Reading and Comprehension Questions for Chapter 5
1. The probability distribution that describes the simultaneous behavior of two or more random variables is called a joint distribution.
True False
True – see Section 5-1.
2. A marginal probability distribution is the individual probability distribution of one of the random variables in a joint distribution.
True False
True – see Section 5-1.2.
3. A conditional probability distribution does not depend on the values of any other random variables.
True False
False – see Section 5-1.3.
4. The conditional mean of the random variable Y given that X = x, in the case of discrete random variables, is found as .
True False
True – see Section 5-1.3.
5. The conditional variance of the random variable Y given that X = x, in the case of discrete random variables, is found as .
True False
False – see Equations 5-5
6. Two random variables X and Y are independent if .
True False
True – see Section 5-1.4.
7. If the set of points in two-dimensional space that receive positive probability under the joint distribution of X and Y does not form a rectangle, X and Y are independent.
True False
False – see Section 5-1.4.
8. If X and Y are independent, then .
True False
False – see Equations 5-6.
9. The conditional probability mass function is defined as .
True False
True – see Section 5-2.3.
10. If X and Y are jointly distributed continuous random variables, the mean and variance of X cannot be found from the joint distribution.
True False
False – see Section 5-2.5
11. The covariance of two random variables is a measure of the relationship between them.
True False
True – see Section 5-3.
12. The covariance between two random variables X and Y is
Answer is a – see Equation 5-26.
13. The correlation between two random variables X and Y is .
True False
True – see Equation 5-27.
14. If X and Y are positively correlated, then there is not a linear relationship between them.
True False
False – see Section 5-3.
15. If Y and X are independent random variables, then the correlation between them is zero.
True False
True – see Section 5-3.
16. If the correlation between the two Y and X is zero, then the random variables are independent.
True False
False – see Section 5-3.
17. The bivariate normal distribution has parameters .
True False
True – see Equation 5-30.
18. If Y and X have a bivariate normal distribution, then the marginal distributions of Y and X are not necessarily normal.
True False
False – see Section 5-4.
19. If Y and X are random variables and a and b are constants, then the expected value of Y = aY +bX is
Answer is b – see Equation 5-35 for the general case.
20. If Y and X are random variables and a and b are constants, then the variance of Y = aY +bX is a2Y +a2X .
True False
True – see Equation 5-37 for the general case.