned with or affected by the OH&S performance of an organisation either within or outside the workplace.
Any deviation from work standards, practices, procedures, regulations and/or management system requirement.
Conditions and factors that affect or could affect the well-being of employees, temporary workers, contractor personnel, visitors and any other person in the workplace.
Part of the overall management system that facilitates the management of the OH&S risks associated with the business of the organisation. This includes the organisational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the organisation’s OH&S Policy.
Goals, in terms of OH&S performance, that an organisation sets itself to achieve. OH&S objectives must be consistent with the OH&S Policy and where possible should be quantified.
Measurable results of the OH&S Management System, related to the organisation’s control of Health & Safety risks, based on its OH&S Policy and objectives.
A formal expression by top management of its overall intentions and direction of the organisation’s OH&S performance.
Company, operation, firm, enterprise, institution or association, or part thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration.
Note — For organisations with more than one operating unit, a single operating unit may be defined as an organisation.
Action to eliminate the cause of a potential non-conformity or potential incident.
Specified way to carry out an activity or process.
Document stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities performed.
Combination of the likelihood and consequence(s) of a specified hazardous event occurring including the severity of the injury or ill health that resulted or could result from the incident.
Overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk and deciding whether or not the risk is acceptable.
Any location where work activities that are controlled by the organisation takes place.
Summary of Requirements
The Standard requires that the organisation establishes and maintains an OH&S Management System, the requirements of which are described throughout clause 4.
/ Quantum Risk Management Ltd t/a Quantum Compliance(hereinafter jointly and separately referred to as the 'Organisation') has defined its OH&S Management System that is described in this Occupational Health & Safety Management System Manual.
/ The Organisation has determined its scope of certification. This is included in its OH&S Policy and is recorded on its OHSAS 18001 Certificate.
Summary of Requirements:
The Standard requires that top management defines the Organisation’s OH&S Policy and ensures that it:
a)Is appropriate to the Organisation and its OH&S risks
b)Includes a commitment to continual improvement in OH&S
c)Includes a commitment to comply with current applicable OH&S legislation and all other relevant requirements
d)Provides the framework for setting and reviewing OH&S objectives and targets
e)Is communicated to all persons under the control of the Organisation
f)Is available to all other interested parties
g)Is periodically reviewed and updated when required.
Quantum Risk Management Ltd t/a Quantum Compliance (hereinafter jointly and separately referred to as the 'Organisation') remains aware of its responsibilities relating to OH&S matters throughout its business activities specifically relating to the provision of risk management consultancy services.
It is our policy to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of all employees and any other persons who may be directly affected by the activities of the Company.
Quantum Risk Management will, so far as is reasonably practicable:
  1. Aim to achieve compliance with legal requirements through good occupational Health & Safety performance
  2. Provide adequate resources to implement this policy
  3. Establish and maintain a safe and healthy working environment
  4. Ensure that significant risks arising from work activities under our control are eliminated or adequately controlled
  5. Develop and implement appropriate occupational Health & Safety procedures, and safe working practices
  6. Include the management of Health & Safety as a specific responsibility of managers at all levels
  7. Ensure this policy is understood and implemented throughout the organisation
  8. Involve employees in Health & Safety decisions through consultation and co-operation
  9. Maintain workplaces under our control in a condition that is safe and without risk to health
  10. Regularly review compliance with the policy and the management system that support it
  11. Provide sufficient information, instruction and supervision to enable all employees to avoid hazards and contributeto their own Health & Safety at work

4.2 / OH&S POLICY (continued)
  1. Ensure that employees receive appropriate training, and are competent to carry out their designated responsibilities
  2. By Management Review and staff training the Organisation ensures that its performance relating to OH&S matters is subject to continual improvement
  3. This OH&S Policy is made available to all interested parties including members of the general public.

Gordon Allan
Managing Director
Date:May 2016
Version ______1______Next Review Date ____May 2017______
4.3.1 / Hazard identification, risk assessment and determining controls
Summary of Requirements:
The Standard requires that the Organisation establishes and maintains proactive procedures to enable the identification, control and monitoring of work and workplace-related hazards. The procedures must address:
a)Routine and non routine activities
b)‘Human behaviour and factors’ for all personnel, including visitors and sub-contractors
c)Risk classification for subsequent control.
The outcome of these procedures must be documented. Risk controls can then be determined with the aim of eliminating, reducing or otherwise managing risk.
/ As part of the initiation of the OH&S Management System, a complete review of the Organisation’s activities both at Head Office and on-site was undertaken during which the OH&S hazards relating to its activities were identified. Detailed Risk Assessments were reviewed of all identified hazards and recorded in the form of Risk Assessments.
/ In identifying hazards, account is taken of:
a)Routine and non routine activities
b)All personnel including sub-contractors, visitors and other interested parties
c)All facilities including those provided by others.
4.3.2 / Legal and Other Requirements
Summary of Requirements:
The Standard requires the Organisation to establish and maintain a procedure to identify and access applicable OH&S legal and other requirements. These will affect the OH&S system and relevant information must be communicated both internally and to ‘interested parties’.
/ The initial and all subsequent OH&S Management System reviews include a review of all existing and anticipated legislation and regulations that have, or may have, an impact on any of the Organisation’s activities.
/ All relevant new legislation and regulations are reviewed as part of day-to-day management activities and more formally during Management Reviews, in order to establish their relevance with regard to the Organisation’s activities.
/ The Organisation maintains an up-to-date library of relevant OH&S publications and technical data.
/ The Organisation is a member of a number of professional Health & Safety bodies and staff are required to complete CPD. Regular newsletters or similar publications that contain specific Health & Safety information and highlight revised or anticipated legal changes that have, or may have, an impact on the Organisation’s identified OH&S hazards are subscribed and received.
/ Any applicable new information is copied to all relevant personnel in the form of e-mails and/or update notices, Toolbox Talks, Risk Assessments, Method Statements and/or training notes as appropriate. Information is also made available using online resources.
4.3.3 / Objectives and Target Programme(s)
Summary of Requirements:
The Standard requires that documented OH&S objectives are set. A programme for achieving the objectives must be determined. The objectives and programme must be periodically reviewed and updated.
/ Quantifiable Health & Safety objectives are agreed at OH&S Management Review meetings. Minutes are kept of these meetings.
/ For each objective, a programme for its achievement is agreed and designated responsibilities and authorities are assigned.
/ As a part of the agenda of every OH&S Management Review meeting, progress towards the achievement of every objective is reviewed.
/ When necessary, the programme is amended to address changes to the activities or operating conditions of the Organisation.
/ Health & Safety details from the OH&S Management Review are circulated to all attendees and to the Directors.
4.4.1 / Resources, Roles, Responsibility, Accountability and Authority
Summary of Requirements:
The Standard requires that top management has ultimate responsibility for the OH&S system and ensures the availability of essential OH&S resources and define appropriate roles, responsibilities, accountabilities and authorities. These must be documented and communicated.
A specific manager must be appointed with the responsibility and authority for establishing, overseeing, maintaining and reporting on the OH&S Management System.
4.4.1 / Resources, Roles, Responsibilities and Authority (continued)
This is a management structure relating to OH&S matters and not necessarily to other management functions and responsibilities.

4.4.2 / Competence, Training and Awareness
Summary of Requirements:
The Standard requires that training requirements are identified. It requires that all personnel, whose work may have an impact on OH&S, have received appropriate training.
Training regarding each member of staff's responsibilities relevant to the OH&S Management System must be undertaken and recorded.
/ A comprehensive programme of OH&S training, including the content of Health & Safety Risk Assessments, is maintained and takes the form of:
a)Induction training
b)Internal training by more experienced staff.
c)CPD training.
/ In each instance trainees are made aware of:
a)The OH&S Policy and the OH&S Management System, including their own responsibilities with regard to their operation and implementation
b)The OH&S hazards, actual or potential, of their work activities and the benefits of improved personal performance
c)Their roles and responsibilities in achieving conformance with the requirements of the OH&S Management System, including emergency preparedness and response requirements.
/ Records of safety training are kept in accordance with the process described in Section 6.2 (Human resources), in the Organisation’s ISO 9001 Quality Manual.
/ OH&S training records include such details as:
a)Trainee’s name
b)Trainee’s job title
c)Course title/content
4.4.3 / Communication, Participation and Consultation
Summary of Requirements:
The Standard requires that there are procedures for carrying out and recording internal communication relating to the OH&S Management System and for receiving and controlling communications from external ‘interested parties’.
A procedure must be established to enable employee participation in hazard and risk control and involvement in incident investigation and other related OH&S matters.
/ Health & Safety information is circulated to all members of staff and management including any changes resulting from incidents or legal and regulatory implications. All staff and operatives are advised during training that they may contact the OH&S Manager, or members of the management team, to put forward Health & Safety related suggestions or to raise any queries relating to Health & Safety matters.
/ Staff may put forward comments and/or ideas as written details or verbally during communication sessions. OH&S notes provided by the staff or as captured by the relevant member of management conducting the communication session are returned to the administration office for consideration. Relevant feedback is then provided.
/ As a part of induction training, all employees are informed regarding OH&S communication arrangements and the role of the OH&S Manager.
/ Channels of OH&S communication are illustrated on the Structure and Responsibility Chart shown in Section 4.4.1.

Appropriate methods of communicating OH&S information and instructions are used including:

a)Circulation of written Health & Safety Risk Assessments
d)Communication meetings
e)Internet website portal.
4.4.4 / Documentation
Summary of Requirements:
The Standard requires that OH&S documentation (e.g. the OH&S Management System Manual) must include:
a)The OH&S Policy and objectives
b)The scope of the OH&S System
c)The main elements of the system and the interaction of these elements
d)Direction to related OH&S documents.
/ The core elements of the OH&S Management System and their interaction are described in this Manual.
/ In addition to this Manual, the following documents are critical to the effectiveness of the OH&S Management System:
a)The Organisation’s Health & Safety Policy
b)Risk Assessments
c)Method Statements
d)CoSHH sheets.
e)The Organisation’s Health & Safety procedures.
4.4.5 / Document and Data Control
Summary of Requirements:
The Standard requires that there are procedures for approving, controlling, reviewing and preserving all documents and data relating to the OH&S Management System.
/ The following documents are controlled:
a)This OH&S Management System Manual
b)Risk Assessments
c)Method Statements
d)The Organisation’s Health & Safety procedures.
/ The Managing Director and OH&S Manager have approved this OH&S Management System Manual and the associated documents referred to in Section 4.4.4 OH&S management system documentation and shall approve all subsequent issues.
/ The only controlled copy of the OH&S Management System Manual and the associated documents are those held on the Organisation’s computer system and are maintained by the OH&S Manager.
/ All hard and any other electronic copies are by definition uncontrolled.
/ Proposed changes to the OH&S Management System Manual and associated documents are identified during the day-to-day activities as well as more formally during the Management Review process described in Section 4.6.
/ Proposed changes are reviewed and, if appropriate, adopted by the OH&S Manager after taking into account all of the relevant information.
/ When adopted, changes are made to the controlled copy of the OH&S Management System Manual and any associated documents and the appropriate personnel are notified of the change.
/ The integrity of the computer system and the data held on it is maintained by running background virus protection software and the maintenance of effective and regularly updated firewalls.
4.4.5 / Document and Data Control (continued)