Te Hiringa i te Mahara



Hiphop Hurei!

Unit Plan Overview 3

Lesson 1 I haere koe ki te aha?

Plan 5

Tasks and Activities 6

Lesson 2 I aha koe?

Plan 11

Tasks and Activities 12

Lesson 3 Whakamāramatia mai

Plan 16

Tasks and Activities 17

Lesson 4 Korikori tinana

Plan 19

Tasks and Activities 20

Lesson 5 Kanikani Hiphop

Plan 23

Tasks and Activities 24

Lesson 6 Te Wā Heke

Plan 28

Tasks and Activities 29

Lesson 7 Pānui Hiphop

Plan 33

Tasks and Activities 34

Lesson 8 Hiphop mai!

Plan 36

Tasks and Activities 37

Māori Curriculum in the Mainstream

UNIT 2 / Hiphop Hurei
Year 11 / 8 lessons
KOEKE – Level / 5
TE ROA – Duration / 8 x 50 meneti
WHAINGA PAETAE / 5.1 Communicate about past activities and events
5.2 Communicate about present and past states, feelings and opinions
5.3 Communicate about past habits and routines
5.4 Describe, compare and contrast people, places and things
This Unit Plan includes kaupapa Māori references from He Aratohu 2007 Integrating Kaupapa Māori into Mainstream Secondary School Teaching and Learning Programmes-Practical Guidelines for teachers of all subjects. This will be released in 2008 – see www.thm.ac.nz


/ He Aratohu
Kaupapa Māori Te Hao model
Teacher knowledge: Moderate - High
ESSENTIAL LEARNING AREA AND STRAND / Language and Languages – Te Reo Māori
Whenu Torohū – Strand receptive
Whakarongo, Pānui, Mātakitaki

Whenu Whakaputa – Strand expressive

Kōrero, Tuhituhi, Whakaari / Papatūānuku
Oral – Listening, speaking
Tūmatauenga, Rongomātāne
Written – Reading, writing
Tangaroa, Ruaumoko
Visual – Viewing, presenting
Hineraumati, Tānerore, Tangaroa, Ruaumoko
TE REO MĀORI / Ngā Aria o te reo
Te āhua
Te wāhi
Kupu ōrite / Te Wetewete i te reo
I hea?
Ko wai…
Nō hea…
Ko te…
Kupu – tūmahi, ingoa, āhua
Kupu wā – I, I te, Kua
Ki ōku whakaaro…
He aha?
E hia? / Kupu hou
korikori tinana
mekemeke / Kiwaha
Learning outcomes Specific outcomes for fellow students to achieve by the end of the Unit. / By the end of this Unit students will be able to:
1. Record information about habits and routines.
2. Write a weekly journal/timetable.
3. Talk about past activities and record information from class mates.
4. Summarise text and recall information.
5. Brainstorm a topic of interest.
6. Use future time expressions.
7. Relate/recount information provided by another source.
8. Create a poster including relevant structures.
9. Create and present an item to class.
Teaching points
Points emphasised to help students understand the task and achieve the learning outcomes. / 1. Increasing and retaining new vocab is critical to speaking well. Introducing;
I hea?, Ko wai…, Nō hea…, Ko te, Kupu tūmahi/ingoa/_hua, Kupu wā – I/I te/Kua,
Ki ōku whakaaro…, He aha?, Nōnahea?, Ahea?, E hia?
2. Constructing questions and recording responses.
3. Respond accurately to varying time tenses.
4. State a particular reason for a particular viewpoint.
MAHI IA RA - Daily routine / Karakia, te wā, te āhua o te rangi, ngā ngohe, te mahi kāinga, karakia whakakapi
Learning activities the students will be required to do
I-Individual, independently / Lesson 1: I haere koe ki te aha?
1. Hei whakahikohiko (C).
2. Explain to the class that this lesson is about Kahurangi the hiphopper (C).
3. I haere koe ki hea? (C/G).
4. Te rātaka. Activity 1 (C/P).
5. Karakia (C).
Lesson 2: I aha koe?
1. Explain to the class that this lesson is
about creating rātaka (C).
2. Mahi whakarongo. Activity 1 (C/G).
3. Tuhi kōrero. Activities 1 & 3 (P).
4. Tuhi kōrero. Mahi kāinga (C/P).
5. Karakia (C).
Lesson 3: Whakamāramatia mai.
1. Hei whakahikohiko (C).
2. Explain to the class that this lesson
is about presenting Mahi kāinga
from the previous lesson (C).
3. Kōrero ā-waha/ Mahi whakarongo (C).
4. Karakia (C).
Lesson 4: Korikori tinana.
1. Explain to students that this lesson is
about hiphop teacher Tui Manuel (C).
2. E kī ana a Haimona (C).
3. Kia mārama. Activity 4 (G),
Resource 1.
4. Karakia (C).
Lesson 5: Kanikani Hiphop
1. Explain to the class that this lesson is
about what they think about
hiphop (C).
2. He wānanga whakaaro (G).
3. Tuhi pātai. Activities 4 & 5 (C).
4. Karakia (C).
Lesson 6: Te wā heke
1. Explain to the class that this lesson is
about Urban Beats (C).
2. Mahi pānui. Activity 6 (C).
3. Te wā heke. Activity 7(C).
4. Karakia (C).
Lesson 7: Pānui Hiphop
1. Explain to the class that this lesson is
about producing a hiphop pānui (C).
2. Whakarite pānui (G/P).
3. Hanga pānui (G/P).
4. Karakia (C).
Lesson 8: Hiphop mai
1. Explain to the class that this lesson is
about presenting hiphop (C).
2. Hanga whakaari (G).
3. Whakaaritia mai (G).
4. Karakia (C). / He Aratohu
Māori practice
Wānanga – several activities in this unit require students to consider, discuss and resolve situations.
Whakairo – the design and creation of promotional material.
Haka – this unit actively encourages a different form of haka, an expression of thoughts and feelings.
Waiata/Mōteatea – as with haka, waiata are expressions of thoughts and feelings as a way of conveying how in this case younger people may view the world.
Most appropriate method for measuring how well the students have achieved the Learning Outcomes / 1. Observational and formative
2. Oral – in response to teacher and peer questions
3. Peer
4. Written
5. Formative
6. Summative
7. Adaptation of some tasks for formal assessment against
AS 90132 Kōrero i te reo o tōna ao
Teaching and learning resources used e.g. equipment, texts etc / 1. Karakia
2. Papa Kupu
3. Activities 1 – 7
4. Large newsprint, markers, felt pens
5. Computer/internet access
6. See resources on Te Hiringa i te Mahara http://www.thm.ac.nz/resources/
Unit Plan Number / 2
Unit Plan Name / Hiphop Hurei
Lesson Number / 1 of 8
Lesson Title / I haere koe ki te aha?
Year Level / Y11
Learning Intention/Outcome Statements / 5.1  Communicate about past activities and events
5.3 Communicate about past habits and
Teacher and student instructions
Estimated time for completion / 50 minutes
Resource requirements / Activity 1 & Answer Sheet
Tasks in sequence
Some of these tasks are self-explanatory hence are not described in detail below. / Duration
2 / 1. Hei whakahikohiko (C)
2. Explain to the class that this lesson is
about Kahurangi the hiphopper (C).
3. I haere koe ki hea? (C/G).
4. Te rātaka. Activity 1 (C/P).
5. Karakia (C).
Reference material / Activity 1 & Answer sheet
Answer/marking schedule/criteria

Task 1 Hei whakahikohiko

You need: Hiphop music (reo Māori)

Duration: 5 mins

Participation: Class

Objective: To set the mood.

1. As students come into class play a selection of hiphop music in Māori to set the

mood for the unit.

Task 3 I haere koe ki hea?

You need: Good listening skills

Duration: 20 mins

Participation: Class/Groups

Objective: Talk about something you did in the past while recalling information from class mates.

1.  Introduce the past tense markers to the class.

2.  You may begin by asking students generic questions such as:

·  I hea koe inanahi?

·  I haere koe ki te aha?

·  I kōrero koe ki a wai?

·  He aha te taima i tae atu koe ki …?

3.  Each student must respond appropriately.

4.  If possible, organise students in a circle. (If class numbers are large, students can be split into 2 groups for this exercise. Teacher will be required to monitor both groups.)

5.  The teacher may start by saying ‘I tērā wiki i haere au ki te kura..’

6.  The student on her left has to repeat her sentence and continue with her own. He tauira: ‘I tērā wiki i haere au ki te kura, ki te tāone hoki.’

7.  In turn the next student will continue: ‘I tērā wiki i haere au ki te kura, ki te taone ki te whare pukapuka hoki..’

8.  This continues around the circle until all students have had a turn. The last student to speak would have repeated all of the sentences prior to their own.

Task 4 Te rātaka

You need: Activity 1 and Answer Sheet

Duration: 20 mins

Participation: Class/Pairs

Objective: Use knowledge of past tense structures to correctly identify and select answers from a multiple choice exercise.

1.  Students may work in pairs for this task.

2.  Hand out Activity 1 to students. Students are to study the timetable and complete the multiple choice exercise.

3.  Teacher may check answers from the Activity 1 answer sheet.

Activity 1


Ngā Haora / Ngā Mahi Kori Tinana
RĀHINA / 7am
1-4pm / Omaoma haere ki tātahi
Parakitihi kanikani hiphop
RĀTŪ / 8am
3pm / Parakuihi
Kēmu whutupōro
RĀAPA / 7am
1-2pm / Omaoma haere
Kaukau ki te whare kaukau
RĀPARE / 8am
1-4pm / Parakuihi
Hīkoi e kaha ana te haere
Parakitihi kanikani hiphop
RĀMERE / 7am
2-3pm / Omaoma haere
Korikori tinana
7pm / Parakuihi
Parakitihi kanikani hiphop
Kanikani whakangahau
RĀTAPU / Te rā katoa / He whakatā

Activity 1 – Cont.

Āta titiro ki te rātaka kori tinana a Kahurangi kātahi ka porowhita ai i te reta o te whakautu e tika ana: Look carefully at Kahurangi’s exercise timetable then circle the letter of the correct answer.

1.  I haere a Kahurangi ki hea i te iwa karaka o te Rātū?

a.  Ki te kāinga

b.  Ki te mekemeke

c.  Ki te hōhipera

2.  I omaoma a Kahurangi ki hea i te Rāhina?

a.  Ki te whare kaukau

b.  Ki te kura

c.  Ki tātahi

3.  I aha ia i te 3 karaka o te Rātū

a.  I pūrei ia i te kēmu whutupōro

b.  I moe ia

c.  I pūrei ia i te rakuraku

4.  I hea te whakataetae kanikani hiphop?

a.  I Kirikiriroa

b.  I Pōneke

c.  I Amerika

5.  I hea a Kahurangi i te Rāapa i muri iho i te tina?

a.  I te whare pukapuka

b.  I te whare hokohoko kai

c.  I te whare kaukau

6.  E hia ngā haora i parakitihi ai a Kahurangi i te kanikani hiphop?

a.  E rua

b.  E rua tekau

c.  Tekau mā rua

7.  I aha ia i te Rātapu?

a.  I whakatā ia

b.  I ruku kaimoana ia

c.  I horoi ia i ōna kākahu

8.  E hia tōna pakeke?

a.  Tekau mā toru ōna tau

b.  E rima ōna tau

c.  Rua tekau ōna tau

Activity 1 – Answer Sheet – Tā te kaiako

Ata titiro ki te rātaka kori tinana a Kahurangi kātahi porowhitangia i te reta o te whakautu e tika ana: Look carefully at Kahurangi’s exercise timetable then circle the letter of the correct answer.

1.  I haere a Kahurangi ki hea i te iwa karaka o Rātū?

a.  Ki te kāinga

b.  Ki te mekemeke

c.  Ki te hōhipera

2.  I omaoma a Kahurangi ki hea i te Rāhina?

a.  Ki te whare kaukau

b.  Ki te kura

c.  Ki tātahi

3.  I aha ia i te 3 karaka o te Rātū

a.  I pūrei ia i te kēmu whutupōro

b.  I moe ia

c.  I pūrei ia i te rakuraku

4.  I hea te whakataetae kanikani hiphop?

a.  I Kirikiriroa

b.  I Pōneke

c.  I Amerika

5.  I hea a Kahurangi i te Rāapa i muri iho i te tina?

a.  I te whare pukapuka

b.  I te whare hokohoko kai

c.  I te whare kaukau

6.  E hia ngā haora i parakitihi ai a Kahurangi i te kanikani hiphop?

a.  E rua

b.  E rua tekau

c.  Tekau mā rua

7.  I aha ia i te Rātapu?

a.  I whakatā ia

b.  I ruku kaimoana ia

c.  I horoi ia i ōna kākahu

8.  E hia tōna pakeke?

a.  Tekau mā toru ōna tau

b.  E rima ōna tau

  1. Rua tekau ōna tau

Unit Plan Number / 2
Unit Plan Name / Hiphop Hurei
Lesson Number / 2 of 8
Lesson Title / I aha koe?
Year Level / Y11
Learning Intention/Outcome Statements / 5.1  Communicate about past activities and events.
5.3 Communicate about past habits and
Teacher and student instructions
Estimated time for completion / 50 minutes
Resource requirements / Activity 1
Activity 2 – Mahi Whakarongo Answer Sheet
Activity 3
Papa kupu
Tasks in sequence
Some of these tasks are self-explanatory hence are not described in detail below. / Duration
2 / 1. Explain to the class that this lesson is
about creating rātaka (C).
2. Mahi whakarongo. Activity 1 (C/G).
3. Tuhi kōrero. Activities 1 & 3 (P).
4. Tuhi kōrero. Mahi kāinga (C/P).
5. Karakia (C).
Reference material / Activity 2 – answer sheet
Papa kupu
Answer/marking schedule/criteria

Task 2 Mahi whakarongo

You need: Activity 1 from Lesson 1

Activity 2 – Mahi Whakarongo Answer Sheet

Duration: 15 mins

Participation: Class/Groups

Objective: To listen for meaning.

1.  Students will revisit Activity 1 from lesson 1.

2.  Explain to the students that this is a listening exercise therefore allow a few

minutes for the students to re-familiarise themselves with the text

3.  Teacher will read out each question twice - Activity 2.

4.  Students must listen carefully to the questions and answer them correctly.

5.  Teacher may check answers from Activity 2 – Answer Sheet.

Activity 2 – Mahi Whakarongo/Answer Sheet

Whakarongo ki ngā pātai e rima a te kaiako kātahi ka whakautu ai i ngā pātai. E rua ngā pānuitanga o ia pātai. Listen to the teachers 5 questions then answer them. They will be read twice.

1.  He aha te taima i haere a Kahurangi ki te kanikani whakangahau?