Kirkby College Governing Body
Minutes of the Autumn term meeting of the governing body of Kirkby College held on Wednesday, 23 November, 2016 at 4.30 pm at the school
Membership / Mrs D Dulake‘A’ denotes absence / A / Mrs J Taylor
A / Mr S Winfield
Mr J P Goodwin
One parent governor vacancy
Mr P Brown (vice chair)
Mr E Eaton
Mrs S Reast (chair)
Mr P R Bates
One community governor vacancy
Reverend Dr N Popham
Mr J H Bates
Mrs L Bates
Mrs K Bowers
Mr S A Taylor (principal)
In attendance / Ms B Blagden (head of school)
Mrs M Robinson (clerk to the governors)
GB/26/16 / Apologies for absence
An apology for absence was received from Mr S Winfield due to illness. It was
that the governing body would consent to the absence.
GB/27/16 / Declaration of interest
There were no declarations of interest, either direct or indirect, for items of business on the agenda.
The clerk distributed the register of interests for the annual review. Governors were asked to check and update their entry as necessary, including any relevant family relationships.
GB/28/16 / Review of membership
Governors received and noted the governing body membership list, which had been previously circulated.
There was a vacancy at present for one parent governor. Repeated requests for expressions of interest in this position remained unsuccessful.
Mr J H Bates’ term of office would expire on 28 November 2016. He reiterated his intention to retire from his position.
Mrs Reast warmly thanked Mr Bates for his service over many years and made a small presentation.
Mr T Lole had resigned from his position as a Community governor due to work commitments. Governors asked the clerk to send a letter expressing their thanks and best wishes to Mr Lole for his support.
There were no nominations for the community vacancies and these were held over to the next meeting.
Mrs Reast’s term of office was due to end on 27 November 2016. She indicated her willingness to continue and left the meeting during discussion of this matter. There were no further nominations. It was
that Mrs S Reast would be re-appointed for a 4 year term ending 27 November 2020. / clerk
GB/29/16 / Determination of term of office for vice-chair
The clerk advised the governing body that they were required to determine the length of office for the chair and vice-chair of the governing body when they came due for appointment.
Mrs Reast had previously been appointed as chair of the governing body for a 2 year term ending at the Autumn term meeting 2017 so this position was not due for review.
Mr Brown had been appointed as vice-chair of the governing body for a 1 year term ending at this meeting. It was
that the term of office for the vice-chair would be 2 years ending at the Autumn term meeting 2018.
GB/30/16 / Election of vice-chair
Mr P Brown was nominated for the position of vice-chair. There were no further nominations.
Mr Brown withdrew. It was
unanimously that Mr Brown would be appointed as vice-chair of the governing body for a 2 year term ending at the Autumn term meeting 2018
GB/31/16 / Minutes of the Summer term meeting
The minutes of the Summer term meeting held on 29 June 2016, having been previously circulated, were confirmed and signed by the chair.
GB/32/16 / Matters arising
GB/18/16 Finance, General Purposes, Personnel and Pupils Committee
As instructed by the governing body meeting, Mr Taylor and Mrs Bowers had met on 06 July 2016 to finalise the decision to award the contract for the condition improvement funding for internal works relating to fire regulations. They considered the report prepared by Make Consulting Limited. The tender prepared by Beaufort Construction Limited in the sum of £283,375 (ex VAT) was accepted and the work was now nearing completion.
None to report.
GB/33/16 / Continued response to national change (arising from Strategic Development Committee)
Ms Blagden had reported to the Strategic Development meeting but she now wished to report further changes. She distributed details of the Progress 8 basket of subject qualifications showing the intended focus of English Language, Maths, double Science, ECDL, English Literature plus one other subject.
Ms Blagden explained why the focus would be on 58 students from the cohort and again detailed Year 11 interventions. Following the recent grade sweep it had become clear that students were some way off target for English Literature and more time was needed. Specific interventions in this area were outlined. It was essential that 39 of the group were successful in meeting their target. The senior leadership team had agreed that 3 additional periods would be required from either PE or PSE time, although PE would still be offered in after school sessions.
Twelve students who were not expected to meet their target grades would no longer study MFL.
In the new timetable all additional English Literature lessons would be taught by English specialists.
Parents and students had been informed.
Miss Blagden responded to questions and clarified points raised.
In looking forward to next year, Ms Blagden noted that MFL grades hadn’t been good for the past 3 years. Students following Pathway 3 had to study a language at present but this could become an option rather than a requirement moving forward. A new PE qualification had become available with an emphasis on practical activity; this was being explored further.
GB/34/16 / Reports from committees and working parties
Strategic Development Committee
The draft minutes of the meeting of the Strategic Development Committee, held on 19 October 2016, were received and noted.
Mr Brown detailed the business of the meeting.
Mr Taylor noted that only one parent had attended the new Parents’ Forum which had been open to all parents plus Year 5 and 6 parents from the family primary schools.
Finance, General Purposes, Personnel and Pupils Committee
The draft minutes of the meeting of the Finance, General Purposes, Personnel and Pupils Committee, held on 16 November 2016, were received and noted. Mrs Reast detailed the business of the meeting.
(Mrs Dulake arrived)
FGPP&P/25/16 Kingsway traffic issue
A response had been received from Nottinghamshire County Council to the letter expressing governors’ concerns about safety issues for students on Kingsway. Budgetary constraints and the absence of any incidents on this stretch of road meant that they would be unable to take action at this time.
FGPP&P/26/16 Year End Accounts 2015/16
The governing body noted the report and decisions in the minutes concerning the audit and Year End Accounts. It was
that the committee’s decision to accept the Year End Accounts was endorsed and this would be commended to the trustees’ annual general meeting. Mrs Reast and Mr Taylor had signed the accounts which would be submitted to Companies House.
Mr Eaton requested a copy of the newly updated Whistleblowing Policy document. / Clerk
GB/35/16 / Principal’s report
Mr Taylor presented his report which had been previously circulated.
Governors noted that more able students presently had the option of studying two languages in Year 8 and this would continue to be the case.
Mrs Reast thanked Mr Taylor for his report.
GB/36/16 / Safeguarding children in education governors’ compliance checklist
Mrs Bowers had reviewed the checklist and was able to confirm compliance in all areas of responsibility.
Mrs Reast would sign the proforma on behalf of the governing body and the clerk would return it to the Local Authority’s Safeguarding Officer. / clerk
GB/37/16 / Governor training
Mrs Bates reported that there had once again been problems with GEL, the online training system but that these were now resolved. The subscription for this service was due for renewal in March 2017 and due to poor service and little uptake this may not be renewed. Mrs Bates noted that relevant information was readily available on the internet.
GB/38/16 / Governor visits
The majority of governors had indicated that they would be attending the Presentation Evening to be held on 01 December 2016.
Mr P R Bates had undertaken a student behaviour panel in September.
GB/39/16 / Policy documents
No further policies for consideration at this time.
GB/40/16 / Confirmation of dates for the remainder of the academic year.
The governing body
that further 2016/2017 meetings would be held as follows:
Spring term: Wednesday, 29 March 2017 at 4.30 pm
Summer term: Wednesday, 05 July 2017 at 4.30 pm
GB/41/16 / Determination of confidentiality of business
It was
That all papers would be made available as required.
The meeting closed at 5.50 pm.
Signed ...... (chair)Date ......