Meeting called to order at 7:00. Aprilminutes approved by Board.


Aldo Mascheroni / Craig Dunkin / David Lans / Bob Derosa
Aramazd Davidian / Ross Paulson / Jeff Patterson / Frank Bagheri
Leigh Helberg / Harry Hannessian / Mark Garscia / Leonard Manoukian
Walter Larreynaga / Rob Duryee / Shawn Migliaccio / Scott Nord
Harvey Goldhammer / Rom Regan / Kurt Weissmuller / Armen Cazian
Robert Parada

Safety Moment – David Lans

David printed up signs with gentle instructions about how spectators should behave. He showed them to the Board and remarked that these were reminders that these games are played by kids and all present are volunteers. They will be stored in the equipment boxes at the fields. They will be put up at the entrances to the fields.

Referee Report – Frank Bagheri:

Vartan Ghermezian is getting YDP games covered. It is a struggle for coverage on spring games.

The region is looking to have a basic clinic soon.

It was suggested to have someone come in and video tape some of the modules to preserve them for further instruction.

Scott Nord mentioned having National and Advanced refs come out and mentor U10s in the first few weeks of the season. Harvey Goldhammer suggested having a scrimmage weekend here we can mentor referees. Rob Duryee suggested having a bloc schedule of mentors at each U10 field. Leonard Manoukian suggested that referees be rewarded for mentoring.

Coach report Jeff Patterson:

Clinics for U6, U8, U10 and U12 are set for next weekend – 5/14. The region will have a Safe Haven clinic on the night of May 26. There are 40 people registered.

The Coach Instructor course was canceled. Area 1C may now hold such a clinic on August 5-6.

The intermediate/advanced coaching clinic is May 21-22.

Treasurer’s Report:


VIP Report – Tom Regan:

There are 12 kids signed up right now for VIP.

RC/Registrar Report – Aldo Mascheroni:

There are 2736 players registered, which is 900 off of the total for last year. There were 3000 signed up at this time last year. 431 players are pre-registered. 100 players signed up at Once Upon a Time on May 4 and 229 on April 21.

There are 268 head coaches in place, including 3 new U5 boys coaches on May 4. 171 assistant coaches are signed up.

The major talk at the Area meeting was YDP. Area Director Jane Mason believes that YDP is likely a thing of the past.

There was discussion about Region 88 having an organized spring season. 400 Region 88 players usually sign up for spring and 400 for YDP, which means 800 that play in the spring. Aldo was confident that the Region could sign up 1500 players for such a program run by Region 88, but the numbers would depend on field space. The consensus was that this would only be open for players signed up in the fall.

Safe Haven is required for everyone that has not taken it since 2012. Concussion awareness online course is still required.

Jane Mason is having CVPA training next Wednesday but it may be canceled. Anyone that wants to take it should contact Scott Nord.

There are 60-62 kids signed up for U4. A couple of weekends were missed. People are inquiring about fall. National has mandated that kids be 3 by August 1.

Spring soccer is going very well. There have been no complaints at all.

Some divisions are short of coaches for the fall. U10 is actually going well. Leigh Helberg is recruiting coaches. Kurt suggested a video showing kids whose fathers coached their kids to use as a recruitment tool for new coaches. The underlying theme is would be that coaches are needed in all these younger divisions. Rob Duryee suggested that there should some incentivizing people – perhaps free registration - into coaching. It was also suggested that the region should also be better with recruiting coaches at sign-ups. Jim DeRoche suggested a coach mentor program and would be willing to help with this. Shawn Migliaccio also suggested engaging assistant coaches. Armen Cazian also suggested more of an effort be put into recruiting referees to ease coaches’ burdens.

Shawn was informed that region guidelines are due on June 1.

The region’s attendance at NAGM and Expo were addressed at the Area meeting. There were no Region 88 personnel represented at the Expo. The region decided that every Board member will be asked to go to the Expo and NAGM so that the Region is represented at these.

Jane Mason also wants us to push to get more volunteers. She does not want coaches coaching more than two teams, generally. The Area also wants us to participate in Extra program. She also mentioned refereeing games outside of our region. We may form a group of referees that we send out to these tournaments. There was also discussion of the perception of Region 88 by those outside the Area.

AYSO National also wants the region to use Blue Sombrero web site. Blue sombrero is going to be comprehensive. There is scheduling, mobile apps, standings, team pages, certifications and tournament and referee scheduling. eAYSO is likely a thing of the past. There will be email coupons. The wave of the future is that credit card transactions will be the norm.

Per Walter Larreynaga, numbers of teams and players are needed by end of May so that he can order uniforms for the fall. The date of distribution of uniforms will need to be moved up in accordance with moving the schedule up before Labor Day. August 6 is the likely distribution date.

For All-stars, Hoop-de-doo is moving. Embroider Me is the new vendor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:18