will hold a work session on

MONDAY, APRIL 6, 2009.

The work session will begin at 6:00pm.

WORK MEETING: 6:00 pm Town Hall

a. Discussion with Town Attorney and Town Engineer on Impact Fees.

b. General discussion


c. Work Meeting

Karri Olds, Town Clerk

Posted at the following locations on this 2nd day of April 2009:

1. Virgin Town Hall Office 2.Virgin Post Office 3. Red Coyote Café

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communication aids and services) during this meeting should notify Karri Olds, Town Clerk, at (435) 635-4695, at least 24 hours in advance.





Monday, April 6, 2009


Members: Mayor John Grow

Bill Adams

Lee Ballard

Bruce Densley

Others: Karri Olds, Town Clerk

Ray Golata, Town Treasurer

Jason Smith, Town Engineer

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wilson

Excused: Luke Stevens


Mayor Grow called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

a.  Discussion with Town Attorney and Town Engineer on Impact Fees.

b.  General Discussion.

Lee Ballard asked Town Engineer, Jason Smith, if he and his firm had worked on an estimate for the new Capital Facilities Plan. Mr. Smith responded that they had but explained that the State of Utah is changing the laws. He planned to attend a conference on April 22 to get more information on the changes and what the requirements will be for towns similar in size to Virgin. Some questions he had pertained to the current Capital Facilities Plan and whether the maps are available on disk. Lee Ballard stated that electronic copies are available but are not very detailed. Mr. Smith indicated that he had been unable to obtain copies from the former engineer and stated that they will be costly to recreate. Lee Ballard remarked that the maps are not very accurate and had not been from the beginning. Town Clerk, Karri Olds, offered to contact Alpha Engineering and attempt to obtain a copy of the Capital Facilities Plan.

Mayor Grow asked Mr. Smith if he had been in contact with anyone from the Conservancy District. Mr. Smith responded that he emailed them but received no response. The Mayor indicated that he would contact Ron Thompson the following day and have him or someone from his office contact Mr.Smith.

Steve Wilson updated the Council on the Sierra Bella development. He stated that he had been waiting for the engineers to flag the easement in order to build the fence. It had taken longer than anticipated since Jeremy at Bush and Gudgell deleted the original easement when he left. The firm was now in the process of recreating the map. Mr. Wilson hoped to have it by the end of the week.

Mr.Wilson next addressed fencing on top of culverts. He indicated that he informed Jason of what needed to be done there and he expected that portion of the fencing to be done by the end of the week. Mr.Wilson agreed to get back to the Mayor with an estimate of when the work will be complete.

Lee Ballard referred to the list from the Town’s Capital Facilities Plan and stated that many of the items are incorrect. The Mayor referenced some inaccuracies. Mr. Smith indicated that any lines that are less than eight inches in size ought to be replaced very soon. He expected the Town to be able to obtain funding to do that because the state statute requires eight-inch lines for fire protection. The Mayor identified areas where there are six-inch lines. Lee Ballard suggested a list of urgent water projects be compiled. Mayor Grow suggested the Town water representative meet with Mr. Smith in order to get the pump house on line. Mr. Smith agreed to contact the manufacturers and find out when they can meet. Coordination and pole relocation issues were discussed.

Impact fee issues were discussed. The Mayor stated that water, park, and road impact fees need to be used. He asked for details with regard to how they can be spent. Mr. Smith explained that the road impact fees can be used to maintain existing roads. The arduous process of revising the plan was discussed. Mr.Smith stated that a reason would have to be given for changing the plan and information provided allowing for it to be amended. He believed that replacing items deemed necessary by the Capital Facilities Plan would be an acceptable reason for an amendment. Lee Ballard’s understanding was that if the existing facilities are substandard they have to be brought up to standard using other funding.

Mayor Grow commented on the existing building on the park property and if money is available, he suggested the rock be removed and the area leveled. Lee Ballard suggested instead that some of the rock be removed and cement walkways be constructed. The Mayor worried about potential hazards. He was concerned that it might cost more to make it safe than it would to remove it. He hoped to see the front of the park asphalted to the road with parking and a sidewalk to the restrooms and playground area. The money to make those improvements could be spent locally as many contractors in the area are out of work. Various available funding programs were identified.

The possibility of finishing the restroom at the BMX Park was discussed. The Mayor thought the restroom at the park could be completed for $2,000 or $3,000. He was confident that it would get more use if the restroom is finished and picnic tables are installed. Town Treasurer, Ray Golata, reported that $30,000 remains in road impact fees, $55,000 in park impact fees, $93,000 in water impact fees, and $2,400 in fire impact fees. At Falls Park, the Mayor suggested the hill be fenced off and the entrance improved. Bruce Densley suggested that since money is available, the Town should get started on certain projects.

Lee Ballard suggested the Council go fund-by-fund and list projects they think are necessary and prioritize them. The Mayor mentioned that the Town received a $2 million grant to relocate Kolob Road. He stated that the most common complaints he hears have to do with drainage on Kolob Road. Mr. Smith stated that currently there is no right-of-way on Kolob Road, which is a 10-year road. He wanted to make sure that changes do not put the burden on other property owners.

Lee Ballard asked about police and park impact fees and if police impact fees can be used to purchase an electronic speed limit sign for Kolob Road. Mr. Smith thought it would be possible. Council Member Ballard had heard that park impact fees can be used for various public spaces including items designed and built with a streetscape. Mr.Smith confirmed that that is the case. Lee Ballard asked if excess park impact fee money can be applied to a streetscape plan. Mr.Smith was unsure if it could be introduced after the fact and then designed. It was noted that impact fees are to be used to address impacts to the Town resulting from new development. Lee Ballard commented that the streetscape plan along SR-9 is intended to include trails because of the problems that exist with ATVs. One idea was to have an ATV trail on the north side of the highway all the way down. Pedestrians and bicycles would use the trail on the south side of the highway. She thought it was important for work to begin since UDOT has a list of projects, some of which affect Virgin.

The Mayor suggested individual Council Members indicate what improvements they would like to see. He wanted to obtain soccer goal posts, for example. Bruce Densley thought that if the restroom facility at the park is to be finished it would be nice to have a cement pad there. The Mayor suggested the tennis courts be improved and new basketball nets purchased. His goal was to make the park usable.

Lee Ballard referred to the water impact fee that has been collected and stated that it has to be used to develop new water sources. When the plan was adopted, the Town added a substantial amount to the water impact fee to either develop their own water source to make the Town more independent or devise a water pooling agreement. She thought both could be done if water shares are being purchased and they are working to develop water that is already owned as a water source. Mr. Smith reviewed the Town’s two main existing water sources. One generates approximately 83 acre-feet per year while the other produces approximately 23 acre-feet per year. In addition, the Town has to purchase a substantial amount of water to maintain its own water source independently. The Mayor understood that and stated that the water is not good quality. Mr. Smith suggested that the Town consider acquiring any water that becomes available, including irrigation water. Doing so will increase the value of the water, particularly to the Water Conservancy District. Lee Ballard asked Mr.Smith inform the Town when water shares become available.

Mr. Golata was asked to provide the Council with the amount of money currently available in the reserve. Mr.Smith stated that the Town is currently guaranteed up to 1,000 connections. The rates are expected to nearly double beyond the 1,000 hookups. Bruce Densley suggested the various projects be prioritized.

Mayor Grow reported that Liahona will be on the agenda this month. The first thing they will do is extend the water line from Rio de Sion up to Liahona and bring it into compliance. The Town will need to install the water line only from Liahona to Wade Clifton’s gate. At that point the entire east side of the Town will be done.

Hydrant issues were discussed. The Mayor stated that there are numerous places in Town where hydrants are needed. He estimated the cost of the needed hydrants to be $24,000. He estimated the cost to be $2,000 for each hydrant and hookup. The Mayor suggested a public hearing be scheduled and the matter posted.

Mr. Smith estimated the cost of redoing the Capital Facilities Plan without information from Alpha to be $30,000 to $40,000. That would involve redoing all of the mapping, a water system analysis, and as-builts. The Mayor asked Mr.Smith what he would do different, from what Alpha Engineering had done, to avoid problems in the future. Mr. Smith recommended the Council get to a point where they are confident that they know what their lines are. The Mayor wanted to get to the point that he knows that the Town is not liable because of lack of pressure. Mr. Smith stated that perhaps addressing pressure issues will be adequate. The Town could test the pressures and ensure that they are adequate.

The Mayor understood improvements are needed but did not know how much he would want to pay for them. His preference would be work on the General Plan. Lee Ballard’s concern was that it proposes new facilities that in her opinion, do not match the current plans. The most current Streets and Roads Plan for example, is not included and should be. The Mayor added that the General Plan also needs to be updated. Mr.Smith suggested that be done as part of the Capital Facilities Plan including putting in a Trails Master Plan and future roads. He explained that the General Plan should address future growth planned within the next 10 years. Before having Mr.Smith spend more time on it, Mayor Grow wanted to reevaluate it himself and see how much he thinks is in error and then turn it back over to Mr. Smith to come up with a cost estimate. Lee Ballard commented that the Council has a large capital project in mind (the Old Church Restoration) that is not included. She was unsure which funds could be used to pay for it. She explained that it will take pressure off the existing Town Hall Building if it serves as the Council’s future meeting place.

The Council Members were invited to provide the Mayor with additional questions. In the meantime, a cost estimate would be provided on some of the desired projects and a public hearing scheduled on amending the current budget.


c.  Work Meeting.

Bruce Densley moved to adjourn. Lee Ballard seconded the motion. Vote on motion: Lee Ballard-Aye, Bruce Densley-Aye, Bill Adams-Aye, Mayor John Grow-Aye. The motion passed unanimously.

The Town Council Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.


Karri Olds

Town Clerk

Approved: ______